Pediatric dentistry - questions 1. 1. Fluoride, mechanism of anticariogenic effect 2. Methods of systemic fluoridation 3. Methods of local fluoridation 4. Preeruptive effect of diet in caries development 5. Posteruptive effect of diet in caries development 6. Non cariogenic sweeteners and dental caries 7. Diet counseling in dental caries prevention 8. Fissure sealing 9. Preventive filling 10. Communication with children in dental surgery 11. Caries incipiens, diagnosis, therapy, complications 12. Microbial plaque, its role in caries development 2. 1. Enamel structure 2. Dentine structure 3. Cement structure 4. Tooth development 5. Characterization of teeth with incompletely formed apices 6. Caries of dentine 7. Caries of cement 8. Defense processes of the dental pulp 9. Developmental anomalies in number, shape, and size of teeth 10. Development and eruption of primary dentition 11. Development and eruption of permanent dentition 12. Defects of formation of hard tissues of teeth 3. 1. Periodontitis and ostitis of primary teeth 2. Treatment of caries in primary dentition, differences in preparation. procedures and materials. 3. Indications for extraction of permanent teeth in children 4. Dental pulp inflammation in permanent teeth with incompletely formed apices, diagnosis, therapy 5. Dental pulp inflammation in permanent teeth with completely formed apices, diagnosis, therapy. 6. Dental pulp inflammation of primary teeth, diagnosis, therapy 7. Caries in permanent teeth with incompletely formed apices, treatment, materials 8. Inflammations of oral mucous in children 9. Necrosis and gangrene of primary teeth, treatment, procedures, materials. 10. Necrosis and gangrene of permanent teeth with incompletely formed apices, treatment, procedures, materials 11. Caries pulpae proxima, diagnosis, treatment in primary and permanent dentitions. Complications during treatment. 12. Periodontal diseases in children age. 4. 1. Injection (terminal) anesthesia in children 2. Consequence of premature loss of primary teeth and their prevention 3. Principles of X-ray examination in children. 4. Calcium hydroxide in pediatric dentistry 5. Protective crowns in children. 6. Basic types of dentures used in children age 7. Medicamental preparation in pedodontic out-patient practice, non cooperative child. 8. Apexification, principle, methods, indication, procedure, materials. 9. Filling materials in pediatric dentistry. 10. Root canal filling materials in pediatric dentistry. 11. Minimally invasive techniques 12. Plan of child treatment Recommended literature Wilson I., Nakim H.F.:Minimally invasive dentistry, Quintessence 2007