Cerebrospinal Fluid Analysis Pavel Štourač Department of Neurology University Hospital Brno Cerebrospinal fluid analysis  lumbar puncture  inflammation of CNS (meningoencephalitis)  bleeding (intracerebral hemorrhage, subarachnoid hemorrhage)  tumours of CNS (primary tumours, metastases) Contraindication of lumbar puncture  intracranial hypertension: occipital and temporal brain herniation  skin inflammation in area of lumbar puncture  coagulation abnormalities and anticoagulant therapy  severe spondylosis of lumbar area Analysis of cerebrospinal fluid  macroscopic appearance - clear,cloudy, xanthochromatic, hemorrhagic  protein content  cytology quantitatively and differential cell count including the presence of bacteria  lactate  glucose Standard CSF analysis Macroscopic appearance:  protein content  cytology, differential cell count  lactate and glucose in CSF  albumin, IgG,IgA,IgM in CSF and serum  oligoclonal IgG bands in CSF and serum  specific antibody indices (AI - IgG class)  MRZ reaction (M-measles, R-rubeolla, Zvaricella zoster)  erythrocytes and haemoglobin Enlarged CSF analysis  PCR - polymerase chain reaction-HSV encefalitidu  tumour markers-carcinoembryonal antigen  specific CNS proteins - neuron specific enolase in CSF and serum  tau protein, fosforylated tau protein  beta-amyloid 1-42 in cerebrospinal fluid  beta trace protein-liquorrhea (CSF leakage, nose, ear) Cytological analysis of CSF cell number and differential cell count 70% lymphocytes, 30% monocytes Fuchs Rosenthal chamber pleocytosis: >5 cells/1µl  inflammatory syndrome  pathological bleeding(phagocytes)  non-specific irritative syndrome  malignant cells-infiltration of meninges Diagnostical markers  oligoclonal IgG bands  MRZ  neurofilaments of neuronal and glial cytoskeleton-longitudinal follow-up  repeated lumbar punctures  tau protein, fosforylated tau protein, betaamyloid-triplet (dementia diagnosis) Oligoclonal IgG  Methods: isoelectric focusing, immunobloting, imunoenzymatic staining  5 patterns of oligoclonal IgG in parallel investigation of CSF and serum  normal polyclonal IgG in CSF and serum  oligoclonal IgG only in CSF (sclerosis multiplex)  oligoclonal IgG in CSF and serum (more IgG bands in CSF comparing IgG bands in serum)  monoclonal IgG bands in CSF and serum (myeloma, monoclonal gammapathy) MRZ reaction  intrathecal antiviral antibody synthesis  M-measles, R-rubella, Z-varicella zoster viruses  MRZ-biomarker of chronic autoimmune inflammatory process  MRZ sensitivity in multiple sclerosis:84- 92 %  frequency and value of antibody indices increase in parallel with general intrathecal IgG synthesis Polyspecific immune reaction in CNS and antibody indices  Antibody index  antibody index -AI reflects pathological, intrathecally produced fraction of specific antibodies in CSF  reference range AI = 0.7-1.3  patological values AI >1.4 Neurological diseases with autoimmune pathogenesis  Paraneoplastic autoimmune neurological syndromes anti-Hu, anti-Yo, anti-Ri, anti-Ta/Ma2,antiCV2, anti-amphiphysin, NMDAR  NMO - neuromyelitis optica Devic demyelinating disease with specific IgG antibodies (NMO)-IgG (anti-AQP-4) immunobloting, immunohistochemistry Neurological diseases with autoimmune pathogenesis  Systemic autoimmune diseases with CNS involvment  lupus erythematodes, Sjögren´s syndrome, Wegener´s granulomatosis MRZ reaction  AIDP - Guillain-Barré syndrome  Qalb > 6.5 x 10-3  normal CSF cytology  intrathecal Ig synthesis negative Neuroborreliosis  Dominant IgM intrathecal synthesis  disease related pattern: IgM>IgA>IgG  B-activated lymphocytes (intracytoplasmatic IgM)  disturbance of blood-CSF barrier, i.e. Qalb > 6.5  IgG OB-70% positive-monophasic course  positive specific antibody synthesis (AI Bb >1.4)  cytological finding - mixed cell pleocytose