PDSEASES ©F THE MUDr. Kaliarikova Seminar for medical students 2019/20 OOSEASES ©F THE EJOTEWIAL EA^ ® Cerumen obturans ® External Ear Inflammatory Diseases ® Injury of the External Ear ® Foreign body in the EAC ©Tumors (benign, malignant) ceimjmem ©itu [rams ® Ear wax is produced by gl.ceruminosae in EAC ® Yellow-brown matter with fat particles ® Partially or totally obstruct the EAC ® Hearing loss, tinnitus, inflammation of the EAC ®Th: irrigation by lukewarm water, manual removal, topical oil preparations otitis eiteimma diffusa ® Inflammation of the skin and the submucous tissues of the EAC ® Bathing in contaminated or chlorinated water ® Disease of summer months ® Pain, erythema and stricture of the EAC, in severe cases impassability of the EAC, conductive hearing loss, ® Local ATB in unguent or drops, analgetics, in severe cases ATB generally ® Affliction of small skin glands (gl.ceruminosae) or hair follicles of the EAC ® painful ® Erythema and swelling in the cartilaginous part of EAC (folliculitis, furuncle) ®Th: incision, local ATB, in severe cases ATB generally ® Streptococcal infectious disease of skin ® painful, circumscribed erythema ®Th: preferably PNC ® cartilage inflammation ® develops usually after ear injury, or e.g. after insect bite (cave - piercing) ® abscess formation may occure ® it can lead to destruction of cartilage with permanent deformation of the auricle ®Th: ATB generally, punction, incision, drainage, remove destroyed cartilage injuw ©f toe extewal ea^ ©Auricle injury Open: revise, desinfection, suture in LA/GA, ATB prevention Closed: othematoma Frostbite, burns ® EAC injury Most frequently during personal hygiene In pyramid fractures (cave otoliquorrhoea) othematoma ® Blunt injury (combat sports) ® Collection of blood between perichondrium and cartilage ® Risk of perichondritis auriculae ®Th: Early punction, incision, ATB f©ra