Social factors determining prevalence of obesity Zuzana Derflerová Brázdová Masaryk University, Brno Incidence of obesity in EU in men 10-20%, in women 15-30% (IOTF 2005) Phillip%20a8 Report WHO Consultation on Obesity WHO/NUT/NCD, Geneva, 1998 Current data: 312 . 106 BMI > 30 1,1 . 109 BMI > 25 155 . 106 overweighed children WHO/IOTF Report, 1998 GLOBAL EPIDEMICS OF OBESITY Incidence of overweight in children and adolescents is increasing IOTF/EASO Obesity in Europe Report 2002; IOTF 2004 Conceptul frame of key determinants of obesity Economy, Health care Private economy sector Public catering Psycholog. factors Inequity, poverty Epidemiology, Nutrition science National policy International policy Nutrition Occupational care PA science Social science, Research of Inequity and poverty Urbanistics Public policy Physical activity Politics •International •EU regulations • - import rules • - agricultural politics • - - state subsidize • - food labels • - food safety and quality •WTO agreements •National •regulations (food labelling, …) •taxes – food prices •agriculture •Food marketing •Health care •Food safety and quality • school catering •Education < education on healthy eating Determinants of obesity – material •High atractivity of products IMG_8345 Determinants of obezity – real world I. •Too much food and „cheap calory“ •No profit from healthy food •Food price does not reflect environmental circumstances •Fossil resources take precedence over human energy Serving sizes… DSC_0120 …gender difference of servings USA 2007 dvě 180 Materialistic – real world • Indicators e.g. • •Mortality of cyclists •Security of pedestrians and runners during nights •No. of swimming pools per inhabitant •Lenght of cyclist’s paths •Another relevant indicators (specific for region, population group etc.) Atractivity of built environment for PA of children? 102 - 1 Psychological factors • •Valid social theories in general • •Cultural and social norms • •Perception of body image in general Determinants of obesity – material II. •Atractivity of children’s activities in parks cannot beat pc games and tv •Parking lots are preferred to physical activity space •Active transport to school and work is nor supported sufficiently •Safety during physical activity Determinants of obesity - sociofysiological •Price signals influencing like-attitude in fruit and vegetable •Food shopping as a hobby, per se •Food shopping in single dose, big amount and using external energy (cars) •Consumption of bigger portions (increasing trend) •Proportion of production => consumption fat/sugar/meat/milk products Determinants of obesity – social •No activ support of „quality“ products for all income population groups •Success of companies is not directly conneted with consumer’s health •Little restrictions and limits of improper foods for defined population groups •Healthy diet is not used as affirmative social instrument •Low food and nutrition literacy Determinants of obesity – social cognitiv •Advertisment and marketink aimed to children •Wending machines at schools •Overeating pleasure is socially accepted •No education for delicate taste discrimination (salty / sweet) •Parents are not supported in long/term responsibility => they often prefer quiet and tranquility … … … Social world •Re-definition of what is acceptable and desirable • • •Eg. need of environmental changes to enable changes of: • - body signals perception, • - portion sizes, • - physical activity Situation in EU •Diffrent „social gradient of obesity“ in wealthier countries in Western Europe • •Children / adults (Latvia vs. France) Conflict of index? •Obesitogenic index • • x • •HD index (Human Development Index) Macro and microeconomic determinants influencing physical activity I. •Most of every-day environments, eg. • -living • -work • -school and after-school activities • • stopped to support PA and as a consequence started to be obesitogenic. • Psychological factors •Generally accepted social theories • •Cultural and social norms • •General understanding of body image • Social perception of obesity •During phylogenesis – desirable phenotype – in women (no in men), in Homo sapiens, hunters– gatherers • •More safe regarding healthy pregnancy • •More safe regarding survival Crossing for pedestrians 71 - 1 No more cycling line… Disapeared? František 001 Example of cycling line F:\Krauff documenty\Buena planeacion 1.jpg Cycling path – safety ? Pedestrian’s safety C:\Users\prof. Brázdová\Desktop\cyklostezka se stromem.jpg