Instructions for PC-exam tests Read the question very thoroughly. Test contains 25 questions, time limit is 45 min. Evaluation: 25 Q for 1 point = 25 points maximally. Wrong answer = 0 point. Only those students who gain 13 points at a minimum will be permitted to sit for the oral examination. Save the test continuously, each time the last version is saved. Use the SAVE TEMPORARILY button. After 45 min, the test is automatically closed, saved, and immediately evaluated. If you finish before the time limit, click on the SAVE button. Student must work only with the test window on the monitor (with red band on the left and the timer on the right). Opening more windows on the monitor is strictly prohibited. If student does not follow this rule, the exam is terminated and evaluated as F. Units and the rounding mode are always given in the text of the question. If you write word answers, be very careful to avoid misprints: e.g. oxalate – OK, oxallate – wrong. If two-word names are needed, use a pattern: name1(gap)name2, e.g. sodium oxalate. If you fill boxes of groups in structural formula (e.g. saccharides), be sure to use the correct order how the atoms are connected to carbon (e.g. –OH is right, –HO is wrong). After you finish the test, close internet browser and leave the room.