crown Dentine Enamel Gingival sulcus Gingiva Oral mucosa peno donta! ligament alveolar bone sssssr" Comunity Primitive circulation More species Higher metabolic activity Higher resistance (S. sobrinus CHX 300x, AF 75x) nit -:-=Wr s^r^K^TT^^ better conditions to survive higher virulence Microorganisms worth noting in periodontology Porphyromonas gingivalis Obligate anaerobe associated with chronic periodontitis and aggressive periodontitis. Prevotella intermedia Found in chronic periodontitis, localized aggressive periodontitis, (juvenile periodontitis), necrotizing periodontal disease, and areas of severe gingival inflammation without attachment loss. Prevotella nigrescens New, possibly more virulent. Fusobacterium Obligate anaerobes. Originally thought to be principal pathogens in necrotizing periodontal disease. Remain a significant periodontal pathogen. Borrelia vincenti (refringens) Large oral spirochaete; probably only a co-pathogen. Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans Microaerophilic, capnophilic, Gram -ve rod. Particular pathogen in juvenile periodontitis and rapidly progressive periodontitis. Actinomyces israelii Filamentous organism; major cause of actinomycosis. A persistent rare infection which occurs predominantly in the mouth and jaws and the female reproductive tract. Implicated in root caries. rÁ Treatment Chlorhexidin mouthwash Systemic antimicrobials in severe cases (metronidazol 3x 200 mg, penicilin 250 mg 4x enne Gingivoplasty in some cases Atrophie or desquamative gingivitis symptoms Erythema on free gingiva — loss of the epithelium Variety of symptoms: itching, tenderness of eating, burning. i----------------------------- A L >^V *4- -d ^^V II ^^V ^"WW T" Letioiogy ■ Xerostomia ■ Mouth breathing &«/ ■ Mucocutaneous disorders (lichen planus, pemphigoid) ■ Othe factors (postmenopausal women, stress) Parodonthopaties n nodontitis Chronic periodontitis. Aggressive periodontitis. Periodontitis as a manifestation of systemic disease. Necrotizing periodontal diseases. Abscesses of the periodontium. Periodontitis associated with endodontic lesions. Development or acquired deformities and conditions. Periodontal surge > Curretage (closed) > Gingivectomy, gingivoplastic, frenulectomy, vestibuloplastic (Mucogingival surgery) > Flap operations — open curretage. Elimination of inflammationy achievment of better conditions f or oral hygiene, bone and tissue regeneration. Periodontal surge Elimination of periodontal pockets (2 -3mm without bleeding - BOP 0) Better gingival configuration Better conditions of oral hygiene Periodontal tissue regeneration (esp. bone regeneration) Peri Lodo ntal Is i ĺ i \fter the 1- - 8 weel nformati initial on phase! I43 vi -• kaMJXJ Gingivectomy, gingivoplastic Indications of gingivectomy Supraalveolar periodontal pockets with th~ horizontal bone resorption - Bad configuration of the gingival margin or papilla fol. ANUG or extraction. □ Membranes - Resorbable Non-resorbable □ In combination with bone, alloplastic minera — tricalciumphoshat, hydroxylapatit), bone morphogenetic protein, growth factors — tissue LSI Mucogingival surgery □ Enlargement of attached gingiva - Frenulectomy - Vestibuloplastic □ Plastic of recessus -Lateral flap -Bridge flap -Mucous or mesenchymal grafts