(XXII, XXIII) Measurement of basal metabolic expenditure (BME) using indirect calorimetry Calculation of energy expenditure © Department of Physiology Faculty of Medicine Masaryk University 2016 Basal metabolism (basal energy expenditure, BEE) • Energetic expenditure of organism established in defined (basal) conditions: • Thermoneutral environment • 12-18 hours after the last meal containing proteins • Psychological and social well-being, optimally in the morning before leaving the bed Examined persons Lay down on the examination bed (to simulate basal conditions) Actual energy expediture (AEE) 1) at rest 2) at standing 3) after workload Determination of energy expediture 1) Measurement: ◦ Direct calorimetry ◦ Indirect calorimetry 2) Calculation Direct calorimentry  Works on presumption that all metabolic actions are accompanied by heat production  Technically demanding  In practice, often not used Ice calorimetr – Lavoisier and Laplace, 1782 Zdroj: http://vlp.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/vlpimages/images/img10417.jpg Indirect calorimetry • Works on presumption that consumption of oxygen, CO2 production and nitrate metabolites waste correspond to the energetic output • Open or closed cycle setup • In practicals: closed system setup using Krogh respirometer Caloric (energetic) equivalent of oxygen (EE) • amount of energy released during consumption of 1 L of oxygen Constant for mixed diet: EE = 20,19 kJ/litrO2 Calculation of energy expediture 1) BEE 2) AEE  According to Harris-Benedict equation  kcal/day convert into kJ/day (1 kcal = 4,18 kJ)  May be calculated based on: ◦ BEE ◦ activity factor (AF) ◦ temperature factor (TF) ◦ injury factor (IF) Protocol Indirect calorimetry – measurement and calculation of AEE: 1) at rest 2) at standing 3) after workload – steptest  estimate the oxygen consumption (l/s)  correct the measured values to 0 C and 101,325 kPa  calculate AEE (kJ/s, kJ/day)  explain differences in AEE observed in different conditions Protocol Calculation of energy expediture  Calculate BEE according to Harris-Benedict  Compare calculated value of BEE with measured value of AEE at rest  Explain differences