Calcium hydroxide Temporary root canal filling Subbase Component of sealers Calcium hydroxide ■ Short term action 1—2 weeks Desinfection, haemostasis Calcium hydroxide ■ Midie term action 2 — 3 months Apexification Chronic form of apical periodontitis Calcium hydroxide ■ Long term action months and more Prevention of resprption Root canal filling Ideal root canal filling (Grossman 1988) Easy mixing Sufficient working time Good seal X- ray contrast Easy removal No shrinkage Long term volume stability No bacterial growing No permeability for fluids Biocompatibility No staining Classification of root canal fillings > Solid > Semisolid > Pastes Guttapercha Dried juice of the Taban tree (Isonandra percha) (gutta) 1,4 - polyisoprene Crystallin structure (60% Britde Guttapercha Beta phase Alpha phase 42 - 49 °C - plastic Gamma phase 56 - 62° Cooling- process amorfnf) very slowly (less than 0,5°C) — alpha phase normal cooling— beta phase Composition of guttapercha materials in endodontic Guttapercha 19% - 22% Zinc oxide 59 - 79% Heavy metal salts 1% - 7% Wax or resin 1% - 4% Resilon (Pentron) > Thermoplastic synthetic polymer > Points or material for injection Composition: Polyester polymers Bioactive glass Radioopaque ßllers (bismuthum oxichlorid a and baryum sulphate) Silver or titanium cones > No good seal > Silver cones - corrosion Good adhesion to root canal walls as well as solid cones X- ray contrast Bio compatibility Sealers Zinc Oxide-Eugenol Chloropercha C alciumhydr oxide Glasionomer Silicone Importance Sealers Filling of the spaces between the solid cones Seal of the root canal filling Zinc - Oxid Eugenol Powder: Zinc oxide Good adhesivity, antimikrobial effect, cytotoxic resorbable) Zink Oxid Eugenol sealers Pulp Canal Sealer (Kerr, USA)) Tubuli- Seal (Kerr, USA) v Caryosan (Spofa Dental, CR) Chloropercha Powder Canadian balsam Resins Guttapercha Zinc oxide Liquid: Chloroform Resins Chloropercha Good adhesivity Shrinkage Toxicity Calciumhydroxide sealers Base (powder) Calcium hydroxide Zinc oxide Other components and vehicula Kalciumhydroxidové sealery Catalystr (paste) Zinc s tear at Titanium dioxide Baryum sulphate or Eugenol,. Eukalypt others Kalciumhydroxide sealers > Increase of the healig potential of periapical tissues > Antibacterial effect > Easy manipulation But! resorbable if not homogeneus Not suitable for the single cone Resins ^Rezorcin formaldehyd > Epoxide ^Polyketone ^ Metacrylate Rezorcin formaldehydove prys rice Toxicity N2, Endomethason, Riebler's paste, Foredent Epoxide resin ^Base (powder, paste) Bismuth oxid Titanium dioxide Hexametylentetramine (Silver) ^ Catalyst (liquide, paste) Bisphenoldiglycidylether Epoxide resin Advantages ^ Long working time ^Hydrophilic (good penetration) ^ Good adhesion to the root canal walls ^Volume stability ^No dissolution ^Antibacterial ^ Difficult removal ^ Staining ^ Initiatiory roxicity No suitable for the single cone technique Polyketone ^ Base Zinc oxide Bismuth phosphate Hexametylentetramine ^ Lequid Bisphenolglycidylether and other components Polyketone (advantages and disadvantages) Advantages Good adhesion No contraction No dissolution Disadvantages High stickness Not removable Products: Diaket, Diaket A (3M ESPE) Methacrylate resins EndoReZ fUltradentí - UDMA For injection — single cone technique Epiphany (Pentron) Bis- GMA, etoxy bif- GMA, hydrophilic bifunctional methacrylates Calcium hydroxide, baryum sulphate, baryum glass silica. Scaler in combination with Res Hon Glasionomer sealers ^Base (powder) Aluminium silicate glass > Liquid Polyacrylic acid, polymaleic acid, tartaric acid Glasionomer sealers (Advantages and disadvantages) Advantages: Curing under wett conditions, chemical bonding to hard dental tissues, no staining Disadvantages Short working time, difficult removal, porous Products Ketac Endo (3M ESPE), Endion (VOCO) Silicon based sealers Polyvinylsiloxane (ev. in mixture with powdered guttapercha Biocompatibility Hydro fillic Further investigation desirable. Root canal fillings - forms > Points (Cones) > Materials for injection ^Plastic materials