Alcohol Alcoholic beverages • Beer 10° = 4 vol. % (3.16 g v 0.1 l = 15.8 g v 0,5 l) 12° = 5 vol. % (3.95 g v 0.1 l = 19.7 g v 0,5 l) • Wine – cca 11% (7.9 g v 0.1 l = 15.8 g v 0.2 l) • Spirits – 40 % (31.6 g v 0.1 l = 15.8 g v 0,05 l) Absorption • Fullness and content of the stomach • CO[2] content • Concentration • Temperature Metabolism of ethanol • ADH (alcoholdehydrogenase) • MEOS (microsomal ethanol oxidation system) • Catalase • Alcohol • Acetaldehyde • CO[2] and water Velocity of elimination • 0.12 – 0.20 g/kg per hour Balance calculation (formula) Alcohol (g) – absorption deficit BAC ‰= Weight (kg) x reduction factor Example • Man (weight 70 kg) drank from 7.00 p.m. till 9.00 p.m. five snifters „shots“ (0.05 l) of vodka (40 vol. %). • ? BAC at 11.00 p.m. ? Example - result 79 – 7.9 C[t] = —————— – 0.20[ ]x 4 = 0.65 70 x 0.7 79 – 7.9 C[t] = —————— – 0.12[ ]x 4 = 0.97 70 x 0.7 C[t] = 0.65 – 0,97 g/kg