Seminární skupina 37 aVLCJ0282 Čeština pro cizince II

Týden 5

Lesson content

  • 5th week: PROGRESS TEST 2. > postponed to week 6 due to public holiday
  • LESSON 7: Conversation: Reading and writing advertisements.
  • Grammar: Indefinite Pronouns and Adverbs. > homework
  • Imperfective and Perfective Verbs (Introduction). > week 6



  • revise for the test
    • verbs znát, vědět, umět (ropot here)
    • languages and nationalities (ropot here)
    • personal pronouns (ropot here)
    • byt a dům (vocabulary, Lesson 7)
    • past tense (ropots here and here)
    • forming questions (ropot here)
  • study negative grammar