Preclinical periodontology Periodontology  Periodontal tissues  alveolar bone  cementum  periodontal ligament  gingiva Morfology  Periodontal tissues Of epithelium origin - Gingiva- Attachement Of mesenchymal origin - Periodontal ligaments - Bone - Cementum Supportive tissues  Alveolar bone  Cementum – insertion of periodontal ligaments crown root Dentogingival junction Morphology Supportive tissues Dentogingival junction  Attachement - epithelium Two layers: - Stratum basale - Stratum suprabasale Cementum On the root surface Approx 50% inorganic material Insertion of collagen fibers Alveolar bone Compact bone – lamina dura Spongise Periodontal ligament  In periodontal space (width 0,4 – 1,5 mm) 20 – 35 %. Interfibrilar substance with cells, nerves, blood vessels Periodontal ligaments  Supraalveolar ligaments In various directions.  Intraalveolar ligaments (Sharpey´s fibers) - Horizontal - Oblique - Apical - Crestal - Interradicular Paeriodontal diseases - classification  Inflammation – gingivitis  Inflammation of deeper structures – periodontitis  Non inflammatory diseases - gingival recessions Aethiology  Local factors Dental biofilm Dental calculus Iatrogenic diseases Mucogingival disorders (frenulum breve) Trauma a traumatizace Dental plaque = biofilm  Comunity  Primitive circulation More species Higher metabolic activity Higher resistance (S. sobrinus CHX 300x, AF 75x) better conditions to survive higher virulence Biofilm  Adherence  Colonisation  Maturation Can it be recognised and removed easily? Aethiology  Systemic factors Genetic predispositions Systemic diseases (diabetes mellitus, leukaemia,HIV infection) Side effects of drugs (cyklosporin A, imunosupresivs, cytostatika, calcium blockers) Physiologic factors (pregnancy, climacterium, etc). Periodontal diseases  Inflammation at most!!!!  The most important ethiological factor? Dental plaque!!!! BIOFILM Diagnosis  History  Clinical examination  Imaging methods (radiography) Diagnosis and treatment plan Patient´s history  Contemporary troubles  Oral history  Hygienic habits  Professional and social situation  Smoking  Family history Patient´s history  Diseases: Hypertension Cardiovascular diseases Diabetes Allergy Rheumatism … Others  Farmakotherapy Clinical examination  Examination of oral hygiene  Screening examination  Complex check  Special examination  Status of oral hygiene  Mucogingival diseases  Imaging methods - radiogram Inspection, probing Examination of depth of gingival sulcus (periodontal pocket) in 4 points – mesiobuccally,buccally, distobuccally, orally Or in 6 points Also mesioorally and distoorally Pressure – 0,25 N (gentle probing) Periodontal probes  WHO probe  Wiliams probe  Nabers probe (for furcation) Visualisation of dental plaque  Sonda  Barviva  Tablety Plaque Plaque induced inflammation Detection of dental plaque  Special dyes  E.g. Tri Plague ID gel  Blue- old plaque (48hours), red – fresh plaque, light blue – high risk (pH 4,5 – 5,5) Indexes  K vyšetření orálního zdraví (ve vztahu ke kazu a onemocněním parodontu)  Ke kontrolám terapeutických opatření U všech zubů nebo u 16,21,24,36,41,44. Skóre se dělí počtem vyšetřených míst Gravimetrické a planimetrické testy Indexes – special figures  Level of oral hygiene  Stage of inflammation  Treatment needs … Plaque-index (Quigley, Hein)  0: No plaque  1:isolated regions  2: line of plaque alogn the gingival border  3: plaque in cervical third of the crown  4: plaque in the midle third of the crown  5: plaque in coronal third of the crown Approximal Plaque-Index (API)(Lange)  Yes (1) or no (0)  API = (sum of positive findings/ sum of investigated approximal spaces) x 10 (multiplied by 10). Plaque-Index (API)(Lange)  API 25 % optimal OH  API 25–39 % good OH  API 40–69 % wores OH  API 70–100 % insufficient OH PBI (papilla bleeding) index  0  1  2  3  4 No bleeding Point Line Triangle Drop Measurement and assesment  Sume or sume divided by number of investigated papillas 1 2 3 2 3 1 2 2 1 0 0 2 2 3 12 14 1 1 2 2 0 4 0 3 3 4 2 3 1 0 9 17 52:28= 1,8 52/28 CPITN (Comunity periodontal index of treatment needs) Měření hloubky parodontálních chobotů Depth of periodontal pockets Furcations  Klasifikace I. – III. Gingival recessions  Classification 1 2 3 4 Radiographic investigation Treatment plan Initial phase Oral hygiene– professsional and home care Extractions, fillings RCT. Subgingival treatment Surgical treatment Prosthetic treatment Parodontopathies Gingivitis  Plaque associated gingivitis Erythema No pain Easy bleeding Plaque on the tooth Chronic form Acute form Erythema Pain Easy bleeding Plaque on the tooth Parodontopathies Gingivitis  Plaque modulates gingivitis Changes on gingiva worsen by dental plaque The clinical picture  Gingival inflammation and destruction  ANUG Severe pain, bleeding gums, halitosis Atrophic or desquamative gingivitis symptoms  Erythema on free gingiva – loss of the epithelium  Variety of symptoms: itching, tenderness of eating, burning. Hyperplastic gingivitis  High standard of oral hygiene must be achieved!  Gingivectomy (drugs induced) Parodonthopaties Periodontitis  Chronic periodontitis.  Aggressive periodontitis.  Periodontitis as a manifestation of systemic disease.  Necrotizing periodontal diseases.  Abscesses of the periodontium.  Periodontitis associated with endodontic lesions.  Development or acquired deformities and conditions. Periodontitis  Inflammation in deeper structures of periodontium Periodontitis  Gingivitis  Pocketing  Loss of alveolar bone  Drifting and mobility  Furcation exposures  Recession Periodontitis  Gingivitis  Pocketing  Loss of alveolar bone  Drifting and mobility  Furcation exposures  Recession Periodontitis  Gingivitis  Pocketing  Loss of alveolar bone  Drifting and mobility  Furcation exposures  Recession Periodontitis  Gingivitis  Pocketing  Loss of alveolar bone  Drifting and mobility  Furcation exposures  Recession Periodontitis  Gingivitis  Pocketing  Loss of alveolar bone  Drifting and mobility  Furcation exposures  Recession Periodontitis  Gingivitis  Pocketing  Loss of alveolar bone  Drifting and mobility  Furcation exposures  Recession Periodontitis  Chronic adult periodontitis  Agressive periodontitis  Early onset periodontitis Therapy  1. Oral hygiene - professional, home care INDIVIDUAL Therapy  1. Oral hygiene - professional, home care INDIVIDUAL Therapy  1. Oral hygiene - professional, home care INDIVIDUAL Scalers – sharp pointed instruments for removal of supragingival calculus Curretes Universal Special (Gracey) Grace Edge Shank Scaling, root planing  Gracey curretes, cleaning of the root surface Therapy  2. Subgingival treatment – scaling root planing, curettage Therapy  3. Periodontal surgery Gingivectomy, gingivoplastic Indications of gingivectomy  Hyperplasia gingivae (pseudopockets)  Supraalveolar periodontal pockets with the horizontal bone resorption  - Bad configuration of the gingival margin or papilla fol. ANUG or extraction. Gingivectomy Gingivoplastic Internal gingivectomy External gingivectomy Intrasulcular Marginal Paramarginal Papilar Paramedial Medial Closed curretage Flap operation Ressective Regenerative Apical flap Replaced flap Mucogingival surgery  Enlargement of attached gingiva - Frenulectomy - Vestibuloplastic  Plastic of recessus -Lateral flap -Bridge flap -Mucous or mesenchymal grafts