1) A list of judges who were members of the communist party before the revolution and who are still active in the judiciary branch is a requested to be made public under the Freedom of Information Act. A representative of judges objects the publication of the list because it might constitute a breach of the right to privacy of his clients. The requesting person argues with the necessity of such information for the sake of the fair trial principle. The Ministry of Justice must decide whether to fulfil the request or whether to decline it. 2) Prague castle is one of the most important historical venues in the Czech Republic which is visited by hundred thousands of tourists every year. It is also a place where the Czech president lives and works. Everyone, who wants to enter the castle must go through an extensive personal check, including a magnetic frame, x-ray of bags and on a random basis also more detailed checks. People are complaining that these provisions are too much privacy intrusive. There is no recorded terrorist activity in Czechia. 3) Information concerning the salary of public employees working at the Ministry of the interior is requested under the Freedom of Information Act. The employees are complaining about the publication because of their privacy rights. The requesting person argues that the information is necessary for transparency and control of public funds. Is it important to consider what exactly a specific employee do (where does he work) when balancing the rights? How? 4) There is a compulsory vaccination against several severe diseases. Mr Novak sues the government because he thinks that by this duty unreasonably interferes with his right to freedom of belief, privacy and bodily integrity. 5) Information concerning a data set of non-anonymised criminal judgements from the years 1995-2018 is requested under the Freedom of Information Act. The requesting person claims that he wants the judgements only for research purposes. Can the data set be provided? Can the researcher then publish the names of convicts online for the "community security purposes"?