SOC050 Legal Philosophy Spring 2022 Every Wednesday from 14:00 in Room No. 215 21/ 9 Introductory Lesson JUDr. Martin Hapla, Ph.D. 5/10 Legal Positivism doc. JUDr. Tomáš Sobek, Ph.D. 12/10 Natural Law Theory JUDr. Martin Hapla, Ph.D. 19/10 Metaethics doc. JUDr. Tomáš Sobek, Ph.D. 26/10 Normative Ethics JUDr. Martin Hapla, Ph.D. 2/11 Legal Philosophy and Problem of Free Will doc. JUDr. Tomáš Sobek, Ph.D. 9/11 Justice JUDr. Martin Hapla, Ph.D. 16/11 Legal Philosophy and Problem of Truth doc. JUDr. Tomáš Sobek, Ph.D. 23/11 Philosophy of Human Rights JUDr. Martin Hapla, Ph.D. 30/11 Traditional Challenges to the Right to Life JUDr. Mgr. Jakub Valc, Ph.D. 7/12 Biomedicine as a Creator of New Human Rights Problems JUDr. Mgr. Jakub Valc, Ph.D. 14/12 Test JUDr. Martin Hapla, Ph.D. The course is finished by a written test. The test will contain three of the following nine questions, which will be discussed in the lectures. What is legal positivism? What is natural law theory? What is metaethics? What are the main theories of normative ethics? What is the problem of free will? What are contemporary theories of distributive justice? What is the truth? What are human rights? Can we describe the right to life as an absolute right and what does it mean? What specific conflict of human rights or public interests can be discussed in relation to the application of biomedical (reproductive) technologies? A maximum of nine points can be obtained from the test. You can get the following marks from it: Points Marks 9 A 8 B 7 C 6 D 5 E 4 or less F