Theoretical Grounds of Clinical Medicine Significance and Perspectives of Stem Cells in Clinical Medicine II Aleš Hampl & Dáša Bohačiaková & Tomáš Bárta & Josef Jaroš March 2018 Why people fell in love with stem cells? (Embryonic, Adult, Induced) Promise for biomedicine •Replacement therapy •Drug development •Disease modeling •Toxicity testing Food for thought •Mechanism(s) of self-renewal ? •Mechanism(s) of differentiation •Symmetric/asymmetric division ? •Pluripotency ? ? ? Mother nature and scientists supply us with many Stem cells generate and regenerate our body 1. Undifferentiated growth 2. Differentiation Capability to differentite into specialized cell types Pluri/Multipotency Capability to produce identical copies of itself Self-renewal Different properties Fetal Organ Tissue Embryonic stem cells Adult stem cells Induced pluripotent stem cells Cancer stem cells 1998 2006 Fulfilling dreams needs solid grounds Solid numbers of cells Safety Reaching proper cell phenotypes 3D organization and integration Scaffolds ? Bioreactors What will we discuss today ? One have to be cautious - representative example of risk associated with propagation of stem cells outside the body Stem cells in real clinic - example of what stem cells and how they are successfully used in tissue reconstruction Lungs made from stem cells - two ways to go Strong nerves made from stem cells - where we stand - example of the story, to which we also contributed Twisting biology for good – new scenarios for driving stem cells to where we need them Also stem cells need support and help - how to provide stem cells with the right and caring environment What will we discuss today ? One have to be cautious - representative example of risk associated with propagation of stem cells outside the body Stem cells in real clinic - example of what stem cells and how they are successfully used in tissue reconstruction Lungs made from stem cells - two ways to go Strong nerves coming from stem cells - where we stand - example of the story, to which we also contributed Twisting biology for good – new scenarios for driving stem cells to where we need them Also stem cells need support and help - how to provide stem cells with the right and caring environment Genetic changes develop in self-renewing hESC 2007 2010 October 2011 …. and also in adult stem cells INTERPHASE METAPHASE ANAPHASE NORMAL ABNORMAL Cultured hESC display centrosomal overamplification that produces abberant mitoses DAPI (chromatin) pericentrine (centrosome) a-tubulin (microtubules) Holubcova et al., Stem Cells, 2010 Chromosome missegregation Chr. gain + loss G1 G2 SM c d f e a b g Why this may represent a serious problem ? .... with very high frequency ! Undifferentiated hESCs Brno Stockholm Boston Holubcova et al., Stem Cells, 2010 cell line passage number mitoses multicentrosomal / total multicentrosomal mitoses percentage B10/CBA_11.1 P8 5 / 120 4,17 % B10/CBA_11.2 P5 3 / 122 2,45 % B10/CBA_11.3 P8 3 / 96 3,13 % B10/CBA_11.4 P5 0 / 104 0,00 % B10/CBA_11.5 P7 1 / 111 0,90 % B10/CBA_11.6 P7 0 / 47 0,00 % B10/CBA_11.7 P3 1 / 125 0,80 % B10/CBA_11.8 P4 3 / 109 2,75 % cell line passage number mitoses multicentrosomal / total multicentrosomal mitoses percentage B10/CBA_11.1 P8 5 / 120 4,17 % B10/CBA_11.2 P5 3 / 122 2,45 % B10/CBA_11.3 P8 3 / 96 3,13 % B10/CBA_11.4 P5 0 / 104 0,00 % B10/CBA_11.5 P7 1 / 111 0,90 % B10/CBA_11.6 P7 0 / 47 0,00 % B10/CBA_11.7 P3 1 / 125 0,80 % B10/CBA_11.8 P4 3 / 109 2,75 % In mESC the frequency of multicentrosomal mitoses is low unpublished Somatic cells hiPSC fibroblast source multicentrosomal / total mitoses multicentrosomal mitoses percentage clone ID (passage number) multicentrosomal / total mitoses multicentrosomal mitoses percentage Human foreskin fibroblasts 0/96 0,0% HFF_L1 (P20) 10 / 110 9,09% HFF_L2 (P20) 5 / 125 4,0% Normal human dermal fibroblasts (Lonza) 6/60 10,0% NHDF (P26+7) 14 / 202 6,9% Adult dermal human fibroblasts 2 / 267 0,74% AHDF_#1 (P36 25/249 10,07% AHDF_#4 (P35) 29/217 13,36% Ligase IV mutated (patient derived) 0 / 60 0,0% FO7/614 (P18+10) 5 / 110 4,5% 4 / 111 3,6% FO7/614_shRNAp53 (P20+11) 29 / 174 16,6% 0 / 52 0,0% GM16088 (P19+9) 1 / 77 1,29% 0 / 56 0,0% GM17523 (P18+6) 20 / 160 12,5% In hiPSC the frequency of multicentrosomal mitoses is variable depending on cell line unpublished undiff. hESC DAPIOct3/4mergetransmitted 3D RA 5D EB + 10D A C 0 5 10 15 hESC 5D EB + 10D %ofmulticentrosomalmitoses 0 5 10 15 %ofmulticentrosomalmitoses hESC 3D RA B Differentiated cells Supernumerary centrosomes develop only in pristine hESCs Holubcova et al., Stem Cells, 2010 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Multicentrosomalmitoses(%) Passage number Prolonged culture reduces the frequency of mitoses with supernumerary centrosomes Holubcova et al., Stem Cells, 2010 Supernumerary centrosomes have normal structure bipolar multipolar pericentrin a-tubulin DNA Figure S3 Holubcova et al., Stem Cells, 2010 4C 8C >8C Both endoreduplication and mitotic failure contribute to overamplification of centrosomes in hESC 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% >8C 8C 4C-8C 4C Low High CCTL10 CCTL12 Low High CCTL14 Low High kinetochores Holubcova et al., Stem Cells, 2010 34 hours 20 hours 20 hours 14.5 hours 16 hours unpublished Cells divide unfaithfuly What will we discuss today ? One have to be cautious - representative example of risk associated with propagation of stem cells outside the body Stem cells in real clinic - example of what stem cells and how they are successfully used in tissue reconstruction Lungs made from stem cells - two ways to go Strong nerves coming from stem cells - where we stand - example of the story, to which we also contributed Twisting biology for good – new scenarios for driving stem cells to where we need them Also stem cells need support and help - how to provide stem cells with the right and caring environment left breast ablated because of cancer 7 months after lipofilling 2x consecutive lipofilling (lipomodelation) Department of Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery (Dr. Streit) Missing connective tissues can be supplied by grafting adipose tissue Missing connective tissues can be supplied by grafting adipose tissue What is the concept ? fat grafting = a promising surgical technique that uses patient’s own fat for tissue regeneration and augmentation What is behind the effect ? adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs) = potent fat tissue cells responsible for regeneration What is the question ? various ways of fat processing = do they produce the same cells ? = do they give the same clinical outcome ? Teaming up for getting the answer Department of Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery & Department of Histology and Embryology Patients & Collection of adipose tissue Liposuction abdominoplasty Application 500 ml normal saline + epinephrine Liposuction 150 ml of lipoaspirate (via 3.5 mm cannula) Transfer to the lab average length of ischemia 2.5 hr at 37°C Processing of lipoaspirate Sedimentation • separation by gravity • still used • control group • time consuming • upper fat layer • Fat fraction 71% Centrifugation (1200 g, 3 min) • Upper oily layer • Fat layer - 56% Low density (upper 2/3) High density (bottom 1/3) • Liquid layer • Pellet Membrane-based tissue filtration (PureGraftTM membrane) • 2x washing 2x30 ml PBS • filtration 2x 5 min • Fat fraction - 46% Many different characteristics were determined Viability of cells sedimented membrane centrifuged centrifuged pellet filtered low dens. high dens. NO difference Microstructure of individual preparations cell debris lipid droplets adipocytes + amorphous component of ECM adipocytes fibrilar component of ECM erythrocytes Significant differences Some features Sedimentation: • abundant debris + oil drops Centrifugation: • minimum debris + oil drops • reduced amount of ECM Filtration: • minimum debris + oil drops • minimum ECM Pellet • abundant ECM + erythrocytes native AT pellethigh dens.low dens.filteredsedimentedlipoaspirate Molecular phenotype of adipose-derived stem cells Perfectly normal in all preparations Negative for: CD31 & CD45 Positive for: CD90 & CD105 CD 90 + CD 105 + Proportion of adherent adipose-derived stem cells SOME differences calculated as number of SC in 1 ml of original processed adipose fraction sedimented membrane centrifuged centrifuged centrifuged pellet filtered low dens. high dens. * Capacity to differentiate towards adipogenic and osteogenic Perfectly normal differentiation capacity in all preparations non-differentiated control differentiated adipogenic (oil red) osteogenic (alizarin red) Key medically relevant findings Sedimentation • very gentle – lowest yield of ASC • time consuming – unpractical for clinical setting Viability of cells • independent of the procedure • probably much more affected by the duration of ischemia (manipulation) Centrifugation x Membrane-based filtration • quantitatively and qualitatively very similar outcome Centrifugation seems to be preferable uncompromised quality & cost effectiveness It works and a spectrum of applications is wide persistent postradiation ulceration (sarcoma treament) 2x application of the graft (arround + underneath the ulcer) 7 months after grafting Unpublished (Dr. Streit) What will we discuss today ? One have to be cautious - representative example of risk associated with propagation of stem cells outside the body Stem cells in real clinic - example of what stem cells and how they are successfully used in tissue reconstruction Lungs made from stem cell - two ways to go Strong nerves coming from stem cells - where we stand - example of the story, to which we also contributed Twisting biology for good – new scenarios for driving stem cells to where we need them Also stem cells need support and help - how to provide stem cells with the right and caring environment Stem cells can repair adult tisues/organs Reparative behavior - Constitutive high rate - Defined hierarchy of stem/progenitor cells Epidermis Intestine Blood - Low steady-state turnover - Robust repair after damage Lung Liver Pancreas - Inefficient - Scaring instead of repair Brain Heart Ciliated cells Goblet cells Serous cells Neuroendocrine cells Basal cells Club cells Ciliated cells Basal cells Pneumocytes type II Pneumocytes type I Lungs as one of the targets More than 40 cell lineages identified in lungs !!! Anterior ventral foregut endoderm + Mesoderm Vascular smoth muscle Airway smooth muscle Cartilage Fibroblasts Pericytesproximal distal Lung diseases potentially treatable by cell therapies. Lung disease Affected components Therapeutic target Respiratory distress syndrome Alveolar epithelium Capillary endothelium Epithelia and endothelia regeneration Asthma Epithelium Myofibroblast Airway smooth muscle Inhibition of inflamation Inhibition of airway remodeling, Inhibition of muscle heperplasia Bronchopulmonary dysplasia Alveolar epithelium Capillary endothelium Interstitial fibroblasts Inhbition of inflamation Regeneration of alveolar septa and epithelium Cystic fibrosis Airway epithelium Delivery of CFTR (cystic fibrosis conductance regulator) Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (emphysema) Alveolar epithelium Capillary endothelium Interstitial fibroblasts Generate 3D alveolar structure Bronchiolitis obliterans Airway epithelium Regeneration of epithelia Cancer All components Complete replacement of 3D structure and others Respiratory diseases are the third leading cause of death in the industrialized world. Lung replacement is often the only solution. Options for new therapeutic strategies Acute alveolar damage • inhalation injury • blast injury Activation of healing potential of resident progenitors Chronic lung damage • chronic obstructive pulm. disease • fibrosis • bronchopulmonary displasia • and others Cellular therapy Lung engineering What cell sources we may consider ? 2 Stem / progenitor cells residing in lung tissues 1 Adult stem cells isolated from non-lung compartmets 3 Lung stem / progenitor cells differentiated from pluripotent stem cells Anas Rabatta Stem / progenitor cells residing in lung tissues Dr. Zuzana Koledová BASCs variant Clara cells Clara cells Bronchiolar-Alveolar SC Collect lung Chop lung Enzymatic digestion Differential centrifugation Lung epithelial organoids Mesenchymal cells Single-celled lungepithelialcells Culture in non-adherent conditions Enzymatic digestion Primary spheres Secondary spheres Enzymatic digestion Culture in 3D Matrigel / collagen Culture in 3D Matrigel Isolation + Characterisation of mouse LSPC Efficiency of Primary lungospheres formation The number of (EpCAM+,CD49f+, CD104+,CD24low) cells Viability The number of cells before sorting 2.1%183486.8%35*106 Liberase Lungospheres originating from one single cell unpublished Morphogenesis in lungospheres grown for 2 weeks in suspension culture unpublished E-cadherin DAPI cytokeratin-14 DAPI Pro-SP-B DAPI Direct differentiation of pluripotent SC into airway epithelia + Activin + FBS - Activin - FBS + FBS + FGF2 + KGF + EGF D0 D6 D15 D28 Endoderm induction Anterior-posterior patterning Tissue specification Vitronectin hESC 3D Organotypic cultureAir-Liquid interface culture unpublished Direct differentiation of pluripotent SC into airway epithelia – 15 days Light H+E Sox17 TTF1 Anterior ventral foregut endoderm TF Air-Liquid interface culture SPA pro-SPB 0 4 6 8 10 12 14 21 23 26 28 H441 Pneumocytes II Days Pro-SPBSPACCSP Pneumocytes IIClub cells unpublished Direct differentiation of pluripotent SC into airway epithelia – 20 days Microvili Cavities Air-Liquid interface culture unpublished Direct differentiation of pluripotent SC into airway epithelia – 20 days Polarized cells Tight junctions Microvili Flattened cells Lamellar bodies Air-Liquid interface culture Alveolar-like organization 0,5 – 3 mm unpublished Direct differentiation of pluripotent SC into airway epithelia – 20 days 3D Organotypic culture Analysis in progress Organoids unpublished Differentiation of early lung progenitors (ELP) from hESC FBS 10 % 10 % 0 2 % Activin A - + - ITS - - + + FGF2 - - - + EGF - - - + Heparin - - - + Vitronectine + + + + 0 6 151Day Definitive endoderm Anterior ventral foregut endoderm hESC unpublished Hana Kotasová Early lung progenitors X Common endoderm progenitors Lamellar bodies Foxj1 Ciliated cells p0 p20 p30 D7 D15 D21 H441 Self-renewal Differentiation Organoid (10 days 3D) AQP5CCSPSPA Differentiation for 20 days (ELP in p20) Pneumocytes II Pneumocytes IClub cells unpublished Early lung progenitors differentiated for 25 days in matrigel unpublished H+E Simple squamous epithelium (alveolar-like) Pseudostratified epithelium in tubular structures (airway-like) AQP5 Pneumocytes I pro-SPC CCSP Club cells Pneumocytes II Club cells Col IV Phalloidin DAPI + respond to topography by adjusting their shape unpublished Early lung progenitors attach and proliferate on mouse decellularized lung scaffold unpublished zoom ELP differentiate when transplanted under kidney capsule ESC can give rise to highly organized organ-like structures April 2011 3D culture (EB) + integrins + laminin + entactin + Nodal Internal nuclear layer External nuclear layer Ganglion cells D24 What will we discuss today ? One have to be cautious - representative example of risk associated with propagation of stem cells outside the body Stem cells in real clinic - example of what stem cells and how they are successfully used in tissue reconstruction Lungs made from stem cells - two ways to go Strong nerves coming from stem cells - where we stand - example of the story, to which we also contributed Twisting biology for good – new scenarios for driving stem cells to where we need them Also stem cells need support and help - how to provide stem cells with the right and caring environment Two sorts of diseases that disable central nervous system Acute: • spinal cord injury • brain trauma • stroke… Chronic: • Parkinson’s Disease • Alzheimer’s Disease • Amyotropic lateral sclerosis Any posssible help from stem cells ? Model the disease + discover new drugs Trophic support for the surviving / damaged cells Replace lost + non-functional cells All kinds of cells can be considered: • embryonic + induced pluripotent stem cells • fetal neural cells - problematic • adult neural stem cells - problematic Neural differentiation of pluripotent SC – recapitulating development Carlson, Human Embryology and Developmental Biology, 2014 neural rosettes Grabiec et al. 2016 What else you can do? neural rosettes 2D 3D neural stem cells (selfrenewing) mature neurons/glia spheroids cerebral organoids (whole brains) Nature, 2013 Many diffrent ways of getting there … growth factors: •Peripheral neurons Coculture with mouse stromal cell line PA6 •GABAergic neuronsNeurotrofin-4 •Dopaminergic neurons FGF8/Shh, ascorbic acid + BDNF •Motoric neuronsFGF2, RA, Shh •Astrocytes CNTF (ciliary neurotrophic factor) •OligodendrocytesCNTF/PDGF … culture surface/scaffolds: collagen, laminin, fibronectin integrins, NCAM elasticity / plasticity 2D / 3D Nisbet et al., 2008 … by combination of these Problem of heterogenous differentiation Can we convert this knowledge into medical benefit ? Hans Keirstead UC Irvine 2005 2010 2015 Data published in Journal of Neuroscience 1st Clinical Trial with hESCs Approved Clinical Trial Cancelled Clinical Trial Re-Approved 2014 1st positive efficacy data form 4 patients Sept. 2016 1990 Hans Keirstead started his PhD in Neurobiology 11 years 26 years Spinal cord injury • spinal cord trauma destroys numerous cell types • in most cases of injuries, spinal cord is not damaged completely and some neuronal connections remain intact • oligodendrocytes (new myelinisation) may improve the function of motoneurons Further study towards cell therapies for acute CNS injuries The goal: To obtain clinically applicable Neural Stem Cell line from hESC Department of Anesthesiology and Stem Cell Program, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA Martin Marsala, MDDasa Bohaciakova (Dolezalova), PhD 1) Derivation method is simple, robust, cost-effective and can be implemented in cGMP • no xenobiotic tissue culture components or enrichment methods 2) Cell line of NSCs is expandable (and karyotypically stable), well characterized in vitro, homogenous, and has broad differentiation potential • Methods generate heterogeneous population of NSCs enriched with “contaminating” cells with limited differentiation and/or proliferative capacity 3) Extensive in vivo studies • Several reports suggest that tumorigenicity or neural overgrowth in vivo may represent a major obstacle in the future application of hESC-derived NSCs into human therapies Key requirements on clinically applicable Neural Stem Cells • After transplantation in vivo, cells survive and integrate into host tissue and differentiate into mature neurons and/or glia and do not form any tumors • Method has successfully been transferred to cGMP facility at UC Davis • Several NSC cell lines are currently being tested on Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and Spinal cord injury animal models Shortcut to the current stage of the story Injection site Some more neurobilogy fun here in Brno Martin Barak P-POOL Dasa Bohaciakova (Dolezalova), PhD to develop robust protocol for differentiation and culture of 3D cerebral organoids from hiPSC for modeling Alzheimer’s disease Modeling Alzheimer’s disease in the dish Where we are now ? Organoids with visible mature structures What will we discuss today ? One have to be cautious - representative example of risk associated with propagation of stem cells outside the body Stem cells in real clinic - example of what stem cells and how they are successfully used in tissue reconstruction Lungs made from stem cells - two ways to go Strong nerves coming from stem cells - where we stand - example of the story, to which we also contributed Twisting biology for good – new scenarios for driving stem cells to where we need them Also stem cells need support and help - how to provide stem cells with the right and caring environment Twisting biology for good new scenarios for driving stem cells to where we need them Tomáš Bárta Differentiation potential Differentiation potential Ectoderm Mesoderm Endoderm Pluripotent Multipotent typeA typeB typeC typeD How to change the cell fate? Differentiated Cell reprogramming into pluripotent state Oct4, Klf4, Sox2, c-myc Somatic cells (fibroblast) Induced pluripotent stem cells Extrinsic conditions (e.g. growth factors, cell culture conditions etc.) Advantages: patient-specific cells Disadvantages: instability of the genome, tumorigenicity, high-costs, safety Sir John B. Gurdon – 1958 - 1966 Ian Wilmut - 1997 “This result is of interest since it shows that genetic factors required for the formation of a fertile adult frog are not lost in the course of cell differentiation...” Recipient cell contains factors that are capable to revert somatic cell into embryonic cell. X Sir John B. Gurdon – 1958 - 1966 “We describe here some adult frogs which are derived from transplanted intestine nuclei and some of which are fertile.” Oct4 Sox2 Klf4 c-Myc 24 genes, specific for pluripotent stem cells he always took out one gene and followed the efficiency of reprogramming => 10 genes seriously affected the efficiency. 10 genes, specific for pluripotent stem cells he selected 4 genes Shinya Yamanaka - 2006 Shinya Yamanaka – 2006 - 2007 Sir John B. Gurdon - 1958 Ian Wilmut - 1997 ? How only 4 genes can reprogram the fate of a cell? What is happening during the reprogramming? D0 D3 D6 D9 D12 D15 D18 D21 I. Shut down of genes maintaining the “identity” of fibroblasts. I. dedifferentiation and upregulation of genes maintaining proliferation II. MET – transition from mesenchymal to epithelial phenotype. III. Establishment of pluripotency gene network. Increasing the safety of the cell reprogramming Graf, 2011 Conversion of one cell type to another cell type. Easily accessible and easy-to-cultivate cell types (fibroblasts, blood cells) are often used. Transdifferentiation Advantages: patient-specific cells Disadvantages: low-efficiency, restricted proliferative capacity, limited cell type diversity, senescence, and do not generally produce progenitor cells adenovirus encoding PDX-1 injected to liver diabetic mice Transdifferentiation of hepatocytes into insulin producing cells. PDX-1 Insulin Activation of insulin expression in human hepatocytes infected with virus encoding PDX-1 Pdx-1 (green) a insulin (red) Activation of insulin promoter (green) Ascl1, Brn2, Myt1 actinαMHC Gata4, Mef2c, Tbx5 D0 D6 Bmp4 D18 D24 FGF and GSK3 inhibitionFGF and GSK3 inhibition Culture medium without FGF Culture medium without FGF 10% FCS, Retinoic acid, Taurine 10% FCS, Retinoic acid, Taurine Spheroids generation Induction of neural retinal epithelia Retinal pigmented epithelium formation Photoreceptor maturation Ncad MITF Pax6 Opsin CRX Oct4 Sox2 Pax6 Rax MITF β-actin D0 D7 D14 D21 D28 D35 D42 D49 D56 What we are trying to achieve? Clinical applications ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Many issues must be addressed.... Basic research ? Take-home message typeA typeB typeC typeD There are many ways... ...we are trying to find the safest and cheapest (the best?) way. What will we discuss today ? One have to be cautious - representative example of risk associated with propagation of stem cells outside the body Stem cells in real clinic - example of what stem cells and how they are successfully used in tissue reconstruction Lungs made from stem cells - two ways to go Strong nerves coming from stem cells - where we stand - example of the story, to which we also contributed Twisting biology for good – new scenarios for driving stem cells to where we need them Also stem cells need support and help - how to provide stem cells with the right and caring environment Caring MicroEnvironment how to provide stem cells with the right and caring environment Josef Jaros For what it is applicable in medicine? Cancer biology Stem cell biology Disease modelling Developmental biology Molecular processes Drug testing In vitro cultivation Cells Matrix Enviro Soluble (growth) factors Factors of environment Comparison of environments Pros & Cons + Manipulation & analysis - Artificial conditions - Cells flat - Nutrients &soluble factors from 1 side - Connected to other cells 5-15% - etc. Diverse cells behavior and reactivity to drugs grown in 2D and 3D environment bone cartilage fat skin intestine nerves heart muscles Different tissue Different structure Adhesion – Proteins, peptides Topography – fiber diameters Mechanosensing – mesh size, stiffness Cell Motility – Porosity Molecule Diffusion - mesh size Matrix Degradability - MMPs Solution - Self-organization – e.g. organoids, spheroids - Surface modifications of Petri dish - Building our own 3D matrix Cells need 3D ECM In vitro In vivo Self-organizing cells Organoids & Spheroids formation Differentiation in 3D = Organoids in culture - Intestinal, cerebral, lung… Clevers, Knoblich, … 3D Electron microscopy visualization of spheroids (Jaros et al, 2017) Non-adherent surface V, U shaped well Surface modification and 3D matrix Natural • Natural recognition by cells • Expensive isolation • Availability and purity – Individual proteins ECM (collagen, fibronectin, etc.) – Mixture – Matrigel, Geltrex, … – Decellularized tissue (Preserved structure) Heart Synthetic • Precisely defined • Can be customized • Large scale production -> low price • Easy modifications – Polymers (PLLA, PCL, PU, …) – Peptides – Foams, mesh fibers, scaffolds, hydrogels Fibronectin mesh Ott, H.C. et al, Nat Med, 2008 Decellularized tissue - mouse lungs Collagen Fibronectin Laminin DecellularizedComplete Immunostained ECM Blue – cell nuclei Hematoxylin Eosin Alv Alv Alv Basal lamina Airway Collagen Elastin + Fibrilin Zuzana Garlíková Hana Kotasova Decellularized lungs preserved anatomical structure DecellularizedComplete Alveolar region Vessel Vessel Bronchiolus Airway Garlikova, Hampl , Tissue Eng., 2018 Man-made structures Cultivation medium Viscosity play role for cells Hydrogels formed by crosslinking or polymerization Hyalyronan - Plaster, patch Patterson J. et al, MaterialsToday, 2010 Fibrilar structure collagen I Fibrin matrix Hydrogel of modified hyaluronic acid Synthetic peptide Hydrogel RADA Hematology - MethoCult – growing of colonies Effort to produce materials with structure close to natural ECM Injectable, >98% of water content Nanofibers • Soluble materials, spun fibers under 1 um • Mostly for covering – skin, endothelium, dura mater… Sedlakova, submitted, 2017 Modified PCL and PLLA nanofibers Porous scaffolds Structure ● Pores (60-300 um) ● Diffusion ● Degradability ● Dynamics – release of chemicals –drugs, molecules for differentiation (growth factors, morphogens) 250 um Application in clinics • Trachea • Heart valves • Bones Jaros, unpublished 3D cultivation troubles • Manipulation, analysis, sterilization • How to get cells inside • How to get cells/proteins out (PCR, WB, etc.) • How to provide nutrient/waste exchange • Organization of cells Golunová A., Jaros J., et al., Biomaterials, 2015 Proks, V., Jaros, J., et al., Macromol Biosci 2012 3D porous synthetic gel 250 um 3D bioprintingsolution 3D bioprinting allows cell organization and tissue formation - Extruders and ink-jetting - Hydrogels applied - Human stem cells and progenitors - Combination of material and cells Organization and positioning of cells is important aspect for controlling cell behavior Josef Jaros Karolina Spustova Richard Mackovic Printed spheroids Picoliter drops arrays 10 mm Hydrogel vessels tubes with walls of 300 um Jaros, unpublished Branching structure Jaros, unpublished Printing cells into shapes of branched tubes Jaros, unpublished Take-home message Caring microenvironment and organization of stem cells help to build tissue structures and to understand biological mechanisms.. Video Dynamics of growth of hESC spheroids organized within hydrogels by 3D bioprinting