Superior vena cava syndrome: a case report M. Nečas, V.Vašků Dept. of Dermatovenereology, Masaryk University Faculty of Medicine, and St. Anne’s Faculty Hospital in Brno CZECH REPUBLIC Personal history: uPatient: V. S. , born in 1943 uPH: CHOPD uMedication: negative uAllergies: negative usmokes 20 cigarettes daily Course of the disease usent to the emergency department of DVC u by his GP because of 4 days lasting swelling of the face as susp. allergic angioedema, u nothing unusual done, did not take any medication, alimentary history without anything suspicious, admitted to hospital I~000073 I~000078 Differential diagnosis uAcute angioedema (Quincke) allergic/nonallergic uAllergic contact dermatitis/toxic contact dermatitis uCardial swelling uNephrogenic swelling uLymphoedema uAbscess, cellulitis uTrichinosis (trichinellosis), Trypanosomiasis uHeliotropic swelling - dermatomyositis uSuperior vena cava syndrome uCushing syndrome uThyroid disease - myxoedema u u I~000076 Further investigation uSR 34/62 IgE 359 IU/ml uPSA 6,15 ug/l u uChest X-ray: pulmonary parenchyma without any clear infiltration or deposits. Sizeable extension of the mediastinum to the right-hand side by a mass measuring 10 x 4 cm causing a deviation of trachea to the left. u The tip of the right lung with pleural thickening. Diaphragm normal. Heart shadow unextended Further investigation and course: uPneumology Consilium u Syndroma venae cavae superioris with acute course, TU of the mediastinum susp. Patient transferred to pulmonary clinic u at FUHB, bronchoscopy with histology: Small cell carcinoma of the upper lobe of the right lung Treatment uI. Course od CHT: 4 cycles cbdc (carboplatine, cyclophosphamide) according to AUC 5 u and ifosfamide + Concomitant RT of the chest (30 Gy) recurrence of the sy VCS due to the progression of the underlying disease II. Course of CHT: cisplatine, doxorubicine due to significant toxicity untimely terminated symptomatic treatment Further course u significant swelling, shortness of breath, cough disturbing sleep admitted to hospital at pulmonary clinic symptomatic treatment with bronchodilators, antiedematous medication, analgesics, antibiotics due to elevated CRP u exitus letalis: in bed rest with symptoms of terminal bronchopneumonia uDEATH within 10 month of the dg of SVC sy Superior vena cava syndrome u ufirst described by W. Hunter in the year 1757 caused by poor blood flow through SVC into the right atrium of the heart caused by: u - Extravascular pressure (tumor, enlarged lymph. nodes) u - Intraluminal problem u (thrombosis, tumor) Superior vena cava syndrome uCauses: 70% maligant u u bronchogenic carcinoma (cca 70%) u lymphomas (mostly NHL) (cca 10%) u metastases into mediastinal LN (cca 10%) u (kidney tu, testical, ovarial tu, breast ca) u primary mediastinal tu (thymoma 2%) uother u u Superior vena cava syndrome uCauses: 30% benign u u benign tumors (thymoma, teratoma …) u retrosternal struma u aortal aneurysm, pericarditis u thrombosis (catheter in SVC, electrode of PM) u septic thrombosis, thromboflebitis u postiradiation fibrosis, fibrosing mediastinitis u TB, syphilis, sarcoidosis Clinical presentation u uSwelling of the head and neck (and arms) uCyanosis, plethora uDilated subcutaneous veins uCough, dyspnea, stridor, hoarseness uHeadache, vertigo, confusion uNasal congestion, epistaxis uSyncope u u u Diagnostics u chest X-ray u when susp. bronchogenic ca u - bronchoscopy u - transparietal punction under CT control u - mediastinoscopy u - videothoracoscopy, thoracotomy uCT or angio CT uNMR, PET uinvasive contrast venography utransoesophageal sonography Treatment ucausative treatment: depends on etiology of SVCS u - surgery u - RT u - chemotherapy u - thrombolysis uapplication of a stent into SVC usymptomatic treatment: u - elevation of the head, oxygenotherapy u - corticosteroids: reduction of the swelling aroud u tumor u - diuretics u Conclusion u SVC syndrome should be considered in every case of swelling of the head and neck without any apparent cause , especially when associated with dilatation of veins of the neck and collateral venous circulation or with other symptoms Dermatologist should provide diagnosis and treatment in a specialized center u u u Thank you for your attention