Vasa lymphocapillaria – rete lymphocapillare Lymphoedema, metastasis Vasa lymphatica – vas afferens, vas efferens Trunci lymphatici Lympha – chylus Folliculi lymphoidei, nodi lymphoidei, tonsillae, lien, mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue, thymus [ The flow of lymph into a capillary ] CAPILLARY LYMPH PUMP Nodus lymphoideus - capsula - trabeculae - reticulum - cortex - medulla - hilum - sinus subcapsularis - sinus corticalis (peritrabecularis) - sinus terminalis (medullaris) Tributary region Regional lymph nodes Sentinel lymph node Tonsilla palatina Tonsilla palatina Tonsilla lingualis Tonsilla lingualis a palatina Tonsilla pharyngea Tonsilla tubaria Waldeyer's ring Tonsilla pharyngea Tonsilla abdominalis – appendix vermiformis Appendix, lien Lien, splen Appendix. lien Lien Lien Lien Reticulum Pulpa rubra Pulpa alba Thymus - lobus dx. et sin. Thymus, of a 2 year-old child; ventral view. Thymus novorozence Thymus, of an adolescent; the anterior wall of the thorax has been removed, the pleural cavity exposed and the left lung retracted laterally; ventral view. Area interpleuralis sup. (thymica) Thymus, ventral view, in the young adult. Thymus - capsula - reticulum - lobuli - cortex - medulla Folliculi lymphoidei solitarii Folliculi lymphoidei aggregati Folliculi lymphatici aggregati Truncus lymphaticus dexter - tr. jugularis dexter - tr. subclavius dx. - tr. bronchomediastinalis dx. Ductus thoracicus - tr. lumbalis dx. et sin. - tr. intestinalis (cisterna chyli) - tr. jugularis sin. - tr. subclavius sin. - tr. bronchomediastinalis sin. Ductus thoracicus Ductus thoracicus Ductus thoracicus Ductus thoracicus Nodi lymph. occipitales Nll. mastoidei Nll. parotidei Nll. submandibulares Nll. submentales Nll. cervicales ant.spf. et prof. Nll. cervicales lat. spf. et prof. (nll. jugulares int. nll. supraclaviculares - Virchow) tr. jugularis Lymphatic drainage of the head and neck: Nodi lymphatici, of the head and neck of an 8 year-old male Nll. submandibulares Nodi lymphatici submandibulares Lymphatic drainage of the tongue Nl. tonsillaris (Wood) Nl. jugulodigastricus (Küttner) Nl. juguloomohyoideus Superficial lymph vessels: - collectores laterales - collectores mediales - collectores anteriores (medii) Nll. cubitales spf. et prof. Nll. axillares Nodi lymph. axillares: - humerales - pectorales (Sorgius) - subscapulares - centrales - apicales - infraclaviculares tr. subclavius Fig. 394 Axillary fossa, Fossa axillaris; deep layer of the neck; the clavicle has been partially removed; the pectoral muscles have been sectioned; ventral view (left). Lymphatic drainage of the breast - nll. axillares - nll. parasternales - nll. supraclaviculares - nll. intercostales - nll. mediastinales ant. Fig. 789 Lymphatic drainage of the mammary gland and location of the regional lymph nodes. Note the connections between the lymphatic vessels of both sides and the lymphatic drainage into the intrathoracic lymph nodes. Nll. pulmonales Nll. bronchopulmonales Nll. tracheobronchiales inf., sup. – dx. et sin. Nll. paratracheales tr. bronchomediastinalis Nll. parasternales Nll. intercostales Nll. praevertebrales Nll. phrenici sup. Nll. mediastinales ant. the mediastinal lymph nodes; ventral view. Nll. mediastinales post. Posterior mediastinal lymph nodes, Nodi lymphatici thoracis; the greater vessels of the mediastinum have been preserved; dorsal view. In the healthy adult the lymph nodes are usually smaller than shown here. Nll. gastrici Nll. gastroomentales Nll. pancreaticoduodenales Nll. lienales Nll. coeliaci Nll. hepatici Nll. pancreatici tr. intestinalis Nll. Gastrici, slezina Nodi mesenterici sup. Nodi mesenterici inf. tr. intestinalis Nll. iliaci interni - nll. paravesicales - nll. paravaginales - nll. parauterini (Bayer) - nll. pararectales - nll. gluteales - nll. sacrales Nll. iliaci externi Nll. iliaci communes Nll. inguinales, iliaci ext., communes, lumbales Nll. lumbales tr. lumbalis dx. et sin. Lymphatic vessels, Vasa lymphatica, lymph nodes, Nodi lymphatici, of the pelvic wall in the female; the pelvis has been sectioned in the median plane; the uterus has been pulled sinistroventrally; most of the peritoneum has been removed; lateral view (right). The lymph nodes shown here are often much smaller but always present. Via the lymphatic vessels in the round ligament (Lig. teres uteri) tumor cells may spread from the uterus to the superficial inguinal lymph nodes. Drainage of the male pelvis Drainage of the female pelvis Lymph node of Bayer Lymphography Lymphangiogram AP lymfogram po injekci kontr. látky do mízních cév obou noh. Segmenty mezi chlopněmi jsou vidět jako šnůry perel. Superficial lymph vessels: - collectores mediales - collectores laterales - collectores posteriores Nll. poplitei spf. et prof. Nll. inguinales spf. Nll. inguinales prof. (Cloquet-Rosenmüller) Draining areas of the lymph nodes of the inguinal region, Regio inguinalis, in the female; ventral view (right). * Lymph fluid drains from the medial part of the uterine tube and the uterine fundus via the round ligament (Lig. teres uteri) to the superficial lymph nodes of the inguinal region. Nll. inguinales spf. (hiatus saphenus) Superficial lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes and main veins of the inguinal region, Regio inguinalis; ventral view (right). Illustrations were copied from: Atlas der Anatomie des Menschen/Sobotta. Putz,R., und Pabst,R. 20. Auflage. München: Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1993) Netter: Interactive Atlas of Human Anatomy. Windows Version 2.0 Čihák R: Anatomie 3. Grada, Praha, 1997.