DISSECTION COURSE II – PREPARATIONS A) on whole unprepared preparations Neck: Day 1. skin incisions, platysma 2. Transection of platysma, preparation of anterior jugular vein, external jugular vein, cervical plexus 3. Superficial lamina of cervical fascia and preparation of sternocleidomastoideus, n. XI. 4. praetracheal fascia, infrahyoid muscles, anterior jugular vein, external jugular vein, arcus venosus juguli 5. cervical ansa, omohyoideus 6. caudal part of neurovascular bundle – internal jugular vein, carotid artery, vagus nerve 7. trigonum caroticum 8. trigonum caroticum, trig. submandibulare 9. fissura scalenorum, plexus brachialis 10. demonstration of regions Thorax: 1. skin incisions 2. subcutaneous layer - nn. supraclaviculares, a.thoracoacromialis, v. cephalica, nn. pectorales 3. muscle layer, mm. pectorales, m. serratus ant. 4. fossa axillaris 5. fossa axillaris, m. serratus ant., intercostal spaces, opening of chest 6. preparation of m. transversus thoracis, vasa thoracica int., preparation and opening of pericardium, demonstration of region, preparation, hilus, removal of lungs (at least the right lung), demonstration of region 7. removal of lungs and heart, preparation of mediastinum 8. preparation of mediastinum and heart 9. completion of mediastinum, heart 10. demonstration of regions Abdomen: 1. skin incisions, subcutaneous layer 2. subcutaneous layer – rr. cutanei med., lat., n. iliohypogastricus, vasa epigastrica superfic., a. circumflexa ilium superfic., a. pudenda externa. 3. muscle layer – m. obliquus ext., spermatic cord, anulus inguinalis superfic. and accompanying nerves, vertical transection of oblique muscles and preparation of nerves and vessels, m. rectus, vasa epigastrica inf., m. pyramidalis, 4. opening of inguinal canal and its demonstration, opening of abdominal cavity, situs viscerum – demonstration, preparation of vasa mesenterica superiora 5. preparation of vasa mesenterica sup. et inf., anastomosis magna Halleri, 6. preparation of structures within omentum minus, branches of truncus coeliacus 7. completion of preparation of vessels, removal and opening of small intestine, colon transversum and stomach; preparation of duodenum and pancreas 8. removal of duodenum with pancreas, removal of liver; removal of colon ascendens et descendens, preparation of kidneys and suprarenal glands 9. plexus lumbalis, plexus coeliacus, sympathetic, vasa iliaca 10. demonstration of regions Male pelvis: 1. Penis – skin incisions, subcutaneous layer, vasa et nn. dorsales penis 2. scrotum – skin, subcutaneous layer, coverings of testicle, testicle, epididymis 3. aorta abdominalis, a.iliaca communis, completion of preparation of its branches, m. iliopsoas, vascular branches within fossa iliaca, a. iliaca externa, 4. completion of preparation of n.iliohypogastricus, ilioinguinalis and femoralis, position of viscera within pelvis – demonstration, preparation of structures on side of pelvic viscera, separation of peritoneum, preparation of ductus deferens, of ureter, 5. halving of pelvis, vasa iliaca interna – preparation of branches 6. preparation of organs with branching of vessels and nerves 7. vasa iliaca interna – preparation of branches 8. vasa iliaca int., n. obturatorius 9. muscles of pelvic floor and their fascia 10. demonstration of regions Female pelvis: 1. aorta abdominalis, a.iliaca communis, completion of preparations of their branches, m. iliopsoas, vascular branches of iliac fossa, a. iliaca externa, 2. completion of preparations of n.iliohypogastricus, ilioinguinalis, femoralis, m.iliopsoas, quadratus lumborum, transversus abdominis 3. position of viscera within pelvis – demonstration, preparation of structures on side of pelvic viscera, separation of peritoneum, preparation of lig. teres uteri, ureter, 4. halving of pelvis, vasa iliaca interna – preparation of branches 5. vasa iliaca int. 6. plexus sacralis, n. obturatorius, 7. preparation of organs and their blood supply and innervation 8. muscles of pelvic floor and their fascia 9. completion of preparations 10. demonstration of region Head: whole one with skin (it is possible to remove skin from one half of head and dissect two regions together) 1. regio parotideomasseterica and facialis (superficial) 2. regio parotideomasseterica and facialis (superficial) 3. regio temporalis and frontoparietooccipitalis 4. regio temporalis and frontoparietooccipitalis (superficial), (without transection and damage of galea aponeurotica!) 5. regio temporalis deep layer (on one side) – transection of zygomatic arch, nerves, vessel within fossa infratemporalis, a. maxillaris 6. completion of preparation from 5th day, completion of preparation of output of 2nd and 3rd branch of n. trigeminus (transection of muscles) on side of deep preparation. Preparation for opening of skull – transition of galea aponeurotica, elevation of m. temporalis caudally and laterally. ! ( eventually opening of skull ) 7. opening of skull, removal of brain, demonstration, preparation of dura mater – ggl. trigeminale, sinuses 8. section of pharynx, cleaning of parapharyngeal space (without soft palate), just slowly on one side, it will be finished next year!; brain – preparation of circulus arteriosus Willisi, removal of meninges 9. completion of preparations from last day, section of brain (after agreement)!!! 10. Demonstration of regions B) on partly prepared preparations: Heads with wedge cut: 1. Preparation of parapharyngeal space and soft palate 2. Preparation of parapharyngeal space and soft palate 3. Preparation of fossa infratemporalis from lateral side, reg. sublingualis 4. Preparation of larynx, halving of head 5. fossa infratemporalis from medial side 6. preparation of orbit 7. completion of preparation of orbit 8. preparation of petrous part of temporal bone, nn. petrosi, opening of cavum tympani, auditory ossicles 9. self-study 10. demonstration Half-heads: 1. gradual completion of unprepared regions 2. fossa infratemporalis from medial side 3. fossa infratemporalis from medial side 4. orbit 5. orbit 6. preparation of petrous part of temporal bone, nn. petrosi, opening of cavum tympani, auditory ossicles 7. optional preparation ( muscles of soft palate etc., completion of preparation of facial regions) 8. optional preparation (reg. olfactoria etc.) 9. self-study 10. demonstration