Basic knowledge: cranial nerves - Appearance of nerve from brainstem and course through baseskull - Nuclei of cranial nerve in brainstem segment - Functional zones of nerve nuclei and types of nerve fibers - Main branches and structural innervation CN III CN IV CN VI Innervation by CN III: mm. recti orbitales except m. rectus lat. m. levator palpebrae sup. m. obliquus inf. m. dilator (symp.) et sphincter pupillae (parasymp.) Innervation by CN IV: m. obliquus sup. Innervation by CN VI: m. rectus lat. Fissura orb. sup. Innervation by CN VI m. rectus lat. Innervation by CN IV m. obliquus sup. CN VII Fissura petrotympanica CN VII Innervation by n. VII: Mimic muscles gl. lacrimalis gl. submandibularis gl. sublingualis small salivatory gl. in mucosa of soft and hard palatum Taste buds in anterior 2/3 of tongue and in mucosa of soft and hard palate Chorda tympani CN V n. V/1 - n. ophthalmicus Fissura orb. sup. Innervation by CN V1: Skin of upper eyelids and frontal region Conjunctiva and cornea of eye Mucosa of celullae ethmoidales CN V1 - ophthalmic nerve CN V2 – maxillary nerve Somatosensory innervation by CN V2: Skin of lower eyelids, nasal wings, cheek, gingiva and teeth of maxilla Pterygopalatine ggl. Innervation by pterygopalatine ggl.: gl. lacrimalis m. orbitalis mucosa of nasal cavity mucosa of soft and hard palate rr. orbitales m. orbitalis Pterygopalatine ggl. CN V3 – mandibular nerve CN V3 – mandibular nerve CN V3 – mandibular nerve Somatosensory innervation by CN V3: Skin of mandibula Gingiva and teeth of mandibula Ggl. oticum et submandibulare ggl. oticum CN IX CN IX Mucose covering pharynx and posterior 1/3 of tongue, taste from posterior 1/3 of tongue (rr. pharyngei, rr. linguales) tuba auditiva Innervation by CN IX: Somatosensory Pharyngeal mucosa Tonsilla palatina, tuba auditiva Mucosa of posterior 1/3 of tongue Sensory (taste) Taste buds of posterior 1/3 of tongue Viscerosenzory Glomus caroticum Sinus caroticus Motor m. stylopharyngeus Parasympathetic gl. parotis CN X CN X Somatosenzory afferentation from pinna and meatus ac. ext. Taste afferentation from epiglottis To internal organs Pharyngeal muscles except m. stylopharyngeus Muscles of soft palate except m. tensor veli palatini Laryngeal muscles except m. cricothyroideus m. cricothyroideus Vagus nerve branches r. meningeus rr auriculares rr. pharyngei rr. laryngei sup. rr. cardiaci cervicales sup. n. laryngeus reccurensn. lar. inf. rr. cardiaci cervicales inf. rr. cardiaci thoracici rr. bronchiales rr. tracheales, rr. oesophagei, plexus oesophageus, plexus pulmonalis truncus vagalis ant., post. -----rr. gastrici ant. post., rr. coeliaci rr. hepatici rr. renales Innervation by CN X: Somatosensory Pinna and meatus acusticus ext. Meninges, mucosa of larynx Sensory (taste) Taste buds of epiglottis Viscerosenzory Glomus caroticum Sinus caroticus Branchiomotor Pharyngeal muscles except m. stylopharyngeus Muscles of soft palate except m. tensor veli palatini Laryngeal muscles m. cricothyroideus – n. laryngeus sup., r. externus Rest laryngeal muscles – n. laryngeus reccurens (source r. internus n. XI.) Visceromotor Internal organs ncl. ambiguus ncl. spinalis n. V. n. XI n.IX. ncl. solitarius ncl. parasymp. n. X. r. meningeus r. auricularis rr. pharyngei n. laryngeus sup. (r. ext. et int.) r. cardiacus thor. inf. r. cardiacus cerv. sup. r. cardiacus cerv. inf. m. cricothyroideus n. laryngeus rec. sin. n. laryngeus rec. dx. a. subclavia. dx. Vagus Nerve Stimulator (VNS) CN XI CN XI Spinal motoneurons CN XII Intrinsic tongue muscles and m. genioglossus, hyoglossus et styloglossus Infrahyoid muscles Spinal motoneurons CN XII Lesion of the hypoglossal nerve – tongue turns to side of unlesioned nerve