1 BASIC MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY II CONTENTS 1. REVISION AFTER THE WINTER SEMESTER ............................................................................... 2 2.1 COMPARATIVE & SUPERLATIVE FORMS ........................................................................................ 4 2.2 EXERCISES ON COMPARATIVE FORMS ........................................................................................... 5 2.3 DIMINUTIVE FORMS IN ANATOMY................................................................................................... 8 2.4 EXERCISES ON DIMINUTIVE FORMS ................................................................................................ 9 3.1. EXPRESSING POSITION IN MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY............................................................... 10 3.2 EXERCISES ............................................................................................................................................ 12 4.1 TERMS REFERRING TO NUMBER/QUANTITY IN MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY......................... 14 4.2 EXERCISES ............................................................................................................................................ 16 5.1 OTHER LATIN AND GREEK PREFIXES USED IN MEDICAL TERMS.......................................... 18 5. 2 OVERVIEW OF SUFFIXES WITH SPECIFIC MEANING IN MEDICAL TERMS.......................... 19 5.3 EXERCISES ............................................................................................................................................ 20 6.1 BASIC RULES OF WORD COMPOUNDING ...................................................................................... 22 6.2 GREEK ROOTS REFERRING TO BODY PARTS ............................................................................... 24 6.3 GREEK ROOTS REFERRING TO BODY FLUIDS AND SUBSTANCES ......................................... 26 6.4 EXERCISES ............................................................................................................................................ 27 7.1 GREEK ROOTS REFERRING TO PATHOLOGIES, CONDITIONS, AND PROCESSES ................ 31 7.2 GREEK ROOTS REFERRING TO MEDICAL PROCEDURES AND EXAMINATIONS.................. 33 7.3 EXERCISES ............................................................................................................................................ 34 8.1 GREEK ROOTS REFERRING TO QUALITIES................................................................................... 38 8.2 EXERCISES ............................................................................................................................................ 39 9. LATIN TERMS USED IN PHARMACOLOGY ...................................................................................... 43 9:1 PRESCRIPTION TYPES ........................................................................................................................ 43 9.2 PARTS OF MEDICAL PRESCRIPTION ............................................................................................... 45 9.3 FORMS OF PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS AND AGENTS ............................................... 46 9.4 PARTS OF PLANTS USED IN PHARMACOLOGY............................................................................ 46 9.5 OVERVIEW OF ABBREVIATIONS COMMONLY USED IN MEDICAL PRESCRIPTIONS.......... 47 9.6 COMMONLY USED MEDICATION NAMES ..................................................................................... 50 9.7 EXERCISES: ........................................................................................................................................... 52 10. DISSECTION PROTOCOL .................................................................................................................... 60 10.1 EXERCISES .......................................................................................................................................... 60 11. REVISION EXERCISES......................................................................................................................... 62 VOCAB.......................................................................................................................................................... 67 2 1. REVISION AFTER THE WINTER SEMESTER 1. Fill in the blank fields: Latin term English meaning Genitive Gender Declension Derived adjective elbow 2 m dentalis, e oris lower jaw 1 operatio palatinus, a, um chest n cervicalis, e ribcage diabetae coccygis death 3 manus n hepaticus, a, um decubitus m abnormal narrowing 3 excisio cutaneus, a, um partis wall m partus 2. Create short medical records by connecting the nouns from the previous exercise with the following clinical terms: symptomata __________________________________________________________________ status post __________________________________________________________________ excisio __________________________________________________________________ fractura __________________________________________________________________ suspicio __________________________________________________________________ trauma __________________________________________________________________ 3 3. Describe the anatomical parts using derived adjectives referring to location. Pay attention to the correct grammatical forms: EX : under + orbit > margo infraorbitalis between + rib > musculi ………………………………… intimi behind + tarsus > ossa ………………………………… above + shoulder blade > nervus ………………………………… outside + peritoneum > spatium ………………………………… under + temple > facies ………………………………… alae majoris inside + jugular (vein) > processus ………………………………… under + occiput > pars ………………………………… a. vertebralis 4. Explain the difference between the highlighted words: fractura costae verae l.dx. dislocata repositio propter dislocationem art. SI l.sin. ulcera duodeni perforantia perforatio parietis gasteris ex ulcere tympanum perforatum v.s. suspicio carcinomatis mammae l.utr. infractio partis proximalis radii l.dx. suspecta 5. What is wrong about the following expressions? What terms should be used instead? inflammatio appendicis morsus fetus propter defectum congenitum cancer testiculi rupture perinei superficiale concussio cerebri caries dentium permanens status post partem inductum exitus post vulnum sclopetarium capitis musculi levatores costarum brevium emesis propter graviditem morbus post infarctum myocardii combustiones in regionem pectoralem carcinoma ad lienem increscentis corpus alienum in sino sphenoidali vulnera sub tempibus periculosus sepsis vulneris 4 2.1 COMPARATIVE & SUPERLATIVE FORMS A) Comparison of adjectives Adjectives are compared in Latin in a similar way as in English, i.e. using suffixes. There are, likewise, three degrees of comparison: 1) POSITIVE expresses quality of one person or thing on its own; e.g. short = brevis, e 2) COMPARATIVE compares one thing to another, tells whether the thing has more or less of a particular quality, using the suffix -IOR for masculine and feminine forms and -IUS for neutral forms e.g. shorter = brevior, ius a. All Latin comparative forms are declined according to paradigms DOLOR (M., F.)and CORPUS (N.) based on the gender of the noun they describe b. All comparative forms share the same Genitive ending -IORIS and Ablative ending-IORE c. Neutral comparative forms have different accusative and superlative due to the Acc. = Nom. rule, i.e. Acc.Sg = Nom. Sg. (-IUS); Nom. Pl. = Acc. Pl. -IORA singular plural nominative brevior brevius breviores breviora genitive brevioris breviorum accusative breviorem brevius breviores breviora ablative breviore brevioribus 3) SUPERLATIVE describes a thing having the most of a quality ofall other things in a group using the suffix -ISSIMUS for male forms, -ISSIMA for female forms, and ISSIMUM for neutral forms; e.g. the shortest = brevissimus, a, um a. All superlative forms end in –US, -A, -UM and are declined like adjectives of 1st and 2nd declension base don the gender of the noun they describe, i.e. like NERVUS, VENA, or SEPTUM 4) IRREGULAR AND INCOMPLETE FORMS just like in English (e.g. good – better - the best), some adjectives create comparatives irregularly, i.e. not using -IUS/-IOR and -ISSIMUS, A, UM suffixes; or do not create all levels of comparison (i.e. incomplete); in Latin medical terminology there are two irregular and five incomplete comparative terms: magnus, a, um maior, maius maximus, a, um big, bigger, the biggest parvus, a, um minor, minus minimus, a, um small, smaller, the smallest ante anterior, ius ø located more to the front post posterior, ius postremus a, um located more/most behind supra superior, ius supremus, a, um located more/most above infra inferior, ius infimus/imus, a, um located more/most below intra interior, ius intimus, a, um located more inside/innermost 5 2.2 EXERCISES ON COMPARATIVE FORMS 1. Fill in the missing forms: minor, minus longus, a, um latissimus, a, um posterior, ius gravis, e brevissimus, a, um acutior, ius 2. Name the anatomical terms shown in the picture using correct Latin forms: ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… ………………………………………………… …………………………………………… ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… 6 3. Fill in the given comparative forms into the phrases, make sure you filled in grammatically correct forms. Then think about the opposites to these: minimus, a, um musculus abductor digiti ........................................ minor,minus cornu........................................ossis hyoidei superior, ius defectus arcus dentalis ........................................ intimus,a,um musculi intercostales ........................................ inferior,ius amputatio membri ........................................ imus, a,um arteriae lumbales ........................................ anterior, ius peritoneum parietale ........................................ latissimus,a,um ruptura musculi........................................dorsi posterior, ius arteria temporalis profunda ....................................... 4. Replace the adjectives with their comparative and superlatives. Keep the grammatical functions of these in the give phrases: EX : post traumata gravia + post traumata graviora > post traumata gravissima in foraminibus parvis ........................................ ........................................ post traumata gravia ........................................ ........................................ laesio partis mollis ........................................ ........................................ ulcus frequens ........................................ ........................................ in tunica interna ........................................ ........................................ cum dolore acuto ........................................ ........................................ fractura cornuum magnorum ........................................ ........................................ propter infarctum recentem ........................................ ........................................ medicamenta fortia ........................................ ........................................ 7 5. Decide whether the following sentences are true or false: * EST = IS; SUNT = ARE TRUE FALSE 1. Pelvis feminina levior est. 2. Pelvis masculina latior est. 3. Apertura superior pelvis femininae major est. 4. Cavitas pelvis femininae angustior est. 5. Os sacrum pelvis masculinae brevius est. 6. Os sacrum pelvis femininae latius est. 7. Foramina obturatoria pelvis femininae majora sunt. 8. Acetabula feminina majora sunt. 9. Coccyx feminina brevior est. 10. Angulus alarum ossis ilii masculini minor est. 11. Promontorium femininum minus est. 12. Symphysis pubica feminina longior est. 6. Translate into English: more severe injury bigger sublingual duct in the upper hollow vein the longest muscle of the upper limb smaller curvature of stomach posterior deep temporal artery fracture of the middle phalanx of the smallest finger the most recent infarction the innermost layer of esophagus amputation of the lower limb due to gangrene caused by diabetes mellitus 8 2.3 DIMINUTIVE FORMS IN ANATOMY Diminutives express that the structure is ‘small’ or ‘little’. In Latin, diminutives are formed from the basic noun by adding one of the suffixes below to the Genitive stem. LATIN DIMINUTIVES ARE ALWAYS OF THE SAME GENDER AS THE NOUNS THEY ARE DERIVED FROM, i.e. the dimminutives end in -US if the basic noun is male, in -A if the basic noun is female, or in UM if the basic noun is neutral !!However, the diminutives in anatomy do not always keep the meaning of the original noun; there are those which refer to smaller versions of the original structures, e.g. canaliculus really means ‘a small channel’, but e.g. auricula refers to the visible part of the ear (auricle) and cannot be translated as ‘small ear’!! Frequently, diminutives are created based on the shape of the original term, e.g. lingula = ‘a small tongue-like structure’. Not all the words ending in the same way as diminutives are necessarily diminutives, e.g. tonsilla, capilli, axilla, etc. -(i)culus, a, um e.g. canaliculus (small canal) -ulus, a, um e.g. capitulum (small head) -olus, a, um e.g. alveolus (small cavity or pit) -illus, a, um e.g. papilla (nipple) -ellus, a, um e.g. cerebellum (posterior brain mass) *irregular forms (suffix not attached to Gen. stem): corpus > corpusculum CAPUT HUMERI CAPITULUM HUMERI LINGULA MANDIBULAE 9 2.4 EXERCISES ON DIMINUTIVE FORMS 1. Guess the original nouns from which the following diminutives are derived. Include full dictionary entries and decide whether the diminutives keep the riginal meaning or gain a new one: Ex.: alveolus > alveus, i, m. capitulum .................................................. ossiculum.................................................. nodulus .................................................. venula .................................................. cerebellum .................................................. geniculum .................................................. lingula .................................................. canaliculus.................................................. cuticula .................................................. arteriola ................................................. denticulus .................................................. areola .................................................. vasculum .................................................. 2. Try to form diminutives based on your anatomical knowledge. Make sure you fill in correct grammatical forms of these: Ex.: calix1 > caliculus gustatorius (taste bud) lobus ............................. auricularis vena ........................... temporalis retinae ductus ............................ aberrantes fossa ......................... fenestrae cochleae anus ............................. tympanicus glans4 ............................. thyroidea frenum2 .............................. labii tuber ............................... auriculare valva .............................. semilunaris corpus ................................... renalia mus3 ............................... rotator auris ................................ dextra venter ............................... sinister circus .............................. arteriosus iridis 1 calix, calicis, m. – cup, pot 2 frenum, i, n. – a horse’s bridle 3 mus, muris, m. – mouse 4 glans, glandis, f. - acorn 10 3.1. EXPRESSING POSITION IN MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY Location of a particular anatomical structure or clinical problem is usually expressed via one (or a combination) of the following means: A) prepositions with Ablative: in, sub, a/ab with Accusative: supra, infra, intra, extra, ad, circum, inter, per B) comparative (or superlative) forms, if specifying the location of one of two or more similar structures anterior, ius x posterior, ius foramen ethmoidale anterius / posterius superior, ius x inferior, ius fissura orbitalis superior / inferior imus, a, um intimus, a, um aa. lumbales imae mm. intercostales intimi C) adjectives Based on body directions: Based on body regions: verticalis, e x horizontalis, e coronalis, e medialis, e x lateralis, e basalis, e proximalis, e x distalis, e ventralis, e caudalis, e x cranialis, e sagittalis, e palmaris, e x dorsalis, e radialis, e frontalis, e x occipitalis, e ulnaris, e profundus, a, um x superficialis, e rostralis, e peripheralis, e x centralis, e pectoralis, e apicalis, e abdominalis, e tibialis, e fibularis, e plantaris, e etc. D) combined terms with connecting vowel -o- (do not use prefixes, but word stems like postero-, fronto-, latero-, etc.) arteria frontobasalis lateralis aa. centrales anterolaterales ramus frontalis posteromedialis gyrus occipitotemporalis medialis 11 E) prefixes derived from prepositions (anatomical nomenclature mostly makes use of Latin, while clinical terminology uses rather Greek origin words) * a prefix with more meanings! LATIN prefixes Examples Equivalent GREEK prefixes *ad- (ac-, af-) mm. adductores; vasa afferentia; ductus pancreaticus accessorius par(a)glandula parathyroidea; plica paraduodenalis; parametrium ab- m. abductor pollicis longus apoaponeurosis palmaris *ante- pr(a)e- antebrachium arteria pr(a)epancreatica; vena pr(a)epylorica proprostate; prosencephalon circumgll. circumanales; circumferentia articularis radii peripericardium; periosteum extragraviditas extrauterina; spatium extraperitoneale exo- (ecto-) pars exocrina pancreatis; ectoderma *in- (im-, il-, ir-) incisura scapulae;impressio cardiac; infundibulum ethmoidale en- (em-) empyema; encephalon interseptum interventriculare; tuberculum intervenosum *diadiaphragma thoraco-abdominale; diaphysis intrasynchondroses intraoccipitales; lig. sternocostale intraarticulare endosaccus endolymphaticus; endothelium ob- (oc-, op-) m. opponens pollicis; occiput *ant(i)- ant(i)helix retro- spatium retropubicum; recessus retrocaecalis metaaa. metacarpales sub- infrainjectio subcutanea; fossa subscapularis foramen infraorbitale; cavitas infraglottica *hypoplexus hypogastricus; nervus hypoglossus super- spatium perinei superficiale epiepithelium; epimysium; epiglottis supra- ossa suprasternalia; crista supramastoidea Ø trans- planum transpyloricum dia- diameter Ø mes(o)mesoderma; mesocortex; mesocolon 12 3.2 EXERCISES 1. Connect the nouns with the given adjectives. Change the whole expressions to Plural: regio – ramus + abdominalis, e ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... corpusculum – vena + articularis, e ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... foramen + palatinus, a, um + maior, ius ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... ductulus + aberrans, ntis ....................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... 2. Mark the pictures with the adjectives referring to body regions and planes: 3. Decide whether the following sentences are true or false: 13 1. In anatomical position the palmar surface is in posterior position. true ? false? 2. The sternum is anterior to the heart. 3. The clavicles are mediales to the sternum. 4. The elbow is proximalis to the wrist. 5. The aorta is ventralis to the spinal column. 6. The skin is profundus to the muscles. 7. The blood drawn from a fingertip is peripheralis. 4. Explain the meaning of the adjectives based on the word components. Decide which of the given nouns they are used with in medical terms: abscessus ~ injectio ~ glandula intravenosa ............................................................... intraarterialis ............................................................... intramuscularis ............................................................... subcutanea ............................................................... intracranialis ............................................................... retrocaecalis ............................................................... extraduralis ............................................................... paraurethralis ............................................................... perirenalis ............................................................... sublingualis ............................................................... submandibularis ............................................................... hypogastrica .............................................................. parotidean/parotis ............................................................... suprarenalis ............................................................... 14 5. Fill in the gaps: Several prefixes modify position or direction when used in a term. Abductio is used to describe movement................................. from the body, adductio describes movement................................. Circumductio is a movement that is ................................. Subcutaneus pertains to region ........................... . Epidermalis refers to something................................., whereas transdermalis pertains to .................................. Intradermalis pertains to ............................................. . A structure located within a cell is called ......................... Extracellularis pertains to .................................. The prefix inter-, refers to ....................................., i.e. a structure located between the cells would be called ................................................ The prefix subis used to indicate a position below the part to which it is joined, i.e.a structure located under the umbilicus (navel) would be called …………………………………… 6. Explain what injuries/procedures are referred to in the following authentic medical records: Rewrite the abbreviated terms in their full, grammatically correct, form: a) fr. part. distalis radii l.dx. intraarticularis comm. ...................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................... b) susp. fracturae ossis scaphoidei l.sin. ........................................................ ..................................................................................................................................................... c) infractio diaph. femoris l. utr. pathologica ........................................................ ....................................................................................................................................................... d) st. p. fracturam costae II l.sin. in anam. ........................................................ ....................................................................................................................................................... e) status post fixationem ext. tibiae l. sin. propter fr. apert. ........................................................ ...................................................................................................................................................... f) fr. spiral. marginis poster. tibiae l.dx. inveterata ........................................................ ...................................................................................................................................................... g) fr. fibulae l. dx. cum disloc. ad longitudinem ........................................................ ....................................................................................................................................................... h) status post OS humeri l. sin. propter fr. supracondylicam ........................................................ ...................................................................................................................................................... 4.1 TERMS REFERRING TO NUMBER/QUANTITY IN MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY 15 Quantities are expressed by the following five means: A)cardinal numerals unus, a, um (one) duo, duae, duo (two) tres, tria (three) B)ordinal numerals  denote the order in a sequence  declined like the paradigms nervus, vena, septum  in the anatomical terminology, ordinals are used only up to 12 LATIN ENGLISH LATIN ENGLISH primus, a, um first septimus, a, um seventh secundus, a, um second octavus, a, um eighth tertius, a, um third nonus, a, um ninth quartus, a, um fourth decimus, a, um tenth quintus, a, um fifth undecimus, a, um eleventh sextus, a, um sixth duodecimus, a, um twelfth C) multiple numerals  express the multiplicity  have only one gender form ending in –plex (nom.sg.), –plicis (gen.sg.)  in other cases declined like the 3rd declension adjectives (paradigms pelvis / rete) LATIN English simplex, simplicis simple duplex, duplicis double, twofold triplex, triplicis triple, threefold multiplex, multiplicis multiple D) numeral adverbs  express frequency  not declined LATIN English semel once bis twice ter three times quater four times 16 E) numeral components LATIN Examples mostly in anatomy GREEK Examples mostly in clinical terms uni- one unilateralis unigravida mono- one monoplegia mononeuritis primi- first primipara primigravida Ø Ø bi- two biceps; bilateralis uterus bicornis1 ditwo diplegia inferior secundisecond secundigravida Ø Ø tri- three triceps trigeminus trithree tricephalus quadrifour quadriceps tetrafour tetraplegia semi- halfvalvulae semilunares semicoma hemihalf hemiplegia Ø Ø olig-ofew oligodactylia mult-(i)- many multangulus multicellularis poly- many polydactylia polyarthritis Ø Ø panall, whole panplegia pandemia 4.2 EXERCISES 1. Explain the meaning of the following medical records containing terms referring to multiplicity: a) st.p. hysterectomiam2 abdominalem simplicem anno 2012/05 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. b) pelvis renis l.dx. et ureter l.dx. duplex …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. c) tumor lobi superioris pulmonis l.sin. triplex …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. d) metastases hepatis multiplices susp. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 1 a uterus in which fundus is divided into two parts as a result of imperfect union of paramesonephric ducts; bicornate uterus may have a single cervix (uterus bicornis unicollis), or double cervix (uterus bicornis bicollis). 2 = excisio uteri 17 2. Figure out the clinical terms referring to various kinds of paralysis using the prefixes referring to quantity and the two given Greek roots for the condition: -PARESIS = slight or partial paralysis -PLEGIA = total paralysis 1. Partial paralysis of a single limb or one part of the limb 2. Paralysis of a single extremity 3. Paralysis of corresponding parts on both sides of the body 4. Complete paralysis of the lower half of the body including both legs 5. A slight paralysis or weakness of both legs 6. Paralysis affecting only one side of the body 7. Paralysis of an upper and a lower extremity and of the face 8. Paralysis of all four limbs 9. Muscular weakness affecting all four extremities 10. Paralysis of the whole body 11. Weakness on one side of the body 3. Write the patient’s medical record based on the highlighted parts of the description below: A 39-year-old man was found in a snowbank, with the ambient temperature 34°C. He had been reported missing the previous evening, after and argument with his girlfriend. The emergency services crew noticed the odor of alcohol in his breath. Large, clear blisters (bulla, ae, f.) characteristic of severe frostbite were noted on the hands and feet. Of particular note were the left great toe and right thumb with frostbite of the third grade. Subsequently, the patient’s left great toe was amputated. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 18 5.1 OTHER LATIN AND GREEK PREFIXES USED IN MEDICAL TERMS (for prefixes expressing position and quantity, see sections 3.1 E and 4.1 E) Can you explain the terms given as examples? What is the meaning of the prefixes included? Add these to the last column: LATIN Examples GREEK Examples contra- contraindicatio ant-, anti- antibioticum, antipyreticum cum- (con-, com-, col-, cor-) congenitus commotio syn-, sym- symphysis, syndroma de- (des-) 1) descendens 2) desinfectio, deformatio 1) cata- 2) Ø catarrhus Ø dis- (dif-, di-) 1) dislocatio 2) dissimilis 1) dia-, di-, ana- 2) a-, andiagnosis, analysis atrophia, anaesthesia e-, ex- (ef-) exsanguinatio ec- ectopia in- (im-, il-, ir-) immaturus a-, an- atrophia, anaesthesia per- 1) peracutus, peraciditas 2) perforatus 1) hyper- 2) dia hypertonia, hypertrophia diencephalon, diameter post- posttraumaticus met-, meta- metastasis, metabolismus re- reinfectio ana- anamnesis, anabiosis sub- (suc-, suf-, sup-, sus-) subfebrilis, subluxatio subcutaneus hyp-, hypohypotrophia, hypotonia hypophysis, hypoglossus Ø dys- dystrophia, dyspepsia Ø eu- eutrophia, euthanasia 19 5. 2 OVERVIEW OF SUFFIXES WITH SPECIFIC MEANING IN MEDICAL TERMS Noun suffixes Meaning Examples -io act, process commotio, inflammatio, laesio, transfusio -or (-er) agent levator, extensor, flexor, masseter, sphincter -ura result of an action sutura, fissura, incisura, fractura, ruptura -itas condition, state obesitas, surditas, mutitas, graviditas -mentum instrument, tool ligamentum, medicamentum -itis inflammation perinephritis, encephalitis, otitis, nephritis -osis degenerative or noninflammatory disease arthrosis, hepatosis, sclerosis, stenosis -oma tumour melanoma, adenoma, carcinoma, hepatoma Adjective suffixes Meaning Examples -alis, e; -aris, e; -inus, a, um; -eus, a, um; -aneus, a, um; icus, a, um; acus, a, um related to, pertaining to nasalis, cochlearis, uterinus, cartilaginosus, cutaneus, mellitus, cardiacus, hepaticus -osus, a, um full of, having many ulcerosus, venosus, periculosus, nervosus, carcinomatosus, myomatosus, spinosus -atus, a, um equipped with, having dentatus, caudatus, spinatus - bilis, e possibility, ability (~able) operabilis, sanabilis -oideus, a, um -formis, e shaped like, resembling coracoideus, thyroidea, cuneiforme 20 5.3 EXERCISES 1. Create derived terms by combining the terms denoting body parts with prefixes/suffixes expressing the information in description. The clinical terms use the Greek roots! EX.: vein + put inside > intravenosus brain related to brain small brain related to the small brain inflammation of the brain liver related to liver inflammation of liver cancerous tumour in liver degenerative disease of liver thorn related to the thorn/spine full of thorns provided with thorns found above the thorny processes cell pertaining to the cell located outside the cell full of cells inflammation of cells head related to the head provided with heads small head posterior part of the head joint (arthr- in Greek) located inside the joint degenerative disease of joints inflammation of joints form of articulation in which the bones are rigidly joined 21 2. Fill in the Latin or Greek prefixes equivalent to the given prefixes in the first column (the blue fields). Then use these to create terms matching the description in the third column (the orange fields): pro- forearm endo- inside the vein (adj. e.g. injection) dia- a process of transferring blood from a donor to a recipient circum- a double-wall sac around the heart epi- being on the surface, opposite of profound peri- located around the mouth ecto- outside the uterus meta- after the operation (e.g. state, condition) hyper- located above the kidney inter- sheet of muscle separating the thorax from the abdomen apo- a muscle that draws a limb away from the midline of the body syn- a process that results in the formation of a blood clot hyper- an excess of acid, excessive sourness ec- surgical removal, cutting out of sth transa process of removing waste water from the blood, replacing the function of a kidney an- unsuitable for an operation di- a tooth having two cusps or points hypo- located under the collar bone proto- a woman giving birth for the first time dia- located between the ribs 22 4. Write down the adjectives with opposite meaning. Make sure that you understand the meaning of the following terms: suprāarticulāris - ascendēns - abductio endocrīnus - afferēns - operābilis – infrāclaviculāris - simplex - extracranialis – suprarenalis - insolubilis – hypertonia – 5. Decide which of the prefixes given in parentheses expresses the given meaning: a) nasalis > above the nose (peri, para, supra, infra, sub) b) operativus > before surgery (intra, post, prae, peri, circum) c) dermalis > across/through the skin (ecto, endo, intra, epi, trans) d) acutus > excessively acute (sub, hypo, hyper, super, per) e) umbilicalis > under the navel (hyper, infra, peri, para, pre) f) ductio > to turn away from (retro, pro, ab, ad, trans) g) positio > to return back to the previous position (dis, trans, supra, re, ex) 6. Identify prefixes and suffixes and figure out or find the meaning of the following words: epicondylus, i, m. exogenes, es diagnosis, is, f. dysfunctio, onis, f. epiduralis, e ectoparasitus, ii, n. extragenitalis, e hyperthyreosis, is, f. infraclavicularis, e intraarticularis, e intravenosus, a, um insanabilis, e parapneumonicus, a, um peracutus, a, um praesenilis, e subacromialis, e syndesmosis, is, f. exsanguinatio, onis, f. transplantatio, onis, f. appendix, icis, f. abductor, oris, m. decubitus, us, m. epidermis, idis f. agenesis, is, f. 6.1 BASIC RULES OF WORD COMPOUNDING 23 Derived words: PREFIX(ES) + ROOT + SUFFIX(ES) peri + en + cephal + iti(s) + (i)cus PERIENCEPHALITICUS = ……………………………………….. Compound words: (PREFIX) + ROOT 1 + CONNECTOR + ROOT 2 + SUFFIX cerebr + o + spin + alis prim + i + gravid + (a) Clinical terms can include even more than two roots; there are also some hybrid terms (combining both Greek and Latin roots); for instance: CHEIL – O – GNATH – O – PALAT – O – SCHIS – IS (lip) + upper jaw + palate + cleft + condition cheilognathopalatoschisis = cleft of the lip, upper jaw, and palate In anatomy, the compounds are usually made of Latin components (e.g. articulatio carpometacarpalis); in clinical terminology compounds are mostly made of Greek components (e.g. otitis; chondroma; sclerosis; hysterectomia). The connecting vowel is mostly-o-, however, -i- is used in the following cases: - the number of pregnancies/deliveries: e.g. primipara, secundigravida - in connection wth root –fer referring to transferring stractures: e.g. ductus bilifer/lactifer - in connection with root –formis, e with anatomical terms based on shape, form, or resemblance to something: e.g. lig. falciforme 24 6.2 GREEK ROOTS REFERRING TO BODY PARTS Fill in the Latin anatomical terms referring to the body parts concerned. Make sure you understand the clinical terms given in examples: Greek roots (the full Greek word in brackets) English translation Examples Latin equivalents aden- (aden) gland adenoma amygdal- (amygdale) tonsil (cerebellar or lymphatic) amygdalitis angi- (angeion) vessel angiographia arthr- (arthron) joint synarthrosis blephar- (blefaron) eyelid blepharoedema cardi- (kardia) heart endocardium cephal- (kefale) head diencephalon cheil- (cheilos) lip cheilorrhaphia cheir- (cheir) hand cheirospasmus chondr- (chondros) cartilage perichondrium colp- (kolpos) vagina colporrhagia cyst- (kystis) bladder urocystitis cyt- (kytos) cell erythrocytus dactyl- (daktylos) finger syndactylia dermat- (derma) skin xanthoderma disc- (diskos) intervertebral disc discitis enter- (enteron) intestine (usually small one) gastroenteritis episi- (epision) pubic region, perineum episiostenosis geni- (geneion) lower jaw; mandibula progenia gloss-/glott- (glossa) tongue aglossia gnath- (gnathos) upper jaw; maxilla prognathia gon- (gony, gonatos) knee gonarthrosis 25 hyster- (hystera) uterus hysterographia lapar- (lapara) soft tissues between ribs and hips (flank) laparoscopia mast- (mastos) breast mastitis mel- (melos) limb polymelia mening- (meninx) brain membrane meningitis metr- (metra) uterus endometrium my- (mys) muscle myoma myel- (myelos) bone marrow, spinal cord poliomyelitis nephr- (nefros) kidney nephrolithiasis neur- (neuron) nerve polyneuritis odont- (odus) tooth parodontosis om- (omos) shoulder joint m. omohyoideus onych- (onyx) nail onychomycosis oophor- (ooforon) ovary oophoritis ophthalm- (ofthalmos) eye pyophthalmia oste- (osteon) bone periosteum ot- (us, otis) ear otitis phall- (fallos) penis phalloplastica phleb- (fleps) vein trombophlebitis pneum(on)- (pneumon) lung pneumonia pod- (pus) foot podiatria psych- (psyche) mind psychosis rhin- (rhis) nose rhinitis salping- (salpinx) oviduct/fallopian tube pyosalpinx somat- (soma) body somaticus splanchn- (splanchna) internal organ splanchnocranium splen- (splen) spleen splenitis spondyl- (spondylos) vertebra spondylosis 26 stomat- (stoma) mouth stomatochirurgia trich- (trix, trichos) hair hypertrichosis 6.3 GREEK ROOTS REFERRING TO BODY FLUIDS AND SUBSTANCES Greek roots (the full Greek term) Latin equivalent English translation Examples galact- (gala, galaktos) ~ lac, lactis, n. milk galactorrhoea lactatio glyc- (glykys) sweet; sugar hyperglycaemia haem(at)-/-aem(ia) (haima) ~ sanguis, inis, m. blood haemorrhagia; alcoholaemia exsanguinatio hydr- (hydor) ~ aqua, ae, f. water, liquid; sweat hydrothorax lip- (lipos) fat lipoma lith- (lithos) ~ calculus, i, m. stone cholecystolithiasis; calculosis lymph- (lympha) lymph lymphadenitis sial- (sialon) saliva sialadenitis py- (pyon) ~ pus, puris, n. pus pyophtalmia pyr- (pyros) fire; fever antipyretica; hyperpyrexia ur- (uron) urine pyuria; uraemia 27 6.4 EXERCISES 1. Name anatomical structures composed of a noun and a derived adjective composed of the two nouns given in parentheses. Make sure you use correct gender forms of these to describe the structures: EX.: articulatio + (costa + vertebra) > articulatio costovertebralis articulatio + (metacarpus + phalanx) ……………………………………………………………… articulatio + (sternum + costa) ……………………………………………………………… ganglion + (cervix + thorax) ……………………………………………………………… ganglion + (cranium + spina) …………………………………………………………… ganglion + (encephalon + spina) …………………………………………………………… ligamentum + (carpus + metacarpus) ……………………………………………………………… ligamentum + (costa + clavicula) ……………………………………………………………… ligamentum + (hepar + duodenum) ……………………………………………………………… musculus + (brachium + radius) ……………………………………………………………… musculus + (cranium + spina) ……………………………………………………………… musculus + (urethra + vagina) …………………………………………………………… 2. Name the defined structures, the first word is underlined, the second word is the compound adjective made of the words in italics: EX.: The structure is the connection between the sacrum and coccyx; it is frequently a true joint, but often occurs as a synchondrosis, it is ARTICULATIO SACROCOCCYGEA Suture lateral to the nasal bone that connects the nasal portion of the frontal bone and the frontal process of the maxilla, is: Epicanthus, is the skin fold of the upper eyelid covering the inner angle of the eye (i. e. on the side close to the nose), another Latin name for it is: The pleural recess between the lateral wall of thorax (i. e. ribs) and the descending is sides of diaphragm and, is called: Right or left opening between the atrium and ventricle is: The anterior part of the superficial fibers of the medial collateral ligament of the ankle joint, attached superiorly to the anterior surface of the medial malleolus of the tibia and inferiorly to the navicular bone is: The deep recess of the peritoneal cavity extending upward between the liver in front and the kidney behind is: 28 One of facial lymph nodes situated near the junction of the superior labial and facial arteries, which drains the external nose and upper lip into the submandibular node is called: 3. Match Latin names for anatomical structures with their corresponding Greek roots. Write down some examples of the medical terms containing these: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… glandula manus vagina labium digitus uterus medulla auris nasus viscera cartilago pes splanchn- cheil- rhin- chondr- cheir- myel- dactyl- ot- aden- pod- hyster- colp- 29 5. Explain the meaning of the following clinical terms based on the meanings of their components: fluidothorax haematuria uraemia haemothorax proteinuria alcoholaemia pneumothorax pyuria pyaemia haemopneumopericardium glycosuria hydraemia cupraemia 6. Derive clinical terms referring to inflammations of various body parts from the given Greek roots; write the Latin equivalents of these: my- …………………………………………………… .......................................... angi- …………………………………………………… .......................................... oste- …………………………………………………… .......................................... phleb- …………………………………………………… .......................................... arthr- …………………………………………………… .......................................... card- …………………………………………………… .......................................... spondyl- …………………………………………………… .......................................... nephr- …………………………………………………… .......................................... pneumon- …………………………………………………… .......................................... cyst- …………………………………………………… .......................................... stomat- …………………………………………………… .......................................... glott(ss)- …………………………………………………… .......................................... splen- …………………………………………………… .......................................... mast- …………………………………………………… .......................................... encephal- …………………………………………………… .......................................... derm- …………………………………………………… .......................................... 30 8. The following anatomical terms all refer to the shape of the structures they describe using the Greek suffix -oideus,a , um or the Latin suffix -formis, e. Think about why the following structures are named as they are, i.e. what are they presumed to resemble: colon sigmoideum processus pterygoideus glandula thyroidea sutura lambdoidea os scaphoideum processus xiphoideus processus styloideus processus coronoideus os hyoideum processuscoracoideus os pisiforme musculus piriformis ligamentumcruciforme ligamentum falciforme os cuneiforme papillae filiformes 31 7.1 GREEK ROOTS REFERRING TO PATHOLOGIES, CONDITIONS, AND PROCESSES Explain the meaning of the terms given in examples in the last column: Greek roots (nom. sg. in brackets) English equivalents Examples Meaning of the examples -aesthesia feeling, perception anaesthesia dysaesthesia -algia pain cephalalgia odontalgia -genes originating from sinusitis odontogenes toxicosis exogenes -genesis natural growth odontogenesis -lithiasis stones nephrolithiasis -lysis relaxation, decomposition spasmolysis -malacia abnormal softening, loss of tissues’ consistency myelomalacia -odynia pain mastodynia -omatosis formation of multiple tumours osteomatosis -opsia/-blepsia vision disorder achromatopsia ablepsia -paresis weakness of voluntary movement, partial paralysis hemiparesis -pathia unspecified pathology psychopathia 32 -penia lack, shortage of leucocytopenia -phobia irrational fear of claustrophobia -plasia formation (especially of cells) Hyperplasia dysplasia -plegia total paralysis gastroplegia -pnoe (pnein) breathing condition eupnoe dyspnoe apnoe -ptosis prolapsed organ/body part, downward displacement metroptosis -rrhagia bleeding from enterorrhagia -rrhoea flow, discharge from pyorrhoea otorrhoea -schisis cleft, division cheilognathoschisis -spasmus spasm bronchospasmus -stasis/-stasia standing, stopping of astasia venostasis -tensio blood pressure hypertensio -ton- tension hypertonia hypotonia troph- nourishment disorders eutrophia dystrophia atrophia 33 7.2 GREEK ROOTS REFERRING TO MEDICAL PROCEDURES AND EXAMINATIONS Explain the meaning of the terms given in examples in the last column: Greek roots (nom. sg. in brackets) English translation Examples Meaning of examples -anastomosis1 connecting two parts together ileorectoanastomosis -ectomia excision, surgical removal cholecystectomia -graphia recording, imaging of hysterographia -metria measurement of pupillometria -plastica reconstruction (plastic) surgery of otoplastica -rrhaphia surgical suturing of cheilorrhaphia -scopia visual examination, inspection ophthalmoscopia -stomia making an artificial opening tracheostomia -therapia treatment of chemotherapia -tomia incision, cutting into tympanotomia 1 The term anastomosis is also used for a pathological state of an abnormal connection between two body parts, esp. passages, cavities, or vessels. In this sense, it is also called fistula. 34 7.3 EXERCISES 1. Find pairs which do NOT refer to the same anatomical structure or body part: • angiectomia – vena • cholecystolithiasis - cellula • splanchnopathia – vesica • cholaemia – bilis • myelorrhagia – medulla • adenographia – glandula 2. Create medical terms using the given Greek roots combined with prefixes and/or suffixes: mening- related to meninx (membrane of the brain) .................................................................. inflammation of meninges .................................................................. enter- related to intestines .................................................................. pain in intestines .................................................................. stones in intestines .................................................................. myel- inflammation of spinal cord .................................................................. fissure of the spinal cord tissues .................................................................. surgical incision to spinal cord .................................................................. pathological softening of spinal cord .................................................................. myo- benign tumour in a smooth muscle .................................................................. multiple tumours in smooth muscles .................................................................. surgical removal of muscular tumour .................................................................. reconstruction surgery repairing a muscle .................................................................. medical field dealing with muscles .................................................................. 35 4. Divide the following terms into components. Explain the meaning of the clinical terms: Example: hypoglycaemia: hypo-glyc-aem-ia = abnormally low concentration of glucose in blood compound word components meaning cephalalgia cholecystolithiasis myodystrophia neuropathia cardiophobia palatoschisis encephalodysplasia hydrorrhoea rhinorrhagia pancreatolysis nephroptosis pyodermatitis hyperpyrexia haemostasis 36 5. Write down the one-word clinical terms matching the definitions: .................................................................. bleeding from stomach .................................................................. stomach ache .................................................................. spasm in stomach .................................................................. downward displacement of stomach .................................................................. inflammation of stomach .................................................................. surgery to free stomach from adhesions .................................................................. unspecified disease of stomach .................................................................. paralysis of stomach 6. Analyze the meaning of medical terms including Greek root odont- (=tooth): odontalgia ............................................................................................................ periodontitis ............................................................................................................ odontohyperaesthesia ............................................................................................................ odontologia ............................................................................................................ odontoma ............................................................................................................ odontogenesis ............................................................................................................ odontophobia ............................................................................................................ odontoscopia ............................................................................................................ odontectomia ............................................................................................................ 7. Form medical terms using the root my-o(s)- (= muscle): benign tumor in a (smooth) muscle .................................................................. inflammation of a muscle .................................................................. heart muscle .................................................................. muscular tissue in uterus .................................................................. related to heart muscle .................................................................. recording the strength of muscle contraction .................................................................. surgical incision to a muscle .................................................................. 37 8. Use Greek roots from the box to create the medical terms defined below: tomia ectomia stomia graphia plastica therapia stomosis scopia metria a) : measurement of dimensions of the head b) : treatment of a disease by means of ionizing radiation c) : surgical formation of an opening through the abdominal wall into the stomach d) : surgical excision of the gallbladder e) : endoscopic examination of the colon f) : surgical repair of a defect of the lip ch) : surgical incision of the appendix g) electro- : recording of electrical impulses produced by the brain activity (EEG) h) : surgical connection of two parts of the intestine 9. Explain the following medical records, give the full forms of the circled abbreviated terms, and explain the meaning of the underlined compounds: 38 8.1 GREEK ROOTS REFERRING TO QUALITIES Explain the meaning of the terms given in examples in the last column: Greek roots (nom. sg. in brackets) English translation Examples Meaning of examples brachy- short brachydactylia brady- slow bradypnoe crypt- hidden cryptogenes iso- same isogenes macr- big, long macroscopia megal- large megalocardia micr- small microscopia necr- dead necrosis neo- new neoplasma ortho- straight, normal, correct orthodontia pseud- false pseudoanaemia scler- hard phlebosclerosis scolio- twisted, bent scoliosis tachy- quick tachypnoe therm- heat hypothermia 39 8.2 EXERCISES 1. Match the words in the left column with their opposites in the right column. Write down some medical terms including these roots: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… brady- leuc- hyper- olig- megal- scler- hemi- melan- malac- pan- tachy- poly- micr- hypo- 2. Give one-word Greek terms matching the explanations given in Latin: EX.: morbus cordis > cardiopathia excisio mammae inflammatio appendicis amputatio digiti incisio gastris curatio cordis dolor dentium morbus intestini tenuis pus in sanguine calculi renales spasmus vasorum 40 haemorrhagia cerebri alimentatio bona sutura labii tumores multiplices ossium revisio vaginae prolapsus renis paralysis membri totalis 3. Find a proper treatment/examination for the disorders given in the left column and explain the meanings of the terms: 1. hydronephrosis 2. myomatosis 3. syndactylia 4. mastodynia 5. cheiloschisis 6. haemorrhagia 7. tumor intestini crassi 8. blepharoptosis 9. corpus alienum laryngis a) dactylolysis b) haemostasis c) tracheostomia d) nephrostomia e) mammographia f) blepharoplastica g) myomectomia h) cheiloplastica i) colo(no)scopia 41 Form terms from the given roots matching the definitions. Do not change the order of the roots: erythr- + cyt- + lysis breaking down of red blood cells macr- + aesthes- subjective feeling that all objects are larger than they are olig- + dactyl- presence of fewer than five fingers on a hand or foot pseudo- + tumor abnormality that resembles a tumour poly- + neur- + path- disease of several nerves pneum- + tachy- + graph- speed and pressure measuring at various phases of the breathing iso- + hydr- + (h)aem- normal level of liquids in blood system 4. Match the terms referring to the progress of a disease with the definitions: peracutus ~ subchronicus ~ exacerbans ~ apparens ~ relapsus ~ latens ~ regressio …………………………. obvious and easily seen, not disguised or hidden …………………………. subsiding of the symptoms or process of a disease …………………………. very acute …………………………. return of the manifestations of a disease after an interval of improvement …………………………. worsening …………………………. disease of intermediate duration …………………………. present but not symptomatic 5. Fill in missing endings: causa abort...... imminent...... vulnus sciss...... digit...... minim.... man...... dextr...... status neonat...... post icter...... physiologic...... grav...... collapsus circulation...... sanguin...... major...... et minor...... amputatio lob...... pulmon...... later...... sinistr...... propter tuberculos...... ruptura ligament...... collateral...... carp...... ulnar...... fractura apert...... tibi...... later...... dextr...... cum contusion...... muscul...... (pl.) crur...... dextr...... cum dermatitid...... grad...... minor...... exitus letal...... propter seps...... post vuln...... punct...... in region...... pectoral...... propter luxation...... capit...... radi...... 42 oss...... (pl.) membr...... superior...... abscessus purulent......extra dur...... matr...... sulcus tendin...... muscul...... flexor...... halluc...... long...... fractura bas...... oss...... sacr...... complicat...... symptoma...... (pl.) metastas...... (pl.) carcinomat...... malign...... uter...... status post collaps...... intra part...... praematur...... contusion...... (pl.) cerebr...... multiplic...... traumatic...... segment...... (pl.) mediali...... medull...... spinal...... functio laes...... hepat...... propter cirrhos...... extractio dent...... canin...... et dent...... (pl.) praemolar...... cum dolor...... magn...... deformitas congenit...... cox...... sine luxation...... 6. Use the given terms in proper forms to create a Latin medical record matching the information in the English description, the relevant passages are in italics: A 30-year-old man presented with sudden vision impairment in his right eye 1 hour after vigorous exercise. Slit-lamp examination revealed anterior displacement of the lens. The patient underwent surgical removal of the lens, anterior vitrectomy,3 and an iris-fixated lens was placed within his eye. Rupture of the zonular fibers (which hold the lens in place) may result in complete dislocation or partial dislocation of the lens and could be caused by trauma or other pathologic conditions. visus ~ subluxatio ~ defectus ~ intraocularis ~ dislocatio ~ extractio ~ implantatio ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3 A surgical removal of the vitreous gel from the middle of the eye, often due to its entanglement with intraocular lens or other structures in the eye. 43 9. LATIN TERMS USED IN PHARMACOLOGY 9.1 PRESCRIPTION TYPES Prescriptions can be classified as individually prepared or ready-made. a) Individually prepared medication, also called magistraliter (from Latin word magister – teacher) is an order that requires mixing of one or more ingredients (active medicaments) with one or more pharmaceutical necessities (vehicle, suspending agent). The physician selects the drugs, doses, and pharmaceutical form and the pharmacist prepares the medication accordingly. The name of each drug is placed on a separate line right under the preceding one. The order of the ingredients is as follows: remedium cardinale (basis). the basis is the principal drug and gives the prescription its chief action. remedium adjuvans (adjuvant). the adjuvant is a drug that supports or increases the effect of the principal medication. remedium corrigens (corrective). the corrective modifies or corrects undesirable effects of the basic medication or the adjuvant, i.e. the taste, smell, or colour of the final medical substance. remedium constituens (vehicle). The vehicle determines the application form of the medication, i.e. a solvent to increase the size and volume of the medication or to dilute the mixture. E.g.: Invocatio: Rp./ (= Recipe = take!) Ordinatio: Natrii bromati (bromates) 6,0 rem. cardinale Phenobarbitali 0,6 rem. adjuvans Sirupi Menthae 60,0 rem. corrigens Aquae destillatae ad 300,0 rem. constituens Subscriptio: M. f. mixt. = Misce fiat mixtura = Mix (the ingredients) to obtain a mixture. Signatura: D. S. = Da. Signa. = Give! Sign! Jedna lžička třikrát denně po jídle. (= One tablespoon 3 times a day after meal). 44 b) Ready-made medication, or specialitas, does not require mixing of two or more ingredients to obtain the final product. It consists of a drug or a mixture of drugs supplied by a pharmaceutical company by its official or proprietary brand name and, if it contains more than one substance, the specific ingredients do not have to be listed. Usually, it is distinguishable by the abbreviation Exp. orig. (= Expeditio originalis = original package). E.g.: Invocatio: Rp. (= Recipe = take!) Ordinatio: Ospamox 750 mg tbl. (= tabulettas) Exp. orig. No. II. (=expeditiones originales numero duas = two original packages) Signatura: D. S. (= Da. Signa. = Give! Sign!) Jedna tableta každých 12 hodin po dobu dvou týdnů. (= One tablet every 12 hours for two weeks). CZECH MEDICAL PRESCRIPTION 45 9.2 PARTS OF MEDICAL PRESCRIPTION c) INSCRIPTIO The name and the surname of the doctor, the hospital, clinic or polyclinic medical center, their address, and the date. The date is important to determine the expiration of the prescription. The prescription of narcotics and controlled substances is governed by special laws and regulations. d) PERSONALIA AEGROTI Name, address and age of the patient. This part serves to identify for whom the prescription is intended. The full name and the address are required by law on all prescriptions for controlled substances. The age of the patient is a good additional piece of information, especially with pediatric pаtients where dosage calculations have to be double-checked for safety. This part may be located on the designated area, or after the last drug on the back of the form. e) INVOCATIO Consists of the message to the chemist/pharmacist, and it includes only the formula Rp. – an abbreviation for Recipe meaning Take! in Latin. f) ORDINATIO This is the main part of the medical prescription. There are the names of medicinal substances, the medicinal forms, and the dosages (in the magistraliter prescriptions) or brand name (in the specialitas prescriptions). Magistraliter: The medicinal substances are required to begin with a capital letter and to be in genitive (since it is always a particular amount OF...). The dosage is noted after the substance or medicinal form using metric units (grams) and Arabic decimal numerals. There can also be instructions concerning in what form or into what package the medicinal preparation should be given, usually with preposition AD + Accusative: e.g. ad lagoenam, ad capsulas, etc. Specialitas: Brand names are written with capital letter, but these are not inflected and are written as seen in the original packaging. Then the number of original packages (ready-made medicines) is given in Roman numerals and full word in the brackets in accusative using the Exp. orig. formula (or its versions like Tbl. orig.). g) SUBSCRIPTIO In this part there are, if necessary, instructions to the chemist on how to make the preparation and the number of doses, or medicinal forms to be supplied to the patient, usually introduced by the M. f. formula (Misce fiat = mix to make...!). h) SIGNATURA This part conventionally starts with the D.S. formula (Da. Signa. = Give!Sign!). Notes intended for the patient are written in Czech. It provides instructions on how the medicine should be taken. This information must be sufficient to allow the patient to understand fully the amount of the drug product to be taken and the frequency and manner of administration. i) SIGILLUM ET NOMEN MEDICI The signature of the doctor may be placed on the designated area, or after the last drug, and this is for identification data. 46 9.3 FORMS OF PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS AND AGENTS capsula, ae, f. = capsule (e.g. mollis/enterosolvens = soft/dissolvable in gastrointestinal tract) oleum, i, n. = oil charta, ae, f. = a strip of paper (impregnated with medicinal substance) pasta, ae, f. = paste (e.g. dentifricia = toothpaste) cremor, oris, m. = cream (e.g. refrigerans = cooling) pulvis, eris, n. = powder (e.g. adspersorius = dusting powder) decoctum, i, n. = decoction (extraction of medicinal substances by boiling) sapo, onis, m. = soap (e.g. kalinus = potassium) emplastrum, i, n. = sticking-plaster species, erum, f. = mixture of dried plants to make tea of fascia, ae, f. = tightening bandage (e.g. hydrophila = absorbing water) spuma, ae, f. = foam (e.g. dermalis) filum, i, n. = a thread (e.g. sterile) stylus, i, m. = stick (e.g. nasalis) globulus, i, m. = globule, ball (e.g vaginalis) suppositorium, i, n. = suppository, a medication administered through rectum (e.g. rectale) granulumi, n. = granulated powder (e.g. effervescens) tabuletta, ae, f. = tablet (e.g. obducta = coated) gutta, ae, f. = drop (e.g. oculoguttae = eye drops) tela, ae, f. = gauze (e.g. hydrophila) infusion, onis, f. = infusion (e.g. sodii chloridi) tinctura, ae, f. = alcoholic solution made from plants (e.g. opii) lana, ae, f. = cotton wool unguentum, i, n. = ointment ligamentum, i, n. = bandage vaselinum, i, n. = vaseline (e.g. album) 9.4 PARTS OF PLANTS USED IN PHARMACOLOGY flos, ris, m. = flower (e.g. tiliae = of linden) folium, ii, n. = leaves (e.g. menthae = of mint) fructus, us, m. = fruit (e.g. foeniculi = of fennel) herba, ae, f. = the whole plant (e.g. absynthii = of absinthe) lignum, i, n. = wood (e.g. cinammi = of cinnamon) semen, inis, n. = seed (e.g. arnicae = of wolf´s bane) radix, cis, f. = root (e.g. liquiritiae = of licorice) resina, ae, f. = resin, pitch (e.g. cannabis) succus, i, m. = draught, juice (e.g. belladonnae = of deadly nightshade) 47 9.5 OVERVIEW OF ABBREVIATIONS COMMONLY USED IN MEDICAL PRESCRIPTIONS The most frequent abbreviations are marked in blue. a) VERBAL FORMS, INSTRUCTIONS abbreviation full form translation add. adde/addatur/addantur add/it should be added/they should be added d. s. da signa/detur signetur give and sign/it should be given and signed d./dent. da/detur/dentur give/it should be given/they should be given d./div. divide/dividatur divide/it should be divided div. in dos. aeq. divide in doses aequales divide in equal doses d. t. d. dentur tales doses such doses should be given disp. dispensa/dispensetur divide, distribute/it should be divided, distributed f. fiat/fiant it should be made/they should be made m. misce/misceatur it should be mixed/they should be mixed m. f. misce fiat/misce fiant mix, it should be made/mix, they should be made rep. repete/repetatur repeat/it should be repeated rp. recipe take s./sig. signa/signetur sign/it should be signed solv. solve dissolve sterilis. sterilisetur it should be sterilised ut f. ut fiat… in order to make... (sth) b) FORMS OF MEDICATIONS abbreviation full form translation caps./cps. capsula/capsulae capsule/capsules comp. compositus, a, um composed of more constituents conc. concentratus, a, um concentrated decoct. decoctum decoction drg. dragées dragee, coated pill empl. emplastrum sticking-plaster extr. extr. fluid. extr. sicc. /exsicc. extr. spiss. extractum extractum fluidum extractum siccum/exsiccatum extractum spissum extract liquid extract dry/dried extract thick, dense extract garg. gargarisma gargling water glob. globuli globules 48 gtt./gutt. guttae drops gossyp. gossypium cotton wool herb. herba plant, herb inf. infusio infusion inj. inj. i. c. inj. i. m. inj. i. v. inj. subcut. injectio injectio intracutanea injectio intramuscularis injectio intravenosa injectio subcutanea injection injection into the skin injection into the muscle injection into the vein injection under the skin linim. linimentum liniment liq. liquidum liquid mixt. mixtura mixture ol. oleum oil past. pasta paste p.o. peroralis/per os taken perorally (through mouth) pro adult. pro inf. pro adultis pro infantibus for adults for children pulv./plv. pulv. adsp. pulv. div. pulvis/pulveres pulvis adspersorius pulveres divisi powder/powders dusting powder divided powders sir. sirupus sirup sol. solutio/solubilis/solutus solution/dissolvable/dissolved sp./spec. species tea mixture succ. succus juice, draught supp. suppositorium/suppositoria suppository susp. suspensio suspension tbl. tbl. efferv. tbl. obd. tabulettae tabulettae effervescentes tabulettae obductae tablets effervescent tablets coated tablets tinct. tinctura tincture ung. unguentum ointment 49 b) OTHER INSTRUCTIONS concerning dosage, storage, etc. abbreviation full form translation Aa ana (partes aequales) in equal quantities ad amp. ad ampullam into ampule ad caps. ad capsulam/-as into capsule/s ad ch (art). (cer.) ad chartam ceratam into waxed sachet ad lag. ad lagoenam into bottle ad man. med. ad manus medici into the hands of doctor ad oll. ad ollam into gallipot ad sacc. ad saccos into sachets ad scat. ad scatulam/as into box/es ad us. ext. ad usum externum for external use ad us. int. ad usum internum for internal use ad us. propr. ad usum proprium for one's own use ad vitr. ad vitrum into glass (bottle) ad vitr. fusc. ad vitrum fuscum into the brown bottle aliq. aliquot a little of aq. aqua water aq. dest. aqua destillata distilled water aq. pro inj. aqua pro injectione water for injection aq. purif. aqua purificata purified water aq. steril. aqua sterilisata sterilized water c. cum with cochl. mag./parv. cochlear magnum/parvum table-/teaspoon comp. compositus composite, combined conc. concentratus concentrated ctr. contra against d. dies, ei, m. day dil. dilutus dissolved dupl. duplex double exp. orig. expeditio originalis/expeditiones originales original packaging (sg./pl.) fort. fortis strong fortiss. fortissimus the strongest guttator. guttatorium drop-glass, dropper h. hora, ae, f hour l. a./leg. art. lege artis according to the rules of medicine m. p. manu propria (signed) with one's own hand no. numero in number of... p. d. pro dosi per dose 50 p. die pro die per day praec. praecipitatus precipitated q. s. quantum satis as much as it is necessary simpl. simplex simple s. n. suo nomine (mark) with its name spir(it). spiritus spirit, grain alcohol s. s. v. sub signo veneni under the sign of poison tot. totus, a, um all, whole 9.6 COMMONLY USED MEDICATION NAMES The noun remedium and its more frequent plural form remedia is usually omitted: thus abortiva = remedia abortiva. Write down each type’s plural form: Latin name English translation and explanation 1. remedium abortivum abortivus, a, um a drug inducing or causing abortion (abortifacient) 2. rem. anaestheticum anaestheticus, a, um a drug causing temporary loss of bodily sensations (anaesthetic) 3. rem. analgeticum analgeticus, a, um a drug relieving pain (analgesic) 4. rem. antacidum antacidus, a, um a drug preventing, neutralizing, or counteracting acidity (antacid) 5. rem. antiallergicum antiallergicus, a, um a drug preventing or relieving allergies (antiallergenic) 6. rem. antibioticum antibioticus, a, um a drug used to treat or prevent bacterial infections (antibiotic); transportable through lymphatic system 7. rem. anticoagulans anticoagulans, antis a drug preventing blood clotting (anticoagulant) 8. rem. antidiarrhoicum antidiarrhoicus, a, um a drug preventing or stopping diarrhoea (antidiarrheal) 9. antidotum, i., n. a drug that stops the harmful effects of a poison (antidote) 10. rem. antidiureticum antidiureticus, a, um a drug limiting the formation of urine (antidiuretic) 11. rem. antimycoticum a drug used to prevent or inhibit the growth of fungi (antimycotic) 12. rem. antipyreticum antipyreticus, a, um a drug reducing fever (antipyretic) 13. rem. antisepticum antisepticus, a, um a drug inhibiting the growth of microorganisms and preventing infection (antiseptic); applied to living tissue/skin, not transportable through lymphatic system 14. rem. antiviroticum antiviroticus, a, um a drug used against viruses (antivirotic) 15. rem. cardiostimulans cardiostimulans, antis a drug stimulating the heart function (cardiac stimulant) 16. rem. contraceptivum contraceptivus, a, um a drug preventing conception (contraceptive) 51 17. rem. desinficiens desinficiens, entis a drug destroying microorganisms found on non-living objects (disinfectant) 18. rem. detoxicans detoxicans, antis a drug removing toxins from body (detoxicant) 19. rem. diureticum diureticus, a, um a drug increasing the formation of urine (diuretic) 20. rem. emeticum emeticus, a, um a drug inducing vomiting (emetic) used in the emergency cases such as some drug overdosages or certain types of poisoning 21. rem. expectorans expectorans, antis a drug facilitating the secretion and expulsion of phlegm or mucus from the respiratory tract (expectorant) 22. rem. hypnoticum hypnoticus, a, um a drug inducing sleep (hypnotic) 23. rem. hypotonicum hypotonicus, a, um a drug decreasing blood pressure (antihypertensive) 24. rem. chemotherapeuticum chemotherapeuticus, a, um a drug that is selectively destructive to malignant cells and tissues (chemotherapeutic) 25. rem. laxativum (laxans) laxativus, a, um (laxans, antis) a drug facilitating or increasing bowel movements (laxative/purgative) 26. rem. narcoticum narcoticus, a, um a drug that blunts senses (e. g. morphine) usually used to relieve pain, cause sedation, and induce sleep (narcotic) 27. rem. obstipans obstipans, antis a drug providing relief from diarrhoea (antidiarrheal) 28. rem. prophylacticum prophylacticus, a, um a drug to prevent a disease or infection (prophylactic) 29. rem. relaxans relaxans, antis a drug relaxing and relieving muscular or nervous tension (relaxant) 30. rem. sedativum sedativus, a, um a drug inducing sedation by reduction of irritability or excitement (sedative/tranquiliser) 31. rem. spasmolyticum spasmolyticus, a, um a drug suppressing muscle spasms (antispasmodic/spasmolytic) 32. rem. stimulans stimulans, antis a drug exciting any bodily function, especially those that stimulate the brain and CNS (stimulant) 33. rem. stomachicum stomachicus, a, um a drug stimulating gastric digestion and relieving discomfort caused by stomach pain (stomachic) 34. rem. vasoconstringens vasoconstringens, entis a drug that causes narrowing (vasoconstrictio) of walls of blood vessels (vasoconstrictor) 35. rem. vasodilatans vasodilatans, antis a drug that causes dilatation (vasodilatatio) of walls of blood vessels (vasodilatator) 52 9.7 EXERCISES: 1. Put the following lines into correct order according to the usual structure of a prescription. Decide which of the two prescriptions is ready-made: Exp. orig. No. I (unam) Rp. Imunor p. o. 4 x 10 mg D. S. Dle rozpisu. D. ad scat. Acidi borici pulv. 100,0 Rp. S. Jednu lžíci na litr teplé vody k výplachům. 2. Fill in the gaps: Rp. Amobarbitali 0,15 Codeinii dihydrogenphosphorici 0,03 Aminophenazoni Olei cacao q. ut supp. D. d. VI (sex) S. Na noc zavést 1 čípek. 0,25 Asentra 50 tbl. p. o. 28 x 50 mg orig. IV (quattuor) D. 2 tablety denně. 3. Give full forms of the underlined terms. Explain the instructions for the pharmacist: Rp. Acidi acetylsalicylici Paracetamoli aa 0,3 Codeinii dihydrogenphosphorici 0,02 Coffeini cum natrio benzoico 0,1 Magnesii oxydati 0,05 M. f. pulv. D. t. d. No. XX (viginti) ad caps. S. 3krát denně 1 prášek. 53 4. Write down the pharmacological terms next to the pictures: 54 6. Interpret the samples of medical prescriptions and explain what they are used for/against: ANALGETICUM + ANTIPYRETICUM Rp. acetylsalicylici Paracetamoli aa 0,3 Codeinii dihydrogenphosphorici 0,02 Coffeini cum natrio benzoico 0,1 Magnesii oxydati 0,05 M. f. pulv. D. t. d. No. XX (viginti) ad caps. S. 3krát denně 1 prášek. ANTACIDUM UROLOGICUM GYNAECOLOGICUM MYORELAXANS Rp. Extracti belladonnae sicci 0,4 Papaverinii chlorati 1,0 Magnesii oxydati 20,0 M. f. pulv. Div. in dos. aeq. No. XX (viginti) ad caps. D. S. 3krát denně 1 prášek mezi dvěma jídly. D. S. 1 lžíce na šálek nálevu. Denně vypít 3 – 4 šálky. aa 15,0 aa 20,0 30,0 Rp. Herbae equiseti Folii uvae ursi Herbae herniariae Radicis levistici Folii betulae M. f. spec. Rp. Acidi borici pulv. 100,0 D. ad scat. S. Jednu lžíci na litr teplé vody k výplachům. Rp. Mydocalm 150 mg tbl. p. o. 30 x 150 mg Exp. orig. No. III (tres) D. S. 3krát 1 tableta denně. 55 ANTIDEPRESSIVUM HYPNOTICUM IMMUNOSTIMULANS ANTIBIOTICUM ANTIDOTUM ANTIMYCOTICUM Rp. Ureae 40,0 Acidi lactici 1,0 Ung. lanalcoli 20,0 Cerae albae 5,0 Vaselini albi ad 100,0 M. f. ung. Týden používat v okluzním obvazu na nehty před aplikací antimykotik. Rp. Asentra 50 tbl. p. o. 28 x 50 mg Exp. orig. No. IV (quattuor) D. S. 2 tablety denně. 0,15 0,03 0,25 Rp. Amobarbitali Codeinii dihydrogenphosphorici Aminophenazoni Olei cacao q. s. ut f. supp. D. t. dos. No VI (sex) S. Na noc zavést 1 čípek. Rp. Imunor p. o. 4 x 10 mg Exp. orig. No. I (unam) D. S. Dle rozpisu. Rp. Framykoin plv. ads. 1 x 20 gm Exp. orig. No. II (duas) D. S. Aplikovat 2krát denně na postižená místa po dobu 10 dnů. M. f. susp. D. S. Cum formula. Pro medico. Po ukončení výplachu vstříknout do žaludku. 30,0 15,0 ad 300,0 Rp. Carbonis adsorbentis Magnesii sulfurici (seu Natrii sulfurici) Aquae purificatae 56 Lactosi M.f. plv. ad 0,5 D. t. d. No. L (quinquaginta) D. ad caps. gelat. D.S. 1 tobolku při potížích, max. 2x denně. S. s. v. DIURETICUM PARASYMPATOLYTICUM DERMATOLOGICUM ANALGETICUM Rp. Ergotamini tartratis 0,001 Diazepami 0,005 Phenobarbitali 0,020 Coffeini 0,100 Paracetamoli 0,200 Rp. Aminophyllini 1,8 Olei cacao q. s. ut f. supp. D. t. d. No. VI (sex) S. 2krát denně zavést 1 čípek do konečníku. Rp. Atropini sulphatis 0,1 Aquae pro iniectione ad 10,0 M. f. oculoguttae D. ad vitrum guttatorium fuscum S. s. s. v. Denně jednu kapku do každého oka. Triamcinolon E ung., tub. orig. No. II.(duas) Vaselini flavi ad 100,0 M. f. ung. D.S. 1x denně mast na ruce. Repetatur 2x (bis). 7,0 Rp. Acidi salicylici 57 7. Change into opposite number:  remedium anxiolyticum .........................................................................................................  vasodilatantia propter stenosim vasorum .........................................................................................................  dosis antibiotici pro infante .........................................................................................................  antipyretica propter hyperpyrexiam .........................................................................................................  remedium myorelaxans .........................................................................................................  remedia prophylactica in graviditate ......................................................................................................... 8. Match the types of medications with the conditions they are related to: contraceptivum dyspepsia hypnoticum febris antidotum tussis antipyreticum insufficientia cordis stomachicum insomnia obstipans graviditas expectorans intoxicatio cardiostimulans diarrhoea 58 10. Write down medical prescriptions for the patients below. Make sure you have included all the necessary information: A) A fifty-year old woman suffers from chronic bad headache with no reason identified. Prescribe her capsules made of 0,005 g of Diazepamum; 0,02 g of Phenobarbitalum; 0,1 g of coffeinum; and 0,2 g of paracetamolum. The vehicle is lactose (lactosum) up to 0,5 grams. The pharmacist should make a powder. Make 50 doses in the form of gelatine capsules (gelatinosus, a, um). The patient should take one capsule if needed, max. twice a day. The medication should be marked as poison. B) A hard smoker suffers from chronic bronchitis and needs to expectorate the mucus from his bronchial tubes. Prescribe him mucolytics: one package of Mucosolvan drops. The patient should take 30 drops every three hours. 59 C) A five-year old child has been received at the hospital with very high fever caused by acute inflammation of urinary bladder. One of the best ways how to lower the fever of children is via paracetamol suppositories (Suppositoria paracetamoli). These should be made by pharmacist of 10 grams of paracetamol + 30 grams of Adipis solidi as adjuvant remedy. 20 of them should be made in equal doses. The instructions for the patient are to take one suppository every 6 hours if the fever reaches 38,50 C. D) The patient suffers from acute pnemonia, but is allergic to penicilline antibiotics. Therefore, two original packages of klaritromycine antibiotics Klacid 500 mg have to be prescribed in the form of coated tablets. The patient should take one tablet every 12 hours for two-three weeks. 60 10. DISSECTION PROTOCOL Structure: Pathological-anatomical diagnosis consists of four parts:  I. Morbus principalis  the primary finding of the pathologist, does not have to be identical with the cause of death  II. Complicationes  complications linked to cause of death  III. Causa mortis  cause of death  IV. Inventus accessorius  additional findings 10.1 EXERCISES 1. Interpret the following sample of dissection protocol related to asphyxia intrauterina, i.e. the asphyxiation of fetus in utero due to oxygen deprivation: I. Mors praenatalis. Mater II para II gravida. Fetus immaturus non vitalis generis masculini 940g/35 cm. Partus per vias naturales in hebdomade graviditatis XXXII. II. Hypotrophia fetus. Maceratio fetus III. gradus. Atelectasis pulmonum. III. Asphyxia intrauterina. IV. Sine inventu accessorio. 61 2. Decide whether the following protocol refers to a man or a woman; write down the cause of death. Explain the meaning of the underlined compounds: I. Melanoblastoma dorsi reg. subscapularis l. dx. II. Metastases multiplices cerebri lat. utr., cerebelli lat utr., et ad pulmones. Oedema cerebri. Decubitus reg. sacralis superficialis parvus. Hypertrophia lienis. Arteriosclerosis universalis. Bronchopneumonia hypostatica microfocalis l.dx. III. Thromboembolia ramorum arteriae pulmonalis l. dx. multifocalis. Dilatatio ventriculi cordis dextri acuta. IV. Defectus dentium partialis reg. mandibulae l. sin. Atrophia fusca myocardii et hepatis. Adenoma lobi sinistri glandulae thyroideae. Stp. HYE et adnexectomiam bilateralem. Striae cutis reg. abdominis. Degeneratio cuspidum valvae mitralis. Cystes serosae corticis renum. Urocystitis catarrhalis. 62 11. REVISION EXERCISES 1. Derive adjectives according to the example: articulatio + (carpus+metacarpus) > articulatio carpometacarpalis articulatio + (costa + vertebra) articulatio + (metacarpus + phalanx) articulatio + (sternum + costa) ganglion + (cervix + thorax) ganglion + (cranium + spina) ganglion + (encephalon + spina) ligamentum + (carpus + metacarpus) ligamentum + (costa + clavicula) ligamentum + (hepar + duodenum) musculus + (brachium + radius) musculus + (cranium + spina) musculus + (urethra + vagina) 2. Give opposites: sepsis endogenes diastole eupnoe hyperaesthesia hypotonia aditus tachypnoe stenosis epigastrium 3. Explain the compound terms and choose the one which matches the definition in italics: monarthritis – polyarthritis – panarthritis inflammation of several joints chondritis – myelitis – myositis inflammation of a muscle haematuria – uraemia – haemopathia presence of blood in urine ductus: intralobularis – interlobularis duct located between lobules angioma – adenoma – glaucoma tumor of glandular origin extracorporalis – intracorporalis – corpuscularis related to a small mass/body solubilis – insolubilis – solvens impossible to dissolve excisio – incisivus – incisura – contraincisio - incisio surgical removal hypogastricus – epigactricus – endogastricus located inside the stomach 63 4. Derive series of terms with same combining elements and translate them: -pathia osteon, us (otos), myelos, cardia, neuron, nephros, arthron, spondylos, mys (myos) -logia angeion, cardia, derma (dermatos), uron, neuron, osteon, ophthalmos -sclerosis myelos, mys (myos), osteon, phleps (phlebos), cardia -ectomia cystis, appendix, gaster, ovarium 5. Translate series of terms with similar structure dystrophia – dyspnoe – dysenteria hypotensio – hypoglycaemia – hypocalcaemia excisio – incisio – contraincisio – circumcisio –transcisio endocardium – epicardium – pericardium endometrium – perimetrium – myometrium – parametrium hyperaesthesia – hypaesthesia – paraesthesia – anaesthesia intracranialis – infracranialis – extracranialis ectopia – ectoparasitus – ecchondroma 6. Follow the description and form the proper term:  inflammation of periosteum  inflammation of the transparent membrane lining the abdominal cavity and covers most of viscera  inflammation of the thin serous membrane around the lungs and inner walls of the chest  inflammation of the double-layered membrane around the heart  equipped with teeth  a protuberance on a bone, especially for the attachment of a muscle or ligament  next to thyroid gland  located above kidney  located next to urethra  inflammation of liver  inflammation of appendix  degenerative disease of the joints of hand  benign tumour consisting of bone tissue  tumour consisting of a mass of blood or lymphatic vessels 64 7. Find words that the following diminutives are derived from: cerebellum arteriola fossula cuticula lobulus capitulum tuberculum venula denticulus nodulus radicula corpusculum canaliculus ductulus septulum glandula ventriculus lingula auricula vesicula vasculum KEY 1. Derive adjectives according to the example: articulatio + (carpus+metacarpus) > articulatio carpometacarpalis articulatio costovertebralis articulatio metacarpophalangea articulatio sternocostalis ganglion cervicothoracicum ganglion craniospinale ganglion encephalospinale ligamentum carpometacarpeum ligamentum costoclaviculare ligamentum hepaticoduodenale musculus brachioradialis musculus craniospinalis musculus urethrovaginalis 2. Give opposites: sepsis endogenes exogenes diastole systole eupnoe dyspnoe hyperaesthesia hypaesthesia hypotonia hypertonia aditus exitus tachypnoe bradypnoe stenosis dilatatio epigastrium hypogastrium 3. Explain the compound terms and choose the one which matches the definition in italics: monarthritis – polyarthritis – panarthritis inflammation of several joints chondritis – myelitis – myositis inflammation of a muscle haematuria – uraemia – haemopathia presence of blood in urine ductus: intralobularis – interlobularis duct located between lobules angioma – adenoma – glaucoma tumor of glandular origin extracorporalis – intracorporalis – corpuscularis related to a small mass/body solubilis – insolubilis – solvens impossible to dissolve excisio – incisivus – incisura – contraincisio - incisio surgical removal hypogastricus – epigactricus – endogastricus located inside the stomach 65 4. Derive series of terms with same combining elements and translate them: -pathia osteopatia, otopatia, myelopatia, cardiopatia, neuropatia, nephropatia, arthropatia, spondylopatia, myopatia -logia angiologia, cardiologia, dermatologia, urologia, neurologia, osteologia, ophthalmologia -sclerosis myelosclerosis, myosclerosis, osteosclerosis, phlebosclerosis, cardiosclerosis -ectomia cystectomia, appendectomia, gastrectomia, ovariotomia 5. Translate series of terms with similar structure dys- = wrong, insufficient, difficult or disorder of: tissue nourishment – breathing – intestines hypo- = abnormally decreased, defficient: blood pressure – blood sugar – calcium in blood -cisio = cutting: out – into – counter – around – through -cardium = (parts of) heart: membrane lining inner cavities – inner layer of pericardium – sac around -metrium = (parts of) uterus: inner layer – layer surrounding – muscular layer – extension of outer layer -aesthesia = feeling, perception: excessive – abnormally low – abnormal painless sensation – loss of -crani- = skull: located inside – located below – located outside ec(to)- = outside: displacement or wrong position of an organ – parasite living on the surface of body – cartilaginous tumour protruding outside the surface of a bone 6. Follow the description and form the proper term:  inflammation of the periost - periostitis  inflammation of the transparent membrane lining the abdominal cavity and covers most of viscera - peritonitis  inflammation of the thin serous membrane around the lungs and inner walls of the chest - pleuritis  inflammation of the double-layered membrane around the heart - pericarditis  being equipped with teeth - dentatus  a protuberance on the bone, especially for attachment of a muscle or ligament - tuberositas  next to the thyroid gland - parathyreoideus  one that lies above the kidney - suprarenalis  one that is found next to the urethra - paraurethralis  inflammation of the liver - hepatitis  inflammation of the vermiform appendage - appendicitis  degenerative disease of joints in the hand - dactylarthritis  benign tumour consisting of bone tissue - osteoma  tumour consisting of a mass of blood or lymphatic vessels - angioma 66 7. Find words that the following diminutives are derived from: cerebellum cerebrum arteriola arteria fossula fossa cuticula cutis lobulus lobus capitulum caput tuberculum tuber venula vena denticulus dens nodulus nodus radicula radix corpusculum corpus canaliculus canalis ductulus ductus septulum septum glandula glans ventriculus venter lingula lingua auricula auris vesicula vesica vasculum vas 67 VOCAB aberrans, ntis aberrant, going astray adnexa, arum, f. appendages of an organ (eye, uterus, or skin) adolescens, ntis, m./f. adolescent person aequalis, e even, steady aetas, atis, f. age aethylicus, a, um related to alcohol consumption agenesis, is/eos, f. absence of an organ due to its non-development ala, ae, f. a wing-like process alternans, ntis alternating alveolus, i, m. a small cavity in lungs, basic unit of ventilation angulus, i, m. angle, corner antihelix, icis, f. antihelix (i.e. the lesser rim of auricle opposing the helix) apparens, ntis obvious, apparent, symptomatic areola, ae., f. the pigmented area around the nipple articulum, i, n. moment atrophia, ae, f. a decrease in size of an organ/tissue, wasting away auricula, ae, f. the visible part of ear bulla, ae, f. blister caecitas, itatis, f. blindness, inability to see caeruleus, a, um blue, blue-black capsula, ae, f. a capsule catarrhus, i, m. inflammation of a mucous membrane with discharge of mucus caudatus, a, um having a tail causa, ae, f. cause, reason celer, is, e quick, fast cerebellum, i, n. the part of brain responsible for voluntary movements chorda, ae, f. a cord-like structure; (umbilical) cord cicatrix, icis, f. scar compositus, a, um natural, composed, regular (of face) continuus, a, um continuous, having no ups and downs contraindicatio, onis, f. any circumstance that makes a medication/procedure unadvisable or risky corpusculum, i, n. a rounded globular mass of cells; the encapsulated ending of a sensory nerve, corpuscle cremor, oris, m. cream curvatura, ae, f. curvature, bend, curve 68 cuspis, dis, f. a pointed end of a structure cuticula, ae, f. cuticle (i.e. a layer of cells covering nail bed or hair shaft) decoctum, i, n. decoction (extraction of medicinal substances by boiling) decolor, oris discoloured dilatatio, onis, f. abnormal dilation, widening dolorosus, a, um painful dyspepsia, ae, f. a painful or disturbed digestion dysplasia, ae, f. an abnormality in cell formation ectopia, ae, f. a congenital displacement or abnormal position of an organ/structure embolia, ae, f. embolism, obstruction of blood flow emplastrum, i, n. sticking-plaster empyema, matis, n. a collection of pus within a cavity epiglottis, is, f. a plate of fibrocartilage behinf tongue preventing food entering larynx epimysium, ii, n. the fibrous connective tissue around skeletal muscles exacerbans, ntis worsening exitus, us, m. death (in clinical terminology) exsanguinatio, onis, f. bleeding out fascia, ae, f. tightening bandage febrilis, e feverish filum, i, n. a thread flos, ris, m. flower folium, ii, n. leaf fortis, e strong frequens, ntis frequent funiculus, i, m. a bundle of nerve fibers; (umbilical) cord fuscus, a, um brown geniculum, i, n. a small angular knee-like bend globulus, i, m. a globule, ball glomerulus, i, m. tuft (i.e. a network of capillaries at the beginning of a nephron) granulumi, n. granulated powder griseus, a, um grey gutta, ae, f. drop gyrus, i, m. the ridge on the cerebral cortex habitus, us, m. body constitution haemostasis, is/eos, f. arrest of bleeding; stagnation of blood helix, icis, f. helix (i.e. the prominent rim of auricle) 69 hyperplasia, ae, f. an abnormal increase in size of an organ/tissue due to new growth of normal cells hypertrophia, ae, f. increase in size of an organ/tissue from other reasons than tumour or excessive cell formation hypostasis, is/eos, f. poor or stagnant circulation hypostaticus, a, um resulting from poor circulation charta, ae, f. a strip of paper (impregnated with medicinal substance) imminens, ntis imminent, threatening infantilis, e developed on a child-level infarctus, us, m. infarction, tissue death due to lack of blood supply infundibulum, i, n. a funnel-like structure infusio, onis, f. infusion intermedius, a, um located in between two structures intermittens, ntis marked by alternating periods of activity and inactivity inventus, us, m. finding inversus, a, um opposite in order, nature, or effect inveteratus, a, um long-established, deep-rooted, old, chronic (of diseases and injuries) iuven(al)is, e young, immature, referring to adolescence lana, ae, f. cotton wool latens, ntis hidden, not symptomatic lethalis, e lethal, deadly ligamentum, i, n. bandage lingula, ae, f. a small, tongue-like structure lividus, a, um discoloured, bluish livor, oris, m. discoloration of skin (after death) localis, e local locus, i, m. place, site luteus, a, um yellow mamilla, ae, f. nipple masseter, eris, m. chewing muscle medialis, e located more toward the medial plane, as opposed to lateral medianus, a, um located exactly in the middle of a structure melanoblastoma, matis, n. malignant skin tumour mesocolon, i, n. mesentery (i.e. the tissues attaching intestines to the posterior abdominal wall) mesocortex, icis, m. a transitional area in cerebral cortex 70 mesoderma, matis, n. one of the three germ layers of embryo located between ectoderma and endoderma mollis, e soft morbilli, orum, m. measles moribundus, a, um dying person mortuus, a, um dead mutitas, itatis, f. muteness, inability to speak naevus, i, m. a mole (i.e a circumscribed malformation of skin, esp. hyperpigmentation or increased vascularity) oleosus, a, um oily oleum, i, n. oil opponens, ntis opposing oppressus, a, um constrained osteosynthesis, is/eos, f. internal fixation of bone fragments after fracture pallidus, a, um pale pandemia, ae, f. an epidemic affectic all or most fo the population parametrium, i, n. the connective tissue surrounding uterus paries, etis, m. wall pasta, ae, f. paste peracutus, a, um extremely acute pericardium, i, n. a double-wall sac containing heart periosteum, i, n. the membrane covering bones peritoneum, i, n. the serous membrane lining abdominal cavity, peritoneum phlegmone, es, f. a spreading diffuse inflammatory process with formation of pus planum, i, n. plane (i.e. a two-dimensional flat surface) plethoricus, a, um reddish due to excessive blood circulation plexus, us, m. network pneumothorax, cis, m. a collection of air in pleural space causing lung collapse positio, onis, f. position, location progrediens, ntis progressive prosencephalon, i, n. the forebrain, the rostral part of brain in the earlycns development pseudotumor, oris, m. an enlargement resembling a tumour pubertas, atis, f. adolescence puerperium, ii, n. the period between childbirth and involution of uterus (ca. six weeks after labour) pulsans, ntis pulsating pulsatio, onis, f. spreading of the pulse waves along the arteries 71 pulsus, us, m. pulse pulvis, eris, n. powder purulentus, a, um containing pus, purulent recens, ntis recent recessus, us, m. a recess (i.e. a small indentation or cavity) recurrens, ntis recurrent, returning regressio, onis, f. subsiding of symptoms or progress of a disease regularis, e regular relapsus, us, m. return of the disease after a period of improvement remittens, ntis temporarily decreasing in severity rigor, oris, m. stiffness (after death) roseus, a, um pink rostralis, e related to the front of head sagittalis, e referring to the sagittal plan/suture sapo, onis, m. soap sclerosis, is/eos, f. abnormal thickening, loss of flexibility senilis, e related to old age senium, ii, n. old age situs, us, m. place, site spatium, ii, n. a cavity, space species, erum, f. mixture of dried plants to make tea of spuma, ae, f. foam stenosis, is/eos, f. abnormal narrowing stria, ae, f. scar-like lesion due to weakening of elastic tissues; anatomy: a longitudinal nerve fiber collection in brain stylus, i, m. stick subluxatio, onis, f. incomplete dislocation suppositorium, i, n. suppository (i.e. a medication administered through rectum) surditas, itatis, f. deafness, inability to hear syndroma, matis, n. a combination of symptoms resulting from a single cause tabuletta, ae, f. a tablet, pill tardus, a, um slow tela, ae, f. gauze thrombosis, is/eos, f. blood clotting tinctura, ae, f. alcoholic solution made from plants ultimus, a, um last undosus, a, um wavy, uncertain 72 undulans, ntis wave-like, oscillating unguentum, i, n. ointment vaselinum, i, n. vaseline venter, tris, n. belly, abdomen versicolor, oris multicoloured vivus, a, um alive, living