NURSING Spring 2011 This subject has three main parts: - Theoretical lessons – Introduction in Nursing Science (3 hours) - Theoretical lessons – Communication (4 hours) - Practical lessons – Practice in the hospital (2 x 4 hours) Because of the changes in the study groups (30, 31, 32, 33) students were divided in to the original groups (see the list of students below) Theoretical lessons date time study group classroom teacher 22. 2. 2011 6.30 – 10.00 all registered students Kamenice 3, 2^nd floor Dr. Pokorná 1. 3. 2011 6.30 – 10.00 see notes* below Kamenice 3, 2^nd floor Msc. Straková *Only for students who missed the theoretical lecture on 22^nd February and after the personal consultation with dr. Pokorná and her permission (email: Communications lessons date time study group classroom teacher 1. 3. 2011 6.30 – 9.300 All students Kamenice 3, 2nd floor Dr. Pokorná *Only for students who has been already attended theoretical lectures Dates of practical lessons date time study group* unit teacher* 8.3. 2011 and 15. 3. 2011 6.30 – 10.00 1 Masaryk Memorial Hospital Unit C Msc. Straková 15. 3. 2011 and 29.3. 2011 6.30 – 10.00 1 Masaryk Memorial Hospital Unit B Dr. Pokorná 22. 3. 2011 and 29.3. 2011 2 Masaryk Memorial Hospital Unit C Msc. Straková *You will be informed about more details (which group you will be following) during the theoretical lessons. For the practical lessons you have to have uniform for medical staffs (white trousers, white T-shirt, white medical shoes, nameplate and padlock). IT IS NOT ENOUGH TO HAVE ONLY WHITE COAT The original group of students Group nr. 1 Group nr. 2 Group nr. 3 Azevedo, Francisca Petersen, Mia Lie NO THEORY* Beillevaire, Romain Raimundo, Bárbara Ceia, Marcela Roth, Elisabeth Costa, Margarida Rovithi, Evangelia Dias, Tiago Rumor, Liliana Fernandes, Ana Rita Tavares Cunha Sykorova, Veronika Gjoni, Anxhelena NO THEORY* Sztrum, Jonathan NO THEORY* Hipólito de Borba Monteiro, Ana Catarina Yaqoob, Samaira NO THEORY* Jayamaha, Thushani Anushika NO THEORY* Markovic, Dusan * practical training could be attend onbly after the theoretical lectures! SPECIFICATION OF THE PRACTICAL TRAINING dates Masaryk Memorial Hospital UNIT B dates Masaryk Memorial Hospital UNIT C 8.3. 2011 and 15. 3. 2011 Azevedo, Francisca Beillevaire, Romain Ceia, Marcela Costa, Margarida Dias, Tiago dates Masaryk Memorial Hospital UNIT B dates Masaryk Memorial Hospital UNIT C 15. 3. 2011 and 29.3. 2011 Roth, Elisabeth 22.3. 2011 and 29.3.2011 Rumor, Liliana Hipólito de Borba Monteiro, Ana Catarina Markovic, Dusan Raimundo, Bárbara Fernandes, Ana Rita Tavares Cunha Sykorova, Veronika Rovithi, Evangelia