Questions from otorhinolaryngology 1. Examination of hearing, pure – tone audiometry 2. Objective audiometry, tympanometry, otoacoustic emissions 3. Examination of the vestibular apparatus 4. Developmental defects of the ear 5. Injuries to the pinna 6. Inspissated cerumen in the auditory meatus ( cerumen obturans ) 7. Inflammations of the pinna and external auditory canal 8. Tumours of the ear 9. Neurinoma nervi statoacustici 10. Acute inflammation of the middle ear 11. Otitis media chronica mesotympanalis 12. Otitis media chronica epitympanalis 13. Otitis media chronica secretorica ( OME ) 14. Mastoiditis acuta 15. Otosclerosis 16. Tympanoplasties and operations performed at chronic inflammation of the middle ear and at its sequelae 17. Intracranial complications of otogenic etiology ( meningitis, abscess, thrombophlebitis of s. sigmoidei ) 18. Peripheral paresis of the facial nerve 19. Acute sensorineural hearing loss 20. Morbus Ménièri 21. Presbyacustis 22. Disorders of hearing caused by noise ( hypacusis perceptiva professionalis ) 23. Acoustic trauma 24. Ototoxicity 25. Hearing – aids 26. Cochlear implants 27. Fractures of the temporal bone 28. Frontobasal injuries 29. Neurinoma of n. VIII 30. Effects of disturbed hearing on the development of speech 31. Examination of the nose and of paranasal sinuses 32. Developmental disorders of the nose and paranasal sinuses, clefts 33. Complications of inflammations in the nose and paranasal sinuses 34. Dermatic diseases of the nares 35. Rhinitis acuta 36. Rhinitis chronica 37. Rhinitis chronica allergica 38. Chronic inflammations of the upper respiratory passages 39. Nasal polyps 40. Acute inflammation of paranasal sinuses 41. Chronic inflammation of paranasal sinuses 42. Orbitocellulitis 43. Diseases of the nasal septum 44. Epistaxis – nose bleeding 45. Injuries to the nose and paranasal sinuses 46. Disturbances of smell 47. Causes of nasal obstruction 48. Tumours in the upper respiratory passages 49. Tumours of the orbit 50. Endonasal surgery 51. Examination of the pharynx 52. Hypertrophy of the nasopharyngeal tonsilla 53. Tumours of the nasopharynx 54. Juvenile angiofibroma 55. Posterior tamponade of the nose at epistaxis 56. Acute inflammations of tonsillae – tonsillitis 57. Complications of inflammations in the region of pharynx – peritonsillar abscess 58. Phlegmon of the mouth floor 59. Odontogenic complications in the ENT region 60. Chronic inflammations of the palatine tonsillae 61. Indications for tonsillectomy 62. Other forms of pharyngitis 63. Injuries in the region of the pharynx and oral cavity 64. Tumours of the pharynx and oral cavity 65. Diseases in the laryngeal part of the pharynx ( hypopharynx ) 66. Inflammatory affection of the hypopharynx 67. Tumours of the hypopharynx 68. Causes of dysphagia 69. Acute inflammations of the salivary glands 70. Chronic inflammations of the salivary glands 71. Sialolithiasis 72. Tumours of the salivary glands 73. Developmental defects of the larynx 74. Causes of rhonchus 75. Inflammations of the larynx 76. Acute stenotizing ( suffocating ) laryngitis 77. Laryngitis oedematosa – oedema laryngis 78. Inflammations of the larynx at underlying infectious diseases 79. Demarcated forms of laryngitis – acute and chronic 80. Chronic diffuse inflammations of the larynx – Laryngitis chronica 81. Benign tumours of the larynx 82. Malignant tumours of the larynx 83. Indications for tracheotomy 84. Disturbances of motor innervation of the larynx 85. Injuries to the larynx 86. Foreign bodies in the lower respiratory passages 87. Bronchoscopy 88. Mediastinoscopy 89. Bleeding from the hypopharynx and oesophagus 90. Developmental defects of the oesophagus 91. Diverticles of the hypopharynx and oesophagus 92. Neurogenic dyskinesis of the oesophagus 93. Inflammations of the hypopharynx and oesophagus 94. Benign tumours of the oesophagus, polyps and cysts 95. Malignant tumours of the hypopharynx and oesophagus 96. Foreign bodies in the hypopharynx and oesophagus 97. Corrosion of the oesophagus ( oesophagitis corrosiva ) 98. External injuries to the hypopharynx and oesophagus 99. Indications for oesophagoscopy 100.Methods of the throat examination 101.Inflammations of sort parts of the throat 102.Injuries and traumas of the throat 103.Developmental anomalies and cysts and fistulas of the throat 104.Tumours of the throat 105.Differencial diagnostics of the throat swelling 106.Tumorous affection of the lymphatic nodes in the neck 107.Resectio v. jugularis en block 108.Diseases of the thyroid gland 109.Disorders of voice 110. Defects of speech, hyperphonia, tumultus sermonis, dyslalia