THERMOREGULATION AND SYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM Death Heat stroke Hard exercise, fever Normal body temperature (36,3 – 37,1°C) Loss of consciousness Cardiac arrhythmias Seriously impaired thermoregulation Effective thermoregulation Impaired thermoregulation Cessation of thermoregulation HYPERTHERMIAHYPOTHERMIA Peripheral Thermoreceptors Central Thermoreceptors Thermoregulatory Centre Skin Arterioles Skeletal Muscle Sweat Glands Skin Temperature Visceral Temperature Deep Brain Temperature CoreBodyTemperature Set Point Ambient Temperature Behavior Variations of core body temperature • Cirkadian rhythm • Menstrual cycle (circamensal rhythm) • Seasonal variations (circannual rhythm) • Ageing Body temperature measurement Ambient temperature (°C) Body temperature (°C) 23 25 3127 29 33 31 35 33 37 Thermoneutral zone Skin temperature Rectal temperature Skin blood flow controle • Apical skin – a-v anastomoses – Vasocontriction: Sympath (NA-α1) – Vasodilation: pasive • Non-apical skin – Vasocontriction: Sympath (NA-α1) – Vasodilation: Sympath (Ach-?) Infrared Thermography Infrared thermal images of the anterior body for two athletes Adopted from: Journal of Physics: Conference Series 655 (2015) 012062 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/655/1/012062 Lewis (1930): „hunting reaction“ Convection - expired air Convection Radiation, Conduction Evaporation: Skin and lungs Total heat production Total heat loss Exercise (J) Energetic exchange (kcal/h) Rest Exercise Peripheral Thermoreceptors Central Thermoreceptors Thermoregulatory Centre Skin Arterioles Skeletal Muscle Sweat Glands Skin Temperature Visceral Temperature Deep Brain Temperature CoreBodyTemperature Set Point Ambient Temperature Behavior Infrared Thermography Infrared thermal images of the anterior body for two athletes before, during and after excercise Adopted from: Journal of Physics: Conference Series 655 (2015) 012062 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/655/1/012062