Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity Czech Republic RKIONAL OfflCE fO» World Health Organization Europe This is one of the 53 country profiles covering developments in nutrition, physical activity and obesity in the WHO European Region. The full set of individual profiles and an overview report including methodology and summary can be downloaded from the WHO Regions I Office for Europe web site: ©World Health Organization 2013 All rights reserved. DEMOGRAPHIC DATA ■ fflBlliMnllBniiiiM Median age (years) 39.4 GDP per capita (US$) 18 839.0 HQ Monitoring and surveillance Overweight and obesity in three age groups Adults (20 years and over) Intercountry comparable overweight and obesity estimates from 2008 (1) show that 66.1 % of the adult population (> 20 years old) in the Czech Republic were overweight and 32.7% were obese. The prevalence of overweight was higher among men (72.3%) than women (60.3%). The proportion of men and women that were obese was 32.6% and 32.7%, respectively. Adulthood obesity prevalence forecasts (2010-2030) predict that in 2020, 29% of men and 30% of women will be obese. By 2030, the model predicts that 36% of men and 37% of women will be obese.1 PREVALENCE OF OVERWEIGHT AND OBESITY (%) AMONG CZECH ADULTS BASED ON WHO 2008 ESTIMATES Source: WHO Global Health Observatory Data Repository (1). PREVALENCE OF OBESITY (%) (BMI >3D.O KG/M2) AMONG ADULTS IN THE WHO EUROPEAN REGION BASED ON WHO 2008 ESTIMATES 35 3C 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 6C 70 m I— CC 2 ÍL _ II^rrTjXÜIlWiil— O. -J CÜ _| CC > CC < DC -i LU g t z 3 m m < lJJ5a:OtŕfQi~UCr:WC^D<25.0 KG/M2) AMONG ADULTS IN THE WHO EURO DONWH020 Notes, The country codes refer to the ISD 3166-1 Alpha 3 country codes. Data ranking for obesity is intentionally the same as for the overweight data. BMI: body mass index. Source. WHO Global Health Observatory Data Repository (]). ' Report on modelling adulthood obesity across the WHO European Region, prepared by consultants (led byl Marsh and colleagues) for the WHO Regional Office for Europe in 2013. The Regional Office is grateful to the European Commission (EC) for its financial support for the preparation of this country profile and the development of the nutrition, obesity and physical activity database that provided data for it PREVALENCE OF OVERWEIGHT (%) IN CZECH ADOLESCENTS BASED ON SELF-REPORTED DATA ON HEIGHT AND WEIGHT) ■hhbhbI 11-year-olds 13-year-olds 15-year-olds Adolescents (10-19 years) In terms of prevalence of overweight and obesity in adolescents, up to 31 % of boys and 16% of girls among 11-year-olds were overweight, according to data from the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) survey (2009/2010).2 Among 13-year-olds, the corresponding figures were 28% for boys and 11 % for girls, and among 15-year-olds, 22% and 12%, respectively (2). Children (0-9 years) Estimates from the first round (2007/2008] of the WHO European Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative (COSI) show that among 7-year-olds in the Czech Republic, 21.4% of boys and 20.2% of girls were overweight and 9.7% and 5.7%, respectively, were obese (3).2 Source: Currie et al. (2). Exclusive breastfeeding until 6 months of age Nationally representative data from 2009 show that the prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding at 6 months of age was 17.8% in the Czech Republic.3 PREVALENCE OF EXCLUSIVE BREASTFEEDING (%) UNDER OR AT 6 MONTHS OF AGE FROM INDIVIDUAL COUNTRY-BASED SURVEYS, VARIOUS YEARS 60 50 40 30 70 10 0 Under 5 months of age I At 6 months of age At 3, 4 or 5 months of ag NO NATIONAL DATA II ■ ll O _i o o w 2E 2 u a: cc D 5 > i n o ß u- to tfl id o m — t- y o 3 < L±J < M O 5 uj q. u [d 5 n D >- I c £ < H O O !/) UI o N _1 ^ -1 => § « § ^ y 2 £ o, Iii O u. ui U j rr § 8 3 a S uJcr^tonrca^LUwQcc^ecco /Vofe5. The country codes refer to the ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3 country codes. Ranking of data was carried out so that country data at the right-hand side of the graph-with values below the FAO recommendation - fall within the positive frame of the indicator, FAO: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Source: FA0STAT (4). 2 Based on 2007 WHO growth reference. 3 WHO Regional Office for Europe grey literature from 2012 on breastfeeding. Fruit and vegetable supply The Czech Republic had a fruit and vegetable supply of 419 grams per capita per day, according to 2009 estimates (4). FRUIT AND VEGETABLE SUPPLY (GRAMS) PER PERSON PER DAY IN THE WHO EUROPEAN REGION, 2809 1200 1000 800 WHO/FAO RECOMMENDATION - >fiOO grams 400 Š 200 Q O 0 IIIIIIIIIIII Notes. The country codes refer to the ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3 country codes. Ranking of data was carried out so that country data at the right-hand side of the graph-with values above the WHO/FAO recommendation - fall within the positive frame of the indicator. Source: FA0STAT (4), Salt intake Data from 2003-2004 show that salt intake in the Czech Republic was 16.6 grams per day for men and 10.5 grams per day for women (5). SALT INTAKE (GRAMS) PER PERSON PER DAY FOR ADULTS IN THE WHO EUROPEAN REGION FROM INDIVIDUAL COUNTRY-BASED SURVEYS, VARIOUS YEARS IG 11 12 10 5 6 \ I i í I WHO/FAO RECOMMENDATION - <5 grams 4 0 1 1 1 ___ Wofes. The country codes refer to the ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3 country codes. Data were derived from country-specific publications on surveys carried out in this field, not as part of a European-wide survey. Due to different data collection methods of the country-specific surveys, any comparisons between countries must be made with caution. Flanking of data was carried out so that country data at the right-hand side of the graph-with values below the WH0/FA0 recommendation-fall within the positive frame of the indicator. Source: WHO Regional Office for Europe (5). Iodine status According to the most recent estimates on iodine status, published in 2012, the proportion of the population with an iodine level lower than 100 ug/L was 13.4% (6, 7). Physical inactivity In the Czech Republic, 29.1% of the population aged 15 years and over were insufficiently active (men 30.7% and women 276%), according to estimates generated for 2008 by WHO (1). Policies and actions The table below displays (a) monitoring and evaluation methods of salt intake in the Czech Republic; (b) the stakeholder approach toward salt reduction; and (c) the population approach in terms of labelling and consumer awareness initiatives (5). Salt reduction initiatives Monitoring & evaluation Stakeholder approach Population approach Labelling Consumer awareness initiatives Brochure TV Website Education Conference Reporting Print Radio Software Schools Health care facilities XX XXX Industry self-reporting Salt content in food Salt intake Consumer awareness Behavioural change Urinary salt excretion |24 hrs) Industry involvement XXX Food reformulation Specific food category Notes, XX partially implemented; XXX fully implemented. Source: WHO Regional Office for Europe (5). Trans fatty acids (TFA) policies Price policies (food taxation and subsidies) Legislation Type of legislation Measure School fruit schemes Source: WHO Regional Office for Europe grey literature from 2012 on TFA and health, TFA policy and food Sources: WHO Regional Office for Europe grey literature from 2012 industry approaches. on diet and the use of fiscal policy in the control and prevention of noncommunicable diseases; EC School Fruit Scheme web site (8). Marketing of food and non-alcoholic beverages to children (9) In 2008 the Czech Advertising Standards Council launched a self-regulatory advertising code of practice (10). No further details have been reported. Physical activity (PA), national policy documents and action plans Sport Target groups Health Education Transportation Existence of national "sport tor all" policy and/or national "sport for ail" implementation programme Existence of specific scheme or programme for community interventions to promote PA in the elderly Counselling on PA as part of primary health care activities Mandatory physical education in primary and secondary schools Inclusion of PA in general teaching training National or subnational Existence of an incentive schemes promoting active scheme for companies or travel to school employees to promote active travel to work ✓ ✓ ✓a a Clearly stated in a policy document, entirely implemented and enforced. Source: country reporting template on the Czech Republic from 2009 developed in the context of a WHO/EC project on monitoring progress on improving nutrition and PA and preventing obesity in the European Union |EU|. Leadership, partnerships and professional networks on health-enhancing physical activity (HEPA) xistence of national coordination mechanism on HEPA promotion Source/country reporting template on the Czech Republic from 2009 developed in the context of a WHO/EC project on monitoring progress on improving nutrition and PA and preventing obesity in the EU, PA recommendations, goals and surveillance Existence of national Target groups adressed by PA included in the recommendation on HEPA national HEPA policy national health monitoring system General population, vulnerable and low socioeconomic groups Source: country reporting template on the Czech Republic from 2009 developed in the context of a WHO/EC project on monitoring progress on improving nutrition and PA and preventing obesity in the EU. References 10. WHO Global Health Observatory Data Repository [online database]. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2013 |, accessed 21 May 2013). Currie C et a l„ eds. Social determinants of health and well-being among young people: Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study: international report from the 2009/2010 survey. Copenhagen, WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2012 (Health Policy for Children and Adolescents, No. 6] (, accessed 21 May 2013). Wijnhoven TMA et al. WHO European Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative 2008: weight, height and body mass index in 6-9-year-old children. Pediatric Obesity, 2013,8(2):79—97. FA0STAT lonline database). Rome, Statistics Division of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2013 (, accessed 21 May 2013). Mapping salt reduction initiatives in the WHO European Region. Copenhagen, WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2013(http://www.euro.who.inV_data/assets/pdfJile/0009/186462/ Mapping-salt-reduction-initiatives-in-the-WHO-European-Flegion-final.pdf, accessed 29 May 2013). Andersson M, Karumbunathan V, Zimmermann MB. Global iodine status in 2011 and trends over the past decade. Journal of Nutrition, 2012,142(4):744—750. Zimmerman MB, Andersson M. Update on iodine status worldwide. Current Opinion in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Obesity, 2012,19|5):382-387. School Fruit Scheme [web site], Brussels, European Commission Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development, 2012 | index_en.htm, accessed 21 May 2013). Marketing of foods high in fat, salt and sugar to children: update 2012-2013. Copenhagen, WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2013 (http://www.euro.who,int/_data/assets/pdf_ fi le/0019/191125/e96B59.pdf, accessed 10 October 2013). Kodex Reclamy 2008 [Advertising code of practice 2008}. Prague, Czech Advertising Standards Council, 2008 (, accessed 24 July 2013).