First aid A Safety revision. In pairs, consider these questions: 1 Why is the lab a dangerous place? 2 What is the PPE? 3 What should you do before you enter a lab? 4 What can go wrong in a lab? 5 Can you give some examples of possible injuries? B Perfect kit. Reconstruct the words on the left and match them with their Czech equivalent. 1 ahesdive ptae vatové kuličky/tyčinky 2 abintiotic ointment nůžky a pinzeta 3 asntieptic olsution spínací špendlíky 4 anbdages mýdlo 5 ttcoon ablls/sawbs lepicí páska 6 tlaex glveso obvazy 7 augze/pads antibiotická mast 8 lasptic abgs sterilní roztok na výplach očí 9 afesty psin antiseptikum 10 ssorscis and wetezers teploměr 11 osap latexové rukavice 12 lsterie yeewsah plastové sáčky 13 ertmheromet gáza/tampony B Read the text and complete each gap with ONE word. If a chemical splashes ____ (1) your eye, take these steps immediately. Flush your eye ____ (2) water. Use clean, lukewarm tap water for ____ (3) least 20 minutes. Use whichever of these approaches is quickest: - ____ (4) into the shower and aim a gentle stream of water on your forehead over your affected eye. Or direct the stream on the bridge of your nose ____ (5) both eyes are affected. Hold the lids of your affected eye or eyes open. - ____ (6) your head down and turn it to the side. Then ____ (7) the lids of your affected eye open under a gently running faucet. ____ (8) you have access to a work site eye-rinse station, use it. Wash your hands with soap and water. Thoroughly rinse your hands to be _____ (9) no chemical or soap is left on them. Remove contact lenses. If they ____ (10) come out during the flush, then take them out. C Follow-up. One of your colleagues has suffered an electrical burn. What would you do? 1 2 3 4 D Grammar Point