General Neurology Questions - Physiotherapy programme 1. History in Neurology 2. Proprioceptive reflexes 3. Exteroceptive reflexes 4. Olphactory nerve 5. Optic nerve 6. Ocular motor nerves: oculomotor, trochlearis and abducent nerves 7. Trigeminal nerve 8. Facial nerve 9. Vestibulocochlear nerve 10. Lowest four cranial nerves (n. glossopharyngeus, n. vagus, n. accessorius, n. hypoglossus) 11. Upper and lower motor lesion – clinical characteristics 12. Lesion of corticospinal tract, bulbar and pseudobulbar syndrome 13. Sensory system - exteroception 14. Sensory system - proprioception 15. Spinal cord lesions: transversal lesion, Brown-Sequard syndrome, conus medullaris syndrome, anterior cord syndrome, central cord syndrome. 16. Cerebellum – structure and function 17. Cerebellar syndrome 18. Gait and stance disorders, gait mechanisms, spastic gait, cerebellar gait, gait in peripheral nerve system disorders, postural instability. 19. Basal ganglia – structure and function 20. Parkinsonian syndrome 21. Dyskinesias and dystonias 22. Spinal column – structure and function, spinal column examination, principles of spinal cord manipulation. 23. Radicular low back pain syndromes – history, clinical sings, radicular versus pseudoradicular syndrome 24. Disorders of consciousness, Glasgow Coma Scale, brain death 25. Meninges – structure and function – blood brain barrier, meningeal syndrome 26. CSF examination, indications and contraindications of lumbar puncture 27. Disorders of higher cognitive functions (speech disorders, alexia, agraphia, acalculia, cognitive dysfunctions, disorders of praxia) 28. Intracranial hypertension, hydrocephalus 29. Neuroimaging methods (X-ray, CAT scan, MRI, ultrasound, SPECT, PET) 30. Neurophysiological examination methods (EEG, conduction studies, EMG, evoked potentials) Clinical Neurology Questions – Physiotherapy programme 1. Ischemic stroke - diagnostic approach and treatment 2. Brain haemorrhage - diagnostic approach and treatment 3. Subdurál hematoma, epidural hematoma, traumatic brain haemorrhage 4. Brain concussion and contusion 5. Epilepsy – epilepsy classification, epileptic seizure classification, focal seizures 6. Generalised seizures, status epilepticus 7. Subarachnoid hemorrhage: clinical signs, diagnostic approach and treatment 8. Meningitis, encephalitis, brain abscess, spinal cord abscess, neuroborreliosis 9. Spinal cord disorders: vascular disorders, spinal cord stroke and haemorrhage, syringomyelia, spinal cord stenosis myelopathy 10. Headaches: pathophysiology, classification, therapy, prevention, migraine treatment 11. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 12. Multiple sclerosis – pathophysiology, diagnostic approach and treatment 13. Myasthenia gravis, myasthenic syndrome (Lambert-Eaton) 14. Parkinson's disease: clinical signs, treatment, atypical parkinsonian syndromes – etiology, differential diagnostics 15. Huntington's disease, Sydenham chorea and other choreas 16. Wilson's disease, essential tremor, focal and generalised dystonia 17. Spinocerebellar ataxia, Friedreich's ataxia, differential diagnosis of gait disorders 18. Polyneuropathy and polyneuritis: pathophysiology, pathology, diagnostic approach and treatment of peripheral nerve system disorders, EMG and conduction studies in diagnostics of peripheral nerve system disorders. 19. Myopathies: congenital and acquired 20. Hereditary polyneuropathies (HMSN), spinal muscular atrophy, metabolic and acquired polyneuropathies (diabetic, ethyltoxic) 21. Autoimune neuropathy, AIDP - Guillain-Barré syndrome, CIDP 22. Brachial and lumbosacral plexus lesions 23. Entrampment syndromes – carpal tunnel, ulnar tunnel, tarsal syndrome, syndrome of tarsal tunnel entrampent 24. Dementias: diagnostic approach and treatment. Alzheimer's disease 25. Vascular dementia, dementia with Lewy bodies, dementia in Parkinson's disease, frontotemporal dementia, Creutzfeld – Jacob's disease, pseudodementia 26. Neuropsychology – diagnostic possibilities, rating scales, psychotherapy, 27. Myositis, dermatomyositis, myotonia. 28. Central nerve system tumours, brain and meningeal tumours, symptoms of intracranial and intraspinal expansions 29. Back pain, sacroilliacal joint affections. Radicular syndromes in upper limbs (C5- C8) 30. Radicular syndromes in lower limbs (L4-S1), cauda equina and conus medullaris syndromes, epiconus syndrome