GREETINGS · Good morning/afternoon/evening. · First, I'd like to thank the organizers of this meeting for inviting me here today. GETTING ATTENTION · Can I have your (kind) attention, please? · So, ladies and gentlemen. OPENING · The title of my presentation is ... · I'd like to talk today about... · My topic today is ... · My subject today is ... ORGANIZATION · I have divided my talk into four sections. · I have divided the subject into four sections. · I have divided my talk in the following way.¨ · My first point concerns... · The first part of my talk concerns... · First, I'll tell you about... · My second point concerns ... · The second part concerns ... · My third point concerns ... · In the third part I deal with the question of… OR · Next, I'd like to show you... · After that, I'd like to describe... · Then, I'll tell you about... · Finally, I'd like to talk a little about... MAIN SECTION · I'd like to begin by saying that ... · I'd like to start by drawing your attention to ... MOVING TO A NEW POINT · Okay, ... · …I'd like to look at the question of … · Right, ... · …let's now turn to ... · So, ... · …let's now take a look at... · Now, ... · ……if we (now) turn (our attention) to... · Then, ... · I'd like to bring up the question of... · Now I'd like to talk about... · Now I'd like to move on to... · I'd now like to draw your attention to... · Next I'd like to concentrate on... SUMMARIZING THE MAIN IDEA · So, ... · …we can see then that... · …as you can see then... · …it seems/appears then that… · …what we can see then is that ... · …to sum up then... INTERACTING WITH THE AUDIENCE · Is everyone · still · with me · so far? · Are you all · following me · Any questions? EXPLAINING A POINT · I’d like to look at this in a bit more detail. · Can I develop this point? · I would like to say something more about this. POSTPONING · I'll be coming back to this point later. · I'll come to this later... · Later, I'll come to ... REFERRING BACK · Can I now go back to the question I posed at the beginning? · As I said earlier... · As I mentioned earlier... · I’d like to return to the question... HIGHLIGHTING · The interesting/significant/important thing about ... is... · The thing to remember is... · What you have to remember is … · What I find most interesting about ... is... INDICATORS · Okay... · Right… · Good... · Now... · Well ... CONCLUSION · So, the main points are: ... · In conclusion I'd like to say... · I'd like to finish by saying that... · So, ... · …in summary... · …there are three main... · …in conclusion... · …this report finds... · …to summarize... THANKING · Thank you. · I’ll finish here/there. Thank you. · And let me finish there. Thank you. · Thank you for your attention. QUESTIONS · Right, I’m sure you’ve got questions? · Okay, any questions or comments?