Week Activity Subject matter 1: revision exercises Focus on adjectives of the 3rd declension + typical mistakes in the test Introduction to word-formation 2: authentic diagnoses, exercises on comparison of adjectives Comparison of adjectives Dimminutive forms (-ulus, -culus, etc.) 3: Student presentation: position Expressing position in medical terminology: Latin and Greek prefixes, adjectives, comparatives and superlatives in anatomy (intra-, supra-, endo-, exo-, hypo-, caudalis, sagittalis, inferior, superior, etc.) Revision and additions to Fractures topic 4: Authentic diagnoses Student presentation: facial expressions Latin and Greek prefixes derived from prepositions (para-, inter-, circum-, post-, dia, com/noc/col/co-, apo-, etc.); *-osus, -atus suffixes Numerals in diagnoses (gradus II, dig. IV, bis/ter/semel, duplex, etc.) Nomeclature of muscles (m. sternohyoideus, latissimus, internus obliquus, etc.) 5: Student presentation: colours Anatomical structures and body liquids *(-aemia, -uria, -thorax) Expressing resemblance of shapes and forms (-oideus, -formis, quadratus, sphericus, serratus, triangularis, etc.) 6: PARTIAL TEST 1 Pathological states and diseases (-ia, -iasis, a/an- , dys-, -odynia, -pathia, -lithiasis, -plasia, -ptosis, -rrhagia, -rrhoea, etc.) The progress of a disease (peracutus, subchronicus, exacerbans, apparens, relapsus, recidivans, regressio, etc.) *-oma suffix 7: Student presentation: inflammations+types of fever Exercise on diseases and the relevant interventions Medical interventions and examinations (-stomia, -scopia, -tripsia, -ectomia, etc.) 8 Student presentation: age Expressing extent and degree (pan-, poly-, micro-, giganto-, subnormalis, normocytus, hyper-, hypo-, -lentus, -penia, etc.) Revision 9 PARTIAL TEST 2 Additions to pathological states (-opia, -blepsia, - paresis, -aesth-, -plegia, -malacia, etc.) 10 Authentic prescriptions, handout Medical prescription Types of medications (contra-, anti-, -lytica, -cida, -statica, etc.) 11 Student presentation: pulse Revision of medical prescriptions Expressing quality and quantity (hemi-, hetero-, brady-, tachy-, iso-, scler-, malac-, scoli-, necro-, pseudo-, etc.) 12 Student presentation: death Dissection protocol. Final revision 13: DISSECTIONS 14: CURRICULUM - SPRING TERM 2017