Thyroid gland • Glandula thyroidea (15 - 20 g, frontal side of trachea under thyroid cartilage • Two lobes connected by thyroidal isthmus, lobus pyramidalis • Strong vascularization • Round follicles (acini) with one layer of follicular cells (T3/T4) • Cavity filled with colloid • Capillaries with fenestrations • Parafollicular (C-) cells (calcitonin) • From day 29 of gravidity (Tg), T4 – 11th week Follicles are the basic functional units of thyroid gland Iodine and hormone secretion – general view • NIS (Na+/I- symporter) • PDS (pendrin) • TPO (thyroidal peroxidase) • TG homodimers and their iodation – MIT and DIT • DUOX1 and 2 – together with TPO oxidation of iodide and transportation to TG structure • TPO - connection DIT+DIT (T4) or DIT+MIT (T3) • Pinocytosis and phagolysosomes • Deiodation of MIT and DIT – DEHAL1 (iodotyrosine dehalogenase) • Other proteins (TSHR) • Transcriptional factors (TTF-1, TTF-2, PAX8, HNF-3) Dietary iodine - Bioavailability of organic and inorganic I - ECF + Ery, saliva, gastric juice - breast milk - I- filtered with passive reabsorption 60 – 70 % - loss through stool (10 – 20 mg/day) - Highest daily intake in Japan (several mg) - In many countries on decrease – eating habits Clinical relevance - Endemic goiter - Endemic cretinism Iodine fate in follicular cells NIS - Concentration of I in follicular cells - Transport of other ions (TcO4 -, ClO4 -, SCN-) – clinical significance - Salivary glands, mammary gland, choroid plexus, gastric mucosa, cytotrophoblast, syncytiotrophoblast - Loss of ability to concentrate I in thyroid gland tumors - TSH - (+) transcription - (+) prolonged stay in PM Pendrin - also kidneys (Cl-/HCO3 - exchanger) and inner ear Chloride channel 5 (ClCn5) - ? DEHAL1 -MIT and DIT, iodine recyclation IYD -iodotyrosine deiodinase -MIT (+++), DIT (+) Clinical relevance -Mutation -Thiourea derivatives – methimazole, carbimazole, propylthiouracil (TPO) Oxidation, organification of iodine and MIT/DIT synthesis - Organification = incorporation I in MIT and DIT - TPO in cooperation with DUOX1 and DUOX2 – peroxide generation - DUOX1/2 – NADPH, Ca2+-dependent oxidases - generation of I2 and I+ - DUOXA2 – maturation and DUOX2 incorporation -TSH stimulation - T3 and T4 –TPO catalysis - Tg – tyreoglobulin, 660 kDA homodimer - Tg – 134 tyrosines / 25 – 30 iodinated / only 3, resp. 4, participate in T4 and T3 - 3 – 4 molecules of T4 in Tg (physiological conditions) - Only 1 T3 in Tg T3 and T4 secretion - High supply vs low daily turnover (about 1 %) - Supply ca 5000 mg T4 – euthyroid state for ca 50 days - Macropinocytosis and micropinocytosis (apical membrane) - Endocytosis - Lysosomes fusion - Selective proteolysis (cathepsin D and D-like thiol proteases, active at low pH) - Release of hormones from Tg in lysosomes - Potential cytosolic transporter? (MCT8) - T4 available to deiodases D1 and D2 – modulation of systemic conversion? - Inhibition of T4 secretion by iodide TSH and T3, T4 secretion - TSHR - TSH binding - TRAb (TSHR-stimulating antibody ) - TBAb (thyroid-blocking antibodies ) -LH (+) -hCG (+) - G prot. – 11 subtypes of a subunit - Gs - Gq/11 - PLC + Ca2+ - iodide efflux, peroxide generation, iodation of Tg - PKA - iodide uptake - Tg transcription - transcription and generation of TPO and NIS T3 and T4 transport TBG - Glycoprotein - One binding site for iodothyronine - Half-life ca 5 days - Clinical significance – sepsis, cardiopulmonary surgery – cleavage by polymorphonuclear proteases – part of defensive reaction? Transthyretin - Binds one T4 molecule, low affinity - Half-life ca 2 days - CSF – relevance ? - Clinical significance – amyloid polyneuropathy Albumin - Low affinity - Little relevance for T3/T4 transport (max. 10 %) Low solubility of iodothyronines determines their reversible binding and transport by plasmatic proteins. Other – lipoproteins (3 – 6 %) Free T3/T4 TBG concentration and saturation is the main free-T4 determinant. Importance of glomerular filtration Glucuronidation of T4 = elimination of T4G through bile T4/T3 transport across PM and their cell fate Transport systems: - MCT8 (monocarboxylate transporter 8) - MCT10 (monocarboxylate transporter 10) - OATP1C1 (organic anion transporting polypeptide 1C1) (HEB) Expression in various tissues T3, T4, rT3 CNS (astrocytes) T4 Two-way transport of T3 Role of deiodinase type II Extrahypophyseal tissues - 90 % T3 in cytosol - 10 % T3 in nucleus Hypophysis - 50 % T3 in cytosol - 50 % T3 in nucleus Deiodination and (seleno-)deiodinases - all deiodinases require thiol presence as cofactor (glutathione (GSH), thioredoxin (TRX), glutaredoxin (GRX)) - D1 - main source of plasmatic T3 - D3 - most important „deactivating“ enzyme over-expressed in tumor tissue Sources of intracellular T3 and T4 D2 as a source of supplementary nucleic T3 T3 supply critical for tissues: - cortex - BAT - PIT Physiological relevance: - Normal development - Thyroid gland function regulation - Cold Preferential plasmatic T3 utilization Clinical relevance - Amiodarone (D1/D2 (-)) - Propylthiouracil (D1 (-)) - Glucocorticoids (D3 (+)) T3/T4 – mechanism of action -TR -TRa1 -TRb1 -TRb2 -TRb3 -Heterodimer with RXR -TRs binding - T3 with 15-fold affinity compared to T4 CNS, BAT, skeletal muscle, GIT, lungs, heart All tissues, mainly kidneys, liver Hypothalamus and hypophysis Very low expression, mainly liver, kidneys, lungs FeedbackregulationofT3/T4bradycardia,hypothermia Physiological effects of thyroid hormones - Non-nuclear receptors - Interactions with adaptor proteins - Regulation of transcriptional activity - cAMP - MAPK - Ca2+-ATPase (+) - Na+/H+ antiporter (+) Cell response - Normal growth and development - Regulation of metabolism Organ-specific effects of thyroid hormones Bones - Bone growth and development - regulation of activity of osteoblasts/clasts, chondrocytes - hyperthyroidism – risk of osteoporosis Cardiovascular system - Inotropic and chronotropic effect - (+) cardiac output and IVF - (-) vascular resistance - changes in transcriptional activity: -Ca2+-ATPase -Phospholamban -Myosin b-AR -AC -Na+/Ca2+ exchanger -Na+/K+-ATPase -Voltage-gated ion channels Adipose tissue - (+) differentiation of adipose tissue, adipocytes proliferation - (+) lipogenic enzymes - (+) cell accumulation of lipids - (+) uncoupling proteins, uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation - Hyperthyroidism (+) lipolysis - (+) b-AR - (-) phosphodiesterase activity - (+) cAMP - Hypothyroidism (-) lipolysis (+) activity HSL Liver - regulation of triglyceride, lipoprotein and cholesterol metabolism - (+) fatty acids metabolism - (+) gluconeogenesis - (+) mitochondrial respiration CNS - expression of genes related myelination, cell differentiation, migration and signaling - Axonal growth and further development GIT - (+) monosaccharides resorption - (+) motility TG regulation – hypothalamo-hypophyseal axis Synthesis and secretion of thyroid hormones is regulated by feedback mechanism. TRH - hypothalamus, CNS, C cells of TG, b cells of pancreas, myocardium, reproductive organs (prostate, testes), spinal cord - Necessity of T3 and T4, relevance of D2 - TRH-DE (TRH-degrading ectoenzyme) TSH - Half-life ca 30 min - Pulsatile secretion, connected to circadian rhythms - Magnitude changes – starvation, disease, surgery - Leptin, ADH, GLP-1, glucocorticoids, a-adrenergic agonists, prostaglandins, TRH (+) - T3/T4, gastrin, opioids, glucocorticoids (high doses), serotonin, CCK, IL-1b a 6, TNF-a, somatostatin (-) Iodide deficit and excess Deficit - Rapid T4 decrease, TSH increase - No change in T3 - Increased synthesis of NIS, TPO, Tg, organification of iodide and Tg turnover - Increase D2 in CNS, hypothalamus and hypophysis - Stimulation of follicular cells (TSH) - Long-term deficit – decreased D3 - Decrease supplementation under 75 µg/day (China, India, Indonesia, Africa) - hypothyroidismus Excess - At first increase, then decrease of iodide organification (Wolff–Chaikoff effect) - Long-term high iodide supplementation = hypothyroidism and goitre - decreased NIS generation - Immediate inhibition of thyroid hormones secretion Functions of thyroid gland in fetus and newborn Thyroid gland and development stages Fetal thyroid gland - qualitative and quantitative differences - 10-fold higher T4 production - D1 (-), D3 (+; liver, skin, tracheobronchial system, urothelial system, GIT epithelium) – T3(-), rT3 (+) - D2 – generation of T3 in tissues - Start at the beginning of the 3rd trimester - TSH during whole development higher than in mother - Almost no interaction with mother (exception placental transport of T4), high expression of D3 in uterus and placenta Thyroid gland in newborns - qualitative and quantitative differences - Increased TBG level - Lower T4 levels compared to mother - Low T3 level in serum, increased levels of rT3 and T3SO4 - Rapid increase TSH 2 – 4 hours after birth, decrease in 48 hours - Rapid increase T4, T3, Tg – 24 hours (+D1 a D2, adrenergic stimulation of D2 in BAT) Thyroid gland and aging - Normal T4 level, decreased T3 level - TSH according to iodide supplementation - Benefit of decreased thyroid hormones - longevity Thyroid gland functions during disease and starvation Starvation - Decreased plasmatic T3, increased rT3, T4 no change - Upregulation of D3 - Decreased oxygen consumption - Slower heart rate - More positive nitrogen balance = mechanisms to save energy and proteins - Chronic malnutrition – decreased plasmatic T3 Disease - Changes in T4 to T3 D2) conversion – TSH binding - IL-6 - Increased intra-/extracellular ROS = changes in deiodinase activity – decreased T4 to T3 conversion BUT! no change in D3 - potential therapy – infusion of TSH + GHRP2 - Bipolar disorder – (+) TSH, (-) T4 - Severe depression – (-) TSH, (+) T4 Hormones and thyroid gland Glucocorticoids - Decreased pulsatile secretion of TSH and TRH secretion - Increased activity (expression) of D3 Sex steroids - Estrogens - increased TBG - TSH (+ 15 – 20 %) - Androgen - decreased TBG GH - (+) T3, (-) T4 - Deiodinase Hypothyroidism Disruptions of HYP-ADH-TG axis including mutations Goitrogens and treatment Primary versus secondary - Cold sensitivity - Dry cold skin - Slower movements - Slow quiet speech - Bradycardia - Water retention - Psychomotoric retardation (children) - Myxedema (accumulation of protein complexes, polysaccharides, hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfuric acid in skin) - Hypothyroidism since birth = cretinism Hypothyroidism Graves disease, diffusion toxic goiter, toxic nodular goiter, inappropriate pharmacotherapy, excessive iodide intake, thyroiditidis, follicular carcinoma, tumors producing TSH - increased BMR - Changes in catecholamines reactivity - Exophthalmos - infiltration of lymphocytes and periocular fibroblasts into extraocular muscles and tissue - unrest - Tachycardia - Hyperventilation Hypo- versus hyperthyroidismus Parameter Hypothyroidism Hyperthyroidism BMR (-) (+) Carbohydrate metabolism Gluconeogenesis (-) Glycogenolysis (-) Glycemia (N) Gluconeogenesis (+) Glycogenolysis (+) Glycemia (N) Protein metabolism Proteosynthesis (-) Proteolysis (-) Proteosynthesis (+) Proteolysis (+) Muscle mass (-) Lipid metabolism Lipogenesis (-) Lipolysis (-) Serum cholesterol (+) Lipogenesis (+) Lipolysis (+) Serum cholesterol (-) Thermogenesis (-) (+) Autonomic nervous system Plasmatic catecholamines (N) Increased reactivity – b-AR (+) Plasmatic catecholamines (-) Examination of hypothalamus – adenohypophysis – thyroid gland axis TSH – immumometric methods Overall T3 and T4 – immunochemical methods (immunoassays) Free T3 and T4 rT3 Antibody levels - (anti-Tg, anti-TPO, TSIs – thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulins Thyroid nodules – ultrasound, biopsy, scan – I-123, Tc-99