Physiology 2013 Part A 1. Structure and function of cell membranes 2. Structure and function of cell organelles 3. Passive transport across membranes. Co-transport 4. Compartmentalization of body fluids 5. Differences between intra- and extracellular fluids 6. Production and resorption of interstitial fluid (Starling forces) 7. Ion channels 8. Intercellular communication 9. Second messengers 10. Functions of the nerve cell 11. Functional morphology of synapses 12. Synthesis and break down of transmitters 13. Proteosynthesis 14. Generation of resting membrane potential 15. Local response of membrane potential 16. Action potential 17. Up- and down-regulation of receptors 18. Excitability and refractoriness 19. Excitation-contraction coupling 20. Molecular mechanism of muscle contraction 21. Electrical and mechanical behaviour of skeletal muscle 22. Electrical and mechanical behaviour of smooth muscle 23. Electrical and mechanical behaviour of cardiac muscle 24. Isometric and isotonic contraction. Length-tension relation. 25. Neuromuscular junction 26. Temporal and space summation (summation and recruitment) in skeletal muscle 27. Energy production and conservation 28. Caloric content of food. Direct calorimetry. 29. Energy balance. Indirect calorimetry. 30. Physiological role of calcium 31. Vitamins – overview 32. Hypovitaminoses and hypervitaminoses 33. Basal metabolism 34. Principles of balanced nutrition 35. Glycaemia 36. Acid-base balance 37. Hypoxia and ischemia 38. Heat production and heat loss 39. Hormone-receptor complex 40. Physiological applications of law of Laplace 41. Invasive assessment of blood pressure 42. Non-invasive assessment of blood pressure 43. Measurement of cardiac output 44. Measurement of blood flow 45. Phonocardiography 46. ECG leads 47. ECG record in different leads 48. Estimation of electric axis of the heart 49. Cardiac contractility, ejection fraction, heart failure 50. Cardiac catheterisation 51. Polygraphic methods 52. Electromyography 53. Registration of membrane potentials and currents 54. External signs of breathing 55. Lung ventilation, volumes, measurement 56. Dead space, measurement 57. Resistance of airways, measurement 58. Pneumography and pneumotachography 59. Maximal respiratory flow – volume curve (spirogram) 60. pH measurement (Astrup method) 61. Clearance 62. AV conduction - long QT syndrome, WPW syndrome 63. Examination of baroreflex sensitivity 64. Examination of heart rate and blood pressure variability 65. Special methods of ECG and blood pressure examination (vectocardiography, 24-hour-monitoring, His bundle electrogram) 66. Examination methods in endocrinology (RIA, enzymo-imuno-analysis) 67. Reaction of circulatory system on bleeding 68. Reflex reactions of circulatory system (diving reflex, Valsalva manouvre, Müller manouvre) 69. Respiratory quotient 70. Cardiopulmonary response to exercise 71. Autocrine, paracrine, endocrine regulation 72. Chemical characteristics of hormones 73. Sympathetic alpha- and beta-receptors 74. Sex differentiation 75. Oogenosis 76. Hormonal contraception 77. Spermatogenesis 78. Puberty and menopause 79. Physiological significance of positive and negative feed-back 80. Physiological regulations (overview) 81. Homeostasis 82. Regulation of constant pH 83. Kidney in regulation of homeostasis 84. Regulation of cardiac output 85. Regulation of blood circulation upon orthostasis 86. Regulation of ventilation 87. Regulation of gastric and pancreatic secretion 88. Co-ordination of GIT segments 89. Thermoregulation 90. Regulation of renal functions 91. General principles of endocrine regulation 92. Sympathetic nervous system (overview) 93. Parasympathetic nervous system (overview) 94. Adaptation to extreme environmental conditions 95. Adaptation to exercise 96. Integration of nervous and hormonal regulation 97. Regulation and adaptation Part B 1. Blood composition – values 2. Red blood cell. Haemolysis. 3. Haemoglobin and its derivatives 4. Erytropoesis 5. Suspension stability of RBC (sedimentation rate) 6. Cellular immunity 7. Humoural immunity 8. Histocompatibility (MHC) 9. Cellular interactions in immune response 10. Blood groups antigens (ABO group, Rh group) 11. Function of platelets 12. Hemostasis 13. Anticlotting mechanism 14. Conduction system of the heart 15. Cardiac automaticity 16. Spread and retreat of excitation wavefront 17. Electric vector of the heart. Vectocardiography. 18. Specific features of cardiac metabolism 19. Heart as a pump 20. Differences between left and right heart 21. Determinants of cardiac performance: preload, afterload, inotropy 22. Cardiac reserve. Heart failure. 23. Cardiac cycle. Phases. Pressure-volume loop. 24. Stroke volume and cardiac output 25. Heart sounds. Diagnostic significance. 26. Autoregulation of cardiac contraction: Starling principle 27. Autoregulation of cardiac contraction: frequency effect 28. Heart rate 29. Arrhythmias 30. Mechanism of re-entry 31. Athlete´s heart 32. Coronary circulation 33. Coronary reserve. Ischaemic heart disease. 34. Cardiovascular system – general principles 35. Significance of Poiseuille-Hagen formula for blood flow 36. Vascular resistance 37. Blood pressure. Hypertension. 38. Arterial elasticity – significance 39. Arterial pulse wave 40. Physiological role of endothelium 41. Vasoactive substances 42. Micro-circulation 43. Venous pressure 44. Venous return. Venous stasis and embolism. 45. Lymphatic system 46. Pulmonary circulation 47. Cerebral circulation 48. Skin circulation 49. Muscle and splanchnic circulation 50. Placental and faetal circulation 51. Circulatory adjustments at birth 52. Intrapulmonary and pleural pressure. Pneumothorax. 53. Alveolar surface tension. Surfactant. 54. Compliance of lungs. Respiratory work. 55. Composition of atmospheric and alveolar air. 56. Gas exchange in lungs and tissues 57. Transport of O[2]. Oxygen – haemoglobin dissociation curve. 58. Transport of CO[2] 59. Herring-Breuer reflexes 60. Respiratory responses to irritants 61. Arteficial ventilation 62. Formation, composition and functions of saliva 63. Gastric production of HCl 64. Functions of the stomach 65. Motility of gastrointestinal tract 66. Composition and function of pancreatic juice 67. Liver functions 68. Formation, composition and functions of bile 69. Digestion in the small intestine 70. Functions of colon 71. Resorption of lipids in the small intestine 72. Resorption of minerals and water in small intestine 73. Intermediary metabolism (overview) 74. Nitrogen balance 75. Metabolism of cholesterol. Aterosclerosis. 76. Metabolism of iron 77. Bone formation and resorption 78. Hyperthermia and hypothermia 79. Functional morphology of nephron 80. Urine formation 81. Renal blood flow and its autoregulation 82. Glomerular filtration 83. Function of renal tubules 84. Juxtaglomerular apparatus 85. Renal sodium transport, aldosteron 86. Passive transport in kidneys 87. Transport of glucose in kidneys 88. Urea formation 89. Hyper- and hypotonic urine. Counter-current system. 90. Osmotic and water diuresis 91. Micturition 92. Effects of thyroid hormones 93. Metabolism of iodine; Thyroid hormones synthesis 94. Hyper- and hypothyroidism 95. Endocrine pancreas 96. Insulin – mechanism of action 97. Hyper- and hypoglycaemia. Diabetes mellitus. 98. Adrenal cortex. Functions, malfunctions. 99. Metabolic and anti-inflammatory affects of glucocorticoids 100. Adrenal medulla. Synthesis of catecholamines. 101. Hypothalamo-pituitary system 102. Glandotropic hormones of anterior pituitary gland 103. Growth hormone and growth factors (IGF) 104. Formation and secretion of posterior pituitary hormones 105. Hypothalamic releasing hormones 106. Parathormone, vitamin D and calcitonin 107. Vasopressin and natriuretic hormone 108. Endorphins and enkephalins 109. Pineal gland. Circadian rhythm. 110. Ovarian cycle and its control 111. Uterine cycle 112. Physiology of pregnancy 113. Physiology of parturition and lactation 114. Endocrine functions of testes 115. Sex reflexes 116. Regulation of body fluid volume 117. Regulation of constant osmotic pressure 118. Regulation of calcium metabolism 119. Regulation of glycemia 120. Regulation of adrenal cortex