Data, Information. Illusion of Privacy? Jakub Míšek Data and Information •Data v. Information •Many theories: •Claude Shanon: Information as a way to lower entropy •Luciano Floridi: Information consists of structured data •Michael Keeble Buckland: Information • BUCKLAND, Michael Keeble. Information as a Thing. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology. 1991, Vol. 42, No. 5 •Information as knowledge: Knowledge (Intangible, Entity) •Information as process: Becoming informed (Intangible, Process) •Information as thing: Data, document (Tangible, Entity) •Information processing: Data processing (Tangible, Process) • •ADRIAANS, Pieter. Information. In: ZALTA, Edward N. (ed.). The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy [online]. Stanford: Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University, 2013. Online: Data and Information •Norbert Wiener: Information as a basic premise of life •Assumption: Everything decays into entropy •Information is a way, how this decay slow or divert •The true information = information which has an organising effect •Basic notions: •Information is an opposite of entropy •Living organisms have more than critical amount of information •Living organisms (or their parts) react on a change of conditions with production of information •Examples: Ants, Justice •The Law as an Information system •The law as a way how to lower entropy in the society Law and Information •Presumption: The centrality of a human •Information rights - 3 basic rights •Obtain information •To get the information from outside •To have information •Have control over information •Process information •Create, share and communicate information •Regulation of Information •Duties correlating to these rights •Regulation of the environment Obsah obrázku trouba, autobus, mikrovlnná trouba, auto Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Privacy v. Personal Data •Why this question? •Personal data protection as an independent fundamental right •Different purposes •Protection of privacy v. Protection of rights and interests of natural persons in relation with processing of their personal data (+ purpose of enabling a fair processing) •Different means of protection •Private v. Public law •Restitutive v. Preventive •Court v. DPA •Distributive v. Non-distributive right • Obsah obrázku osoba, exteriér, muž, tráva Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Is there still privacy? •Privacy is dead! •The new world paradigm •Social networks •Surveillance Capitalism •Massive surveillance •If you do not do anything bad, you do not have to be afraid! •Automated face recognition •Social credit systems •Snowden revelations •Cambridge Analytica •Data breaches But! • •Privacy is the essential value for free democratic liberal society. • •Thank you for your attention. • •Questions? • •@jkb_misek