QUESTIONS FOR THE SECOND SESSION 1. Focus on the reasons why the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) decided in its Opinion 2/13 that the accession to the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) was incompatible with EU law. 2. Read pages 43-53 of the Avotiŋš judgment and try to identify what is the European Court of Human Rights’ view on (in) compatibility of the EU law with ECHR. What does the so-called Bosphorus presumption refer to? 3. Read paras 87-93 of the CJEU judgment in Commission v. Hungary (C-66/18) and be prepared to explain what the CJEU says with regard to international law. 4. Please focus on the reasons why the CJEU decided in its Achmea judgment that certain provisions of the treaty between Slovakia and the Netherlands concerning the protection of investments are incompatible with EU law. 5. Please explain the crux of the debate regarding the relationship between EU law and the European Energy Charter in the Greepower and Obton v. Spain award (the link to the Kluwer Law Arbitration blog). Thank you. Zdeněk Nový