TEST A – PHYSIOTHERAPY ……………………….………………………………………… NAME ONLY ONE FROM a,b,c IS CORRECT 1. Which of the following organelles is involved in protein synthesis: a) peroxisome b) Golgi apparatus c) lysosome 2. Which of structures does not belong to cytoskeleton: a) actin microfilaments b) collagen fibers c) neurofilaments 3. Which intercellular junctions has communicating function: a) zonula adherens b) nexus (gap junction) c) zonula occludens 4. Stratified squamous keratinized epithelium coveres: a) skin (as epidermis) b) lines intestines c) lines blood vessels 5. Which structure is not typical for epithelial tissue: a) basement membrane b) blood vessels c) desmosome 6. Fixed cell of connective tissue proper is: a) lymphocyte b) fibrocyte c) reticulocyte 7. Free or mobile or wandering cell of connective tissue proper is: a) pigment cell b) macrophage c) adipose cell 8. Function of plasma cell in connective tissue is production of: a) specific antigens b) collagen fibers c) histamine, heparin 9. Reticular connective tissue occurs in: a) lymph organs b) ligaments c) fibrous capsule 10.Isogenous groups of chondrocytes are typical for: a) fibrocartilage b) elastic cartilage c) hyaline cartilage 11.Hyaluronic acid in ground substance of connective tissue is main of: a) glycosaminoglycans b) proteoglycans c) glycoproteins 12.One of 3 types of cartilage is not covered with perichondrium : a) hyaline cartilage b) elastic cartilage c) fibrocartlage 13.Elastic cartilage occurs in: a) joints b) auricle c) trachea 14. True statement about periosteum is: a) coveres outer surface of bone b) lines marrow cavity c) coveres articular cartilage 15. True statement about osteoclast: a) derives from lymphocyte b) secretes osteoid c) resorb bone matrix 16. Which type of bone is immature, without lamellae: a) compact bone b) spongy bone c) woven bone 17. Ossification of flattened bones of skull is: a) membranous b) en(do)chondral c) intracartilaginous 18. Ossification of long bone definitely ends with closure of: a) line of errosion b) epiphyseal plate c) zone of cartilage hypertrophy 19. Synchondrosis is when bones are linked by: a) dense connective tissue b) bone tissue c) cartilage 20. Bones in skull are linked by: a) dense connective tissue b) bone tissue c) cartilage 21. Nissl’s substance in perikarion of neuron is represented by: a) pigment b) glycogen c) endoplasmic reticulum 22. Which of following substance is not neurotransmitter: a) acetylcholine b) dopamine c) heparin 23.Whih of following cells does not belong to central neuroglia: a) satellite cell b) oligodendrocyte c) microglia 24.Which of following neuroglia cells is phagocyting cells: a) microglia b) astrocyte c) ependymocyte DIAGRAM: numbers from picture write into the list of structures Results and evaluation of the test: 32 points is maximum 24 multiple choice questions / à 1 correct answer point gain max. 24 Diagram / à correct identification point gain max 8 mark points A 1 32 - 30 B 1- 29 - 27 C 2 26 - 23 D 2- 22 - 18 E 3 17 - 12 F 4 11 - 0 HISTOLOGY