SOMATOSENSORY SYSTEMS  inform about objects around us through touch  inform about position and movements of our body parts (proprioception)  monitor the temperature  inform about painful, itchy and tickling stimuli The somatosensory receptor and its central connections determine the modality specificity of the neurons forming a somatosensory pathway. The cell bodies of the first-order somatosensory afferent neurons are located in dorsal root or cranial root ganglia All the peripheral terminal branches of a 1° axon form only one type of somatosensory receptor. The adequate stimulus: mechanical force, temperature change, tissue damage, chemical action. Meissner corpuscle Pacinian corpuscle Ruffini corpuscle Merkel complex Muscle spindle Golgi tendon organ Free nerve endings Peripheral Somatosensory Axons The 1° afferent is a pseudounipolar neuron that has its cell body located in a peripheral (spinal or cranial) ganglion. Spinal cord gray matter lamina (Rexed 1952) nuclei I ncl. apicalis (ncl. posteromarginalis) II + III substantia gelatinosa Rollandi IV + V ncl. proprius VI ncl. thoracicus (Stilling – Clark‘s ncl.) C8-L3 VII substantia intermedia VIII medial group of motoneurons IX lateral group of motoneurons X zona centralis, the grey substance around the central canal Spinal cord grey matter Lemniscal system Anterolateral system Anterolateral system  Anterior spinothalamic tract  Lateral spinothalamic tract Somatosensory pathways Lemniscal system  younger  perception with high discrimination ability  discriminative touch, proprioception Anterolateral system (neospinothalamic pathway)  older  perception with low discrimination ability  crude touch, pain and temperature Spinoreticular tract (paleospinothalamic pathway)  the oldest  not somatotopically arranged  arouses the cerebral cortex (ARAS)  report to the limbic cortex about the nature of a stimulus Proprioception  static component of proprioception  information from UL and LL mediated by one pathway  dynamic (kinesthetic) component of proprioception  information from UL and LL mediated by separate pathways Spinal cord – reflexes Cerebellum – coordination of movements Cerebral cortex – consious proprioception fasciculus gracilis et cuneatus fasciculus gracilis ncl. Stilling-Clark fasciculus cuneatus ncl. gracilis et cuneatus ncl. cuneatus lateralis tr. bulbocerebellaris tr. spinocerebellaris ant. tr. spinocerebellaris post. tr. cuneocerebellaris Non-conscious proprioception static dynamic Conscious proprioception  static proprioception  DRG – fasciculus gracilis et cuneatus – gracile and cuneate (bulbar) nuclei – tr. bulbo-thalamo-corticalis – SI  dynamic proprioception  LL + caudal part of trunk tr. spinocerebellaris post – ncl. Z (rostral to gracile ncl.) – medial lemniscus – ncl. VPL thalami – SI  UL + cranial part of trunk lateral cuneate ncl. – contralateral medial lemniscus – ncl. VPL thalami – SI fasciculus gracilis et cuneatus fasciculus gracilis ncl. Stilling-Clark fasciculus cuneatus tr. spinocerebell. post. ncl. gracilis et cuneatus tr. bulbothalamicus (lemn. med.) tr. thalamocorticalis gyrus postcentralis (SI) gyrus postcentralis (SI) lemniscus medialis ncl. cuneatus lateralis static dynamic CN V Maxillary nerve Mandibular nerve CN V - pathways  touch, pain and temperature  touch (discriminative touch)  proprioception (muscles, temporomandibular joint, teeth) CN V - spinal nucleus Somatosensory cortex – a. 3,1,2 Somatotopic organization VPM VPL VISCEROSENSORY PATHWAYS  carry information from the thoracic, abdominal and pelvic cavities, and from the cardiovascular system  utilize autonomic pathways to reach the CNS  participate in important reflexes  most of them end in the hypothalamus VS fibres in the parasympathetic nerves  pseudounipolar neurons in the inferior ganglion of CN IX  mucosa of oropharynx → ncl. commissuralis (reflex contractions of pharyngeal muscles during swallowing)  carotid sinus (baroreceptor)  carotid body (chemoreceptor) → dorsal respiratory ncl.  pseudounipolar neurons in the inferior ganglion of CN X  heart, respiratory organs and GIT → ncl. commissuralis  information about acidity of gastric juice → lateral hypothalamus (apestat)  aortic arch (baroreceptor) Solitary nucleus (ncl. of solitary tract) VS fibres in the sympathetic system  information about pressure, vibrations, temperature and pain from visceral organs  dorsal root ganglion  ncl. proprius  tr. spinothalamicus → ncl. ventralis posterolateralis thalami → somesthetic cortex  tr. spinoreticularis Illustrations were copied from: Neuroscience Online, the Open-Access Neuroscience Electronic Textbook Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy University of Texas Medical School at Houston