Dear colleagues, For next lecture please work on topics: in questions 1,2,3,4,14,15,16,17,18. Morphology and physiology od dental pulp, reaction on irritatipon, classification of pulpal diseases. These topics are in questions: Ouestion 1, 2, 3, 4 – presentations from prof. Kukletova ane me – EndodonticsI.1. Importance of calciumhydroxide will be explained more together with other bioactive materials, so this topic do not involve. Question 14 – case selection qand treatment planing. Prindipally this topic is indication and contraindication od endo treatment. Local, regional and systemic factors mut be considered. Here also indication and contraindication of endo treatment should be discussed. See the presentation Endodontics Ia Continue to the instrumentation: 15 Phases of endodontic treatment, rubber dam in endodontics and preendo tgreatment. 16 Access opening 17 focuse on instruments and the princople of work with them. A little bit more will be explained. Take it from preclinical endodontics. 18: techniques and methods of root canal shaping. Find in preclinical, I wil add some. For these questions go to the preclinical endodontics presentation..