Repetition of the tissues • •Epithelial tissue •Connective tissue, cartilage, bone •Muscle tissue •Nervous tissue •Blood Epithelial tissue • • • B M A Y A S R O V C G E E E A O L M S L P S V A E O A C I C E N N R R M Y T S U R D T E P I T H E L I U M S T N O E N A N L E P I A K L S R G A M I V B E I O ep R B R E A R A R ep R A S A L Y A T A T C ep N O L I E E R I N L Y S L ep S Define, describe, explain •Basal lamina, basement membrane •Basal labyrinth – occurence and importance •Brush or striated border – its importance •Types of intercellular junctions in epithelium •Cytoskeleton of epith. cells, cytokeratin •Free surface modifications of epith. cells •Transitional ep. versus ep. of transitional zones •Classification of epithelium •Origin of epithelium • • Classification of epithelial tissue: Covering simple squamous cuboidal columnar pseudostratified columnar stratified squamous keratinized columnar non-keratinized transitional Glandular unicellular exocrine exoepithelial multicellular endocrine endoepithelial alveolar serous tubular mucous merocrine tuboalveolar mixed apocrine holocrine Respiratory Resorptive morphologicaly and functionaly specialized epithelia Sensory Classification of glands (glandular epithelial tissue): unicellular exocrine exoepithelial multicellular endocrine endoepithelial alveolar serous tubular mucous merocrine tuboalveolar mixed apocrine holocrine Simple branched compound Define, describe, explain •Ingestion – diffusion, selective resorption, pinocytosis •Secretions synthesis – proteosynthetic organelles •Types of secretion – merocrine, apocrine, holocrine •Unicellular glands - Goblet cell, gastro-entero-pancreatic endocrine cells, Paneth cell •Serous acinus •Mucous tubule •Serous demilune •Myoepithelial cells • Connective tissue O S H M S Y B E R I A O S E F F O L C O N N E C T I V E T I S S U E A E N O I B L C T R R C L C E A A E O T H L U R S T O N I Y A L S T I N I L M G A I O C A E E R C N A G N C E I D Define, describe, explain •Classification of connective tissue proper •Origin of connective tissue •Fibers – types and characteristic •Ground substance – composition •Cells – fixed and mobile, characteristic, function • • • Define, describe, explain •Types of cartilage, examples of an occurrence •Perichondrium •Chondroblasts, chondrocytes – lacunae •Isogenic group – teritorial matrix •Interteritorium •Fibers – types •Ground amorphous substance – composition •Apositional growth of cartilage •Interstitial growth of cartilage Define, describe, explain •Types of bone tissue •Periosteum, endosteum •Sharpey‘s fibers •Bone cells – localization in bone, function •Fibers – types •Ground amorphous substance – composition •Bone lamellae – Haversian systems, interstitial and circumferential (outer and inner) lamellae •Canaliculi ossium •Haversian and Volkmann‘s canal •Ossification - types •Ossification zones, osteoid, ossein Muscle tissue S A C R C A T C S O R M - A O K N D U T M U S C L E T I S S U E Y M T E L R A A C B O O I M E A C R L U S O N M T C C E L I T A A T O E N H L I M O E N R E Myofibrils actin myosin myofilaments with I and H bands, H zone, Z line Describe myofibril and sarcomere: ? band ? ? filaments ? line ? line ? zone ? line ? filaments •Define, describe, explain •Rhabdomyocyte •Sarcolemma •T-tubule, terminal cisternae, triad, diad •Sarcoplasmic reticulum •Myofibril •Sarcomere •Myofilament •Actin •Troponin, tropomyosin •Myosin •Define, describe, explain • •A-band, I-band •Z-line, M-line, H-zone •Cardiomyocyte •Intercalated disc •Leiomyocyte •Motor-end-plate •Endomysium •Perimysium •Epimysium • Nervous tissue S Y N A N P A A C G I M D E X P E L S Y N E R V O U S T I S S U E E N I N E Y A L L U D K S L L B I R R A Ch C O N O I R O E D N T Y L L I S E O I L E N N S S Define, describe, explain •Neuron – perikaryon – neurite – dendrite •Nissl substance •Axon hillock •Myeline sheath •Schwann sheath •Mesaxon •Internodium •Node of Ranvier •Neuron – classification •Synapse (presynaptic knobe, synaptic cleft, postsynaptic memrane) •Neurotransmitter • Define, describe, explain •Neuroglia - classification •Oligodendroglia •Astrocytes •Microglia (of Horteg) •Ependyma - tanycytes •Schwann cells •Satelite cells • • • in CNS in PNS Motor-end-plate (acetylcholinesterase detection) •Slides: 1 •Labium oris – epithelium (covering + glands, connective t., muscle t. •Apex linguae – muscle t., glands •Gl.submandibularis – secretory units, duct epithelium •Oesophagus – epithelium, connective t., muscle t. •Intestines – epithelium, connective t., muscle t. •Vesica fellea – epithelium, connective t., muscle t. •Epiglottis – epithelium, connective t., cartilage •Trachea – epithelium, connective t., cartilage •Ren – epithelia •Calyx renalis – epithelium • •Slides: 2 •Female urethra – epithelium •Male urethra – epithelium •Ureter – epithelium •Ovary – epithelium •Tuba uterina – epithelium •Uterus – epithelium •Vagina – epithelium, connective t. •Artery and vein •Lien – impregn. - epithelium •Skin with hair – epithelium, connective t. •Skin from the finger tip – epithelium, connective t. • •Slides: 3 1 • •Palpebra – epithelium, connective t., muscle t. • Posterior segment of eye – connective t. •Auricle – epithelium, connective t., cartilage •Umbilical cord – connective t. •Cortex cerebri – neurons •Cerebellum – neurons •Medulla spinalis – neurons •Ganglion spinale – neurons, satelite cells •Peripheral nerve – neurits, Schwann cells, myelin •Bone •Ossification • • Repetition of blood •Composition of the blood •Hematocrit •Hemoglobin •Erythrocytes – shape, size, density per 1 ml •Reticulocytes •Anisocytosis •Poikilocytosis •Polycythemia (= polyglobulia) • •Granulocytes •Agranulocytes •Number of leukocytes per 1ml or l •Anemia •Leukocytopenia •Thrombocyte •Number of thrombocytes per 1ml •Hyalomere, granulomere •Bone marrow structure •Erythropoiesis •Granulocytopoiesis •Megakaryocyte •Endomitosis • •Differential white cell count (DWCC) •Anomalies of DWCC •Shift to the left or to the right • red_white_blood_cells Neutrophilic granulocytes: 10-12 mm in Æ „band“ 4 % in DWCC „segment“ 67 % in DWCC 1_basophil Basophilic granulocyte: 8 mm in Æ, only 1 % in DWCC eosinophil1a eosinophil4 Eosinophilic granulocyte: up to 14 mm in Æ, 3 % in DWCC Normal-peripheral-blood-lymphocyte-100x-website-arrow nh%20monocyte%20x100b Lymfocyte Monocyte 5 % in DWCC 20 % in DWCC Thank for your attention