REGULATION Control of living systems. Living systems – open systems; their existence depends on flow of energy and substances between organism and environment in both directions. Appears at all levels of the system (from cell – to the whole organism). BASIC TYPES OF FEEDBACK SERIAL PARALLEL NEGATIVE DIRECT NEGATIVE INDIRECT FEEDBACK NEGATIVE POSITIVE Deviation oscillates or continuously increases. POSITIVE FEEDBACK PHYSIOLOGICAL Ensuring of systems, activation PATHOLOGICAL Instability - death NEGATIVE FEEDBACK • plays a role in regulations • compensates the difference of regulated parameter • minimizes the difference between real values of regulated parameter and so-called desired value Regulated system Regulator Input value of regulator Regulatory deviation Regulated parameter Desired value POSITIVE FEEDBACK • No regulatory effect • It does not compensate the deviation, but amplifies it REACTION (sec, min) vs. ADAPTATION (min, hours, days) REACTION (REGULATION): direct, immediate response of organism on environmental changes ADAPTATION = a complex of biochemical, functional and structural changes in organism caused by long-lasting and repeated environmental changes ADAPTATION INDIVIDUAL GENETICALLY FIXED MECHANISMS OF ADAPTATION = processes which lead to new, functionally better parameters. Aim is to reach new, more advantageous qualities for surviving of the individual or species. DURATION OF ADAPTATION: Minutes - years PARAMETER REST EXERCISE INCREASE (x) Cardiac output (l/min) 5-6 25 (35) 4-5 Heart reserve Heart rate (t/min) 70 210 (250-190) depends on age 3 Frequency reserve Stroke volume (ml) 75 115 1,5 Volume reserve Systolic BP (mmHg) 120 ? Diastolic BP (mmHg) 70 ? Pulse BP (mmHg) 50 70-100 1,5-2 Mean BP (mmHg) - - small increase Muscle perfusion (ml/min/100g) 2-4 60-120 30 (10% MVmax) PARAMETER REST EXERCISE INCREASE (x) Minute ventilation (l/min) 6-12 90-120 15-20 Respiratory frequency (d/min) 12-16 40-60 4-5 Tidal volume (ml) 0,5-0,75 2 3-4 Blood flow (l/min) 5,5 20 – 35 4-6 O2 intake (ml/min) -VO2 250-300 3000 10-12 Total CO2 (ml/min) 200 8000 40 pO2 (Torr) 40 25 O2 extraction (%) + + ++ VESICULAR FOLLICLE PRIMARY FOLLICLE - FSH Growth acceleration of primary follicle – change into vesicular follicle: 1) estrogens released into follicle stimulate granul. cells increased number of receptors for FSH – POSITIVE FEEDBACK (higher sensitivity for FSH!!!) 2) Increased number of receptors for LH (estrogens and FSH) – another acceleration of growth due to „higher sensitivity“ to LH 3) Increased estrogens and LH secretion accelerates growth of theca cells, secretion is increased explosive growth of follicle DOMINANT FOLLICLE 1. High level of estrogens from the fastest-growing follicle 2. Negative feedback on FSH production from adenohypophysis 3. Drop in FSH secretion 4. „Dominant follicle“ continues in growing due to intrinsic positive feedback 5. Other follicles grow slowly and subsequently become atretic MECHANISM OF OVULATION LH PROGESTERON Hyperaemia of follicle Secretion of prostaglandins Weakening of follicle wall PROTEOLYTIC ENZYMES (collagenases from theca externa) Degeneration of stigma Rupture of follicle Release of oocyte Transudation of plasma into follicle Swallowing of follicle FEELING OF HUNGER LACK OF FOOD Hungry contractions of stomach Decreased glucose availability Decreased heat production Changes of lipid metabolism Mechanoreceptors Glucoreceptors Internal termoreceptors (hypothalamus) „Liporeceptors“ HUNGER SHORT-TERMED REGULATION LONG-TERMED REGULATION Compensation of dietary mistakes FEELING OF SATIETY FOOD INTAKE Chewing movements Receptors in nose, mouth, oesophagus, intestine Mechanoreceptors of stomach GIT chemoreceptors SATIETY PRERESORPTIVE FEEDING RESORPTIVE FEEDING Central gluco- thermo- lipo- receptors COMPILING THE INFORMATION IN CNS (ventromedial hypothalamus) HYPOTHESIS: 1. Lipostatic 2. H. of intestinal peptides 3. Glucostatic 4. Thermostatic FOOD INTAKE REGULATION ADIPOSE TISSUE INCREASE OF BODY MASSLOSS OF BODY MASS - LEPTIN +LEPTIN HYPOTHALAMUS HYPOTHALAMUS NPY RESPONSE TO FASTING MSH RESPONSE TO OBESITY NPY RECEPTOR MSH RECEPTOR + Food intake - Reproduction - Temperature - Energy expenditure - Food intake + Energy expenditurePARASYMPATHETIC ACTIVITY SYMPATHETIC ACTIVITY MCH OREXIN A, B POMC derivatives