Progress test 1 structure 1) Give adjectives related to the given nouns. Then fill them in the phrases in the right column in the same order. (5 + 5 points) e.g. costa ……costalis……………………….. facies ………costalis…………….. scapulae 2) Use prefixes in the first column to derive new words with the given meaning; then give a parallel Latin/ Greek prefix. Follow the example. (10 points) prefix English equivalent or description Derived word Parallel latin/Greek prefix e. g. intra- located inside skull intracranialis endo- 3) Change into plural and write down the opposite (also in Plural!). (15 points) Pars anterior ……………partes anteriores……..................... partes posteriores………………… 4) Translate (15 points) from English to Latin – comprises comparison of adjectives, numerals… 5) Analyse the following terms by describing their root, prefix and/or suffix, or parts of compound words. Translate the expressions. Follow the example. (7 + 3 points) Example: aquosus monoplegia Analysis: root aqu- = water, suffix -osus = full of part 1:mono= one, part 2: pleg- = paralysis/hit, suffix: - ia= disease Translation: full of water total paralysis of 1 limb