Class II. - modifications  Compound cavity  Slot  Large restoration with cusps replacement Kavita okluzální Kavita aproximální MO, OD MOD Grooves in proximal box A groove in gingival wall Divergency of axial wall to the gingiva Autoretention Slot preparation - Small slot - Limited on proximal ridge - No large cavity on occlusal surface - Grooves - Divergency of proximal walls to the gingiva Slot for amalgam  Access to the caries lesion - go through the enamel wall - breaking out of the proximal enamel lamella - excavation of carious dentin Slot  Autoretention  Rule of the gingival wall Slot  Rule of the gingival wall 90% angle towards the pulpal wall outer line beveled if in enamel horizontal groove Slot preparation  Indication: Small cavities, good level of oral hygiene.  Contraindication: Large cavities, high risk of new caries lesions, bad level of oral hygiene. Large preparation with replacement of cusps Thickness of amalgam on the cusp is 3 – 4 mm Grooves Pins Slots Slot Parapulpal pin Groove Retention in endodontic cavity Large amalgam restoration - overlays  Composite materials and class II.  Indication: Aesthetic reasons, small to moderate cavities, good level of oral hygiene, isolation of operating field.  Contraindication: Large cavities, bad level of oral hygiene, poor isolation of operating field. 17 Preparation for amalgam 18 Preparation for composite material 19 Preparation for adhesive fillings We do not bevel the cavosurface margin in occlusal cavity 20 Preparace 30 - 40° Gingival wall The cavosurface margin is beveled if situated in enamel The cavosurface margin is not beveled if situated out of enamel 21 22 Sedelmayer Adhesive slot Tunnel preparation 1. Magnification 2. Small instruments 3. Capsulated GIC or composite 5. X-ray post op Small cavities Inlays – class II.  Rigid fillings – made in dental lab  Luting into prepared cavity using cements.  Material: - Metal alloy (usu golden) - Comosite material - Ceramics Inlays – class II.  Indications:  Large defects  Low risk of new caries lesions Inlay Onlay Overlay Geometry of preparation  Strict extension for prevention  No undecuts, no grooves  The walls are divergent to the occlusal surface !!! The angle 6 – 15° Preparation  For inlays made of the metal alloy the cavosurface margin must be beveled.  The depht of preparation when metal alloy is used must leave the space for inlay1,5 mm  For inlays made of composite or ceramics the cavosurface margin is not beveled, the thickness of the material must be appr. 3mm. All this rulea are important for resistance For inlays the impression must be taken  Elastomeric materials  Register of intermaxillary relations  impression of the antagonal dental arch – alginate material. Cementation of metal inlays – zinkoxidphosphate cement Cementation of composite or ceramic inlays – adhesive cements  These cements are based on composite material. lenka.roubalikova@tisc 47