LANGUAGE CENTRE AT MASARYK UNIVERSITY, FACULTY OF MEDICINE DIVISION MEDICAL ENGLISH – SPRING TERM 2019 U1-2: PRESENTATIONS, COVER LETTERS 1 IMPORTANT: In this semester, we use the continuous assessment design. Presentation accounts for 15% of the final mark (done throughout the semester) and exam writing accounts for 10% of the final mark (done in week 8).  SECTION 1 PRESENTATIONS TASK 1A PRESENTATION – HOLISTIC VIEW. Watch the video showing examples of a good and a bad presentation with a teacher feedback in between. Later in the lesson we will deal with various individual aspects demonstrated by the video. TASK 1B PRESENTATION – HOLISTIC VIEW. The presentation accounts for 15% of your final mark in this course. You will be graded according to this assessment grid. Study the presentation feedback form below and try to elaborate on what is meant by various categories. CONTENT 3-2-1-0 NOTES relevant content logical structure (signposting), timing presentation techniques LANGUAGE 3-2-1-0 vocabulary (range and accuracy) grammar (range and accuracy) syntax and transitions accurate pronunciation and effective intonation PRESENTATION SKILLS 3-2-1-0 delivery (body language, eye contact, fluency, speed, voice) visuals and their use discussion management, interaction in pairs A30-29 B28-27 C26-25 D24-23 E22-21 F20-0 TOTAL: ___ /2 = ___ (max.points 15) LANGUAGE CENTRE AT MASARYK UNIVERSITY, FACULTY OF MEDICINE DIVISION MEDICAL ENGLISH – SPRING TERM 2019 U1-2: PRESENTATIONS, COVER LETTERS 2 TASK 2A PRESENTATION PARTS - INTRODUCTION. The presentation introduction should contain information about the following. Briefly discuss in pairs why these are important, and how you would integrate the info into the introduction. 1 Relevance of topic 4 Personalizing the topic 7 Sequencing 2 Topic of presentation 5 Questions after the presentation 8 Media 3 Parts 6 Questions during the presentation 9 Timing TASK 2B PRESENTATION PARTS – SIGNPOSTING. In a good presentation, what you say – the content – is much more important than anything else. But a clear structure helps. When you move on to your next point or change direction, tell the audience. You can do this easily and effectively using simple phrases as “signposts“ to guide the audience through your presentation. Use the following signpost expressions to complete the table below. to move on to, to go back to, to summarize, to expand on, to recap on, to turn to, to digress from, to conclude, to elaborate on WHEN YOU WANT TO YOU SAY make your next point 1 change direction 2 refer to an earlier point 3 repeat the main points 4 give a wider perspective 5 do a deeper analysis 6 give the basics 7 depart from your plan 8 finish your talk 9 TASK 2C PRESENTATION PARTS – TECHNIQUES. The following are presentation techniques. Use the Presentation Basics document to find out what they are. Survival tactics Dramatic contrasts Build-ups Creating rapport Focusing Rhetorical questions Tripling Knock-downs Emphasis Softening LANGUAGE CENTRE AT MASARYK UNIVERSITY, FACULTY OF MEDICINE DIVISION MEDICAL ENGLISH – SPRING TERM 2019 U1-2: PRESENTATIONS, COVER LETTERS 3 TASK 2D PRESENTATION PARTS – VISUALS. Put the phrases below into the following columns. Preparing the audience for visuals – teasing Description/explanation of a visual Interpretation of a visual 1 On the horizontal axis you see the… 2 The next graph might come as a surprise to some of you. 3 The figures on the vertical axis are units of one thousand… 4 This graph shows three distinct developments. 5 I'd like to draw your attention to two major phases of the overall graph movement. 6 The next visual contains the key information that most of you came here to hear about. 7 The turning point in the performance of the graph is…. 8 On the vertical axis we have… 9 What this complex line boils down to are three major developments. 10 On the next slide you'll see something quite remarkable. TASK 2E PRESENTATION PARTS – SUMMARY OF A SECTION AND TRANSITION TO NEXT POINT. What is the function of a summary? Where do we put summaries in a presentation? Is one summary per presentation sufficient? In your presentation, use the following phrases to create an easy-to-follow structure. Indicating the end of a section o So this is all I have to say about…… o This brings me to the end of my first point. o So much for point one. o This is all you need to know about…. Summarizing a point o Let me briefly summarize the major issues. o The important things to remember here are…. o In a nutshell, …… o To make a long story short, ….. o Let's wrap up the most important issues at stake here. Taken from: Klarer, M. (2007). Působivá prezentace a přednáška v angličtině, Praha: Grada 2007, pp. 44-45. LANGUAGE CENTRE AT MASARYK UNIVERSITY, FACULTY OF MEDICINE DIVISION MEDICAL ENGLISH – SPRING TERM 2019 U1-2: PRESENTATIONS, COVER LETTERS 4 TASK 2F PRESENTATION PARTS – QUESTION AND ANSWER SESSION. Answer the following questions. Presenter: Answering/Postponing Questions: 1 What strategies will you use when answering a difficult question? 2 If, despite your request, the audience does ask questions during your presentation, what will you do? 3 What will you do if, during the Q&A session, you are asked a question to which you have no answer? Will you promise to find out the right answer for the questioner and contact him later? Audience: Asking Questions 1 A large audience may not get the chance to ask questions until the presenter has finished the talk. How will you make sure your question is as clear and relevant as possible? To better structure your question, feel free to use these question frames: 1. What exactly did you mean by……………………………………………..? 2. Could you go back to what you were saying about……………………………..? 3. How did you arrive at the figure of……………………………………….? 4. I think I misunderstood you. Did you say……………………………………………? 5. You spoke about …………………. . Could you explain that in more detail? 6. Going back to the question of ………………………. . Can you be more specific? 7. You didn't mention ………………………… . Why not? 8. If I understood you correctly, …………………………… . Is that right? 9. I'm not sure I fully understood ………………………… . Can you run through that again, please? 10. There's one thing I'm not clear about…………… . Could you go over that again, please? Adapted from: Powell, M. (1996). Presenting in English – How to Give Successful Presentations, Thomson Heinle, p. 108. LANGUAGE CENTRE AT MASARYK UNIVERSITY, FACULTY OF MEDICINE DIVISION MEDICAL ENGLISH – SPRING TERM 2019 U1-2: PRESENTATIONS, COVER LETTERS 5 TASK 3 PRESENTATION PRACTICE Go online and find a specialist text related to pathologies (of any bodily system). In groups of 3, create a presentation which you will then give in front of the whole class. Your presentation will last between 3-5 minutes. You can find photos on the internet to create visuals for your presentation. You can also use the phrases listed below. This is how you will proceed: 1: 0-5 minutes: Find and read the text. Highlight the key words and phrases. 2: 6-8 minutes: In your group, decide who is going to do what. Two people will present, and one person will handle the question-and-answer session. 3: 9-15 minutes: Presentation rehearsal. You may refer to the Minipresentation phrases listed in TASK 4 below. After that, you will be asked to perform the presentation in front of the rest of the class. Presentation structure General phrases  I would like to familiarize you with the __.  First, I will give you the details of ______.  First, I will provide you with the basic facts concerning _________.  First, I will describe _________________.  Then, I will deal with the ______________ .  Then, I will discuss the differences between A and B.  Then, I will give you an overview of ______.  Is everything clear?  Are there any questions?  (If not) Thank you for your attention.  as I've said earlier  generally speaking  in other words  to sum it up / to summarize it  to cut a long story short  to get to the point  to answer your question (briefly)  to put it simply  Now, I would like to give the floor to Mark.  Over to you, Mark. LANGUAGE CENTRE AT MASARYK UNIVERSITY, FACULTY OF MEDICINE DIVISION MEDICAL ENGLISH – SPRING TERM 2019 U1-2: PRESENTATIONS, COVER LETTERS 6  SECTION 2 COVER LETTERS TASK 4 DISCUSSION. In pairs, talk about the following. o When you write in English, what sort of texts/documents do you write/type? o What problems do you encounter when writing in English? o What is a motivation letter? Why would you write it? What should it contain? o What are some of the typical phrases found in letters of motivation? TASK 5 SAMPLE COVER LETTERS. Things you need to know about the Writing portion of the final exam: - You’ll have 30 minutes. - You’ll need to write a cover letter to an application. The recipient of the application will be specified on your test (it will be some kind of academic or work opportunity). - Also specified will be 4 content areas that you have to cover in your letter (these will be typical “cover letter” content areas (why you are applying, what experience you have, etc.) - Your letter must be between 150-190 words (more or fewer words are penalized; under 120 words and over 220 words and you will FAIL the Writing exam). - Your letter is a written presentation of your professional and/or educational experience for a very specific, i.e. demanding reader – an HR person. TASK 6 Choose one of the following cover letters and complete each gap with up to 5 words. SAMPLE 1 – MEDICAL ASSISTANT COVER LETTER Dear [], I am writing to apply for the part-time Medical Assistant position at Living Well Health Centre, 1 ________________________________ I am a certified AAMA Medical Assistant, with 5+ years of professional experience in 2 ________________________________ and general office administration. I have worked at a range of medical facilities, from private physician office settings 3 ________________________________. In my recent position as the Medical and Services Assistant at the John Miller Smith Hospital in Denver, I was trained in administering injections, recording EKG’s, patient scheduling, medical coding (ICD9/10 and CPT) and phlebotomy/blood draws. I am certified in Basic Life Support (BLS)/ CPR with adult, child and infants, and 4 ________________________________ using the MS Office Suite and Electronic Health Records (EHR) software. Specific highlights of my career include:  Enhancing patient relations and reducing critical wait times  Developing cost-effective administrative procedures  Training staff members in patient interaction and communication I have a Bachelor of Health Sciences from America State University, 5 ________________________________ Biology and minor in administration. I am confident that my extensive medical and administrative skills would be 6 ________________________________ and to the Living Well Health Centre. I have attached a copy of my resume with this email. If you need any further information, 7 ________________________________ (102) 515-0987. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, YOUR NAME Adapted from : LANGUAGE CENTRE AT MASARYK UNIVERSITY, FACULTY OF MEDICINE DIVISION MEDICAL ENGLISH – SPRING TERM 2019 U1-2: PRESENTATIONS, COVER LETTERS 7 SAMPLE 2 – ENTRY LEVEL NURSE COVER LETTER Dear [], I am pleased to be writing to you today regarding my application for the nursing position advertised on (Website Name). I believe my qualifications and experience 1 ____________________________________ for this job. I have a Bachelor’s Degree in nursing and 6+ years of proven experience effectively and efficiently managing 2____________________________________. I am an extremely organized, calm, and patient professional with excellent healthcare skills. I have a passion for providing quality care to patients, and 3 ____________________________________ to inspire other staff members to strive to provide above standard levels of service. 4 ____________________________________ as registered nurse at Chicago Medical Center, I am tasked with evaluating the medical conditions of up to 20 patients daily, and developing and directing a rotational system to manage the care of patients and otherwise coordinate workforce management. 5 ____________________________________ I’ve been recognized as a dedicated, ambitious, and reliable person who has the ability to work without supervision. 6____________________________________, my four years of experience as an Assistant Nurse at Bright Spot LTD helped me realize and implement clinical duties I learned during the course of my education. 7 ____________________________________, I was commended for proficiently handling difficult situations with patients and their family members. I believe a relationship with your company would be mutually beneficial, as I am seeking a challenging work environment where I can use my skills to the fullest extent. 8 ____________________________________ hearing from you, and would love to explain my skills further during an interview. 9 ____________________________________ a detailed account of my work history in the attached resume. Sincerely, [Your Name] Adapted from: SAMPLE LETTER 3 –PHARMACIST COVER LETTER Dear [], I am excited to write to you regarding the open pharmacist position at [Pharmacy Name]. I saw your job posting on [Website], and I noticed that 1 ____________________________________ history perfectly. I have over 10 years of experience as a competent, diligent, and reliable pharmacist. I 2 ____________________________________ consistently providing personalized customer service, minimizing administrative errors, and maintaining an efficient pharmacy. 3____________________________________:  Increasing sales by $3,000 USD per month by spearheading new customer service initiatives designed to personalize our service and educate our customers  Eliminating a paper-only tracking system, automating data management that saved 15 hours of manual data recording per week LANGUAGE CENTRE AT MASARYK UNIVERSITY, FACULTY OF MEDICINE DIVISION MEDICAL ENGLISH – SPRING TERM 2019 U1-2: PRESENTATIONS, COVER LETTERS 8  Recruiting and training 3 pharmacy technicians in all aspects of managing the moving parts of an efficient pharmacy In my current role at Walgreens, I was personally sought out by the corporation to provide advice and strategy to struggling branches. My consulting efforts have resulted in a significant increase in competitiveness amongst other Walgreens pharmacies in saturated markets. 4 I ____________________________________ provide this level of expertise to your pharmacy, and help you 5____________________________________. With my 10 years of experience as a pharmacist, I firmly believe that I am 6 ____________________________________ this position. I look forward to speaking with you in person. Please let me know if you have any questions. Sincerely, [Your Name] Adapted from: TASK 7 COMMON MISTAKES IN THE COVER LETTER. Below are sentences from previous students’ cover letters with either grammar/vocab errors or just improper word choices. Can you rewrite them in a way that would be appropriate for a cover letter? 1 I study on the Faculty of Medicine. 2 I have many experiences in first aid. 3 … it shouldn’t be a problem for me to speak English 4 From last year I have started volunteering at a local hospital. 5 I am actually studying first year medicine on the Masaryk’s University. 6 Please contact me via my email address 7 I will not have any problem taking care about children. 8 I have already passed my exam from first aid, and I have also been participating in some more courses about first aid. TASK 8 Below are phrases you can use in motivation letter writing. Complete each gap with a suitable word. 1 I would ____________________ the opportunity to discuss further details of the position with you personally. 2 I am writing with ____________________ to/in ____________________ to your advertisement, which I saw … 3 I am writing to ____________________ for the position of …… as advertised in … 4 I look forward to ____________________ from you. 5 I am particularly ____________________ in this job, as… 6 You can contact me at any time at your ____________________. 7 I ____________________ from Barcelona University last year with a degree in … LANGUAGE CENTRE AT MASARYK UNIVERSITY, FACULTY OF MEDICINE DIVISION MEDICAL ENGLISH – SPRING TERM 2019 U1-2: PRESENTATIONS, COVER LETTERS 9 TASK 9 Here are some sentences that could appear in a cover letter. For each, circle/underline one word in the choice below that DOES NOT fit the sentence. 1 My ______________ career goal is to become the senior consultant in the pulmonary department. A. ultimate B. hoped C. major D. explicit 2 I believe that my ______________ background gives me sufficient qualification to participate in your programme. A. established B. academic C. followed D. educational 3 I was ______________ to learn about the opportunity to apply for a job in your company. A. thrilled B. prepared C. excited D. delighted 4 You will see from the attached CV that my educational background ______________ the requirements for enrolment in the internship class. A. meets B. fulfils C. satisfies D. pleases 5 In my medical practice, I have frequently ______________ a variety of clinical tests. A. administered B. run C. reviewed D. proved TASK 10 Below are two paragraphs extracted from a student internship cover letter. Fill each gap with the best word from the choice under the text. My goal 1 ____________ graduation next spring is to 2 ____________ a fellowship in hospital administration. I believe that a summer internship at New York-Presbyterian will be invaluable in helping me develop a 3 ____________ understanding of the complex dynamics that drive the financing and delivery of care in a large academic medical centre. Prior to enrolling in graduate school, I worked for three years as the Director of Meeting Planning for the Pulmonary Hypertension Association. This position provided me 4 ____________ the opportunity to collaborate with doctors, allied health professionals and patients in developing educational programs that 5 ____________ awareness about PH with the goal of 6 ____________ diagnosis, better disease 7 ____________ and improved patient prognosis. My experience in 8 ____________ the motivations of various stakeholders and 9 ____________ projects in high-stress situations has helped me to 10 ____________ a strong skill set that will translate well in a hospital operations role. I am eager to apply the lessons I’ve learned in project management to improving clinical quality and the patient experience within the hospital delivery system. LANGUAGE CENTRE AT MASARYK UNIVERSITY, FACULTY OF MEDICINE DIVISION MEDICAL ENGLISH – SPRING TERM 2019 U1-2: PRESENTATIONS, COVER LETTERS 10 1 A. with B. upon C. in D. to 2 A. deliver B. make C. assume D. secure 3 A. safer B. milder C. deeper D. harder 4 A. with B. for C. in D. to 5 A. enlarged B. raised C. magnified D. hyped 6 A. healthier B. earlier C. sooner D. raised 7 A. dealing B. procedure C. concern D. management 8 A. aligning B. completing C. coaching D. diverting 9 A. driving B. terminating C. executing D. colliding 10 A. mediate B. underline C. research D. foster TASK 11 Study the sample cover letter collocations. ultimate career goal diligent work ethics flexible attitude highlight one´s relevant experience/education excited to learn about the opportunity further explore academic background make a valuable/significant contribution fulfilling experience enable me to contribute significantly to face complex challenges see the attached/enclosed resume/CV greatly appreciate the opportunity to develop a working knowledge be pursuing a bachelor/master/doctoral degree in spark one's interest be majoring in a comprehensive medical/educational background LANGUAGE CENTRE AT MASARYK UNIVERSITY, FACULTY OF MEDICINE DIVISION MEDICAL ENGLISH – SPRING TERM 2019 U1-2: PRESENTATIONS, COVER LETTERS 11 further exposure to advance my career cutting edge projects achieve a goal meet the requirements explore career/study options be promoted to a position of run/order/review tests extensive education intensely studied exceptional communication skills appreciate your consideration of my application appreciate receiving information relative to equipped with solid educational preparation/valuable experience supportive of my qualification for a career in make a positive contribution to a position considerable amount of confidence in attractive challenge seek an opportunity discuss one's qualifications/mutually beneficial possibilities TASK 12 Letter of motivation checklist. When writing a letter of motivation, you should answer the following questions. A Where did I find out about it? B What position/programme am I applying for? C What attracts me to the position? D How do my skills and abilities relate to the position/programme offered? E What are my strengths? F When am I available for an interview? G Have I thanked the reader for considering my application? LANGUAGE CENTRE AT MASARYK UNIVERSITY, FACULTY OF MEDICINE DIVISION MEDICAL ENGLISH – SPRING TERM 2019 U1-2: PRESENTATIONS, COVER LETTERS 12 TASK 13 Study the criteria below, which your teacher is going to use when assessing your writing. 1 TASK ACHIEVED (0-3 POINTS) o instructions fulfilled (all four content areas need to be covered) o genre (sound confident, but not arrogant or pompous; do not use contracted forms; follow “the Dear Mr. Smith – Yours sincerely, Dear Sir – Yours faithfully” model; do not start the letter with “My name is “; do not use rhetorical questions) o register (formal letters; brief; to the point; polite but impersonal) o range (word count) 2 TEXT ORGANIZATION (0-3 POINTS) o structure (paragraphs and content) o coherence (how a text is connected in terms of meaning and ideas; logical sequence of ideas; paragraphs are linked) o cohesion (how a text is connected in terms of meaning and language; mere enumeration insufficient; ideas need to be developed, not just hinted; statements need to be backed by examples; points taken off for simple cohesive devices such as and, or, but; use B2 cohesive devices such as however, moreover, nevertheless, on the one hand, on the other hand, in addition, besides, apart from, in conclusion, etc. ) 3 LEXIS (0-2 POINTS) o range (expected range at B2 CEFR level - see TASK 10 above, including paraphrasing; points taken off for insufficient range) o accuracy (word choice; collocations; spelling) 4 GRAMMAR (0-2 POINTS) o accuracy (expected range at B2 CEFR level, including conditionals o range LANGUAGE CENTRE AT MASARYK UNIVERSITY, FACULTY OF MEDICINE DIVISION MEDICAL ENGLISH – SPRING TERM 2019 U1-2: PRESENTATIONS, COVER LETTERS 13 TASK 14 EXAMPLE OF TEST TASK. You are planning to apply for an Erasmus exchange program to study one semester at the medical school of the prestigious University of Edinburgh. Write a cover letter to the Human Resources department using 150-190 words (words below/above the limit are penalized) and do the following: - explain what you are applying for - describe your education - describe your experience - say how you could contribute to the host university programme After you finish, your colleague is going to use the writing assessment criteria above to assess your work.