Iatrogenic damage Prof. Kukletová, M. Iatrogenic damage in dentistry Iatrogenic damage is an accidental damage to patient caused during treatment procedures, most frequently as a result of non lege artis approach Iatrogenic damage has to be differentiated from complications which can occure after treatment Inaccurate surgical intervention, access or inapproprite behavior (e.g. non sterile instruments, procedures) false medicament prescription or application hurry, stress incorrect diagnosis burn-out syndrom Causes of iatrogenic damage  The most frequent types of iatrogenic damage: - damage of neighbourning tooth during preparation - extraction of a non indicated tooth - injury of cheeks,tongue by the bur - swelling of soft tissues after penetration of NaOCl into the periodontal space, sinus maxillaris on endodontic treatment - emphysema after root canal irrigation using hydrogen peroxid - etching with chemicals during endodontic treatment - cutting of neighbouring tooth root on surgical extraction How to prevent the iatrogenic damage of patients to avoid rush work under stress perfect and careful medical history to respect rules of work safety indicated therapy checking of all medicaments before their application ( syringe, needle, medicament, solution, anesthetics) protection of neighbouring teeth Damage of the neighbouring tooth Common mistakes Amalgam filling Class I Extension for prevention Entire fissure complex not involved Marginal ridge not weakened Cusps – fissure – extension of cavosurface margin Sharp edges Retention Box- like cavity Parallel walls with undercuts Convergent occlusally Mistakes Dish-like preparation Bevel for amalgam No undercuts Resistance A. Tooth has to remain strong enough cusp - inlay plastic filling B. Filling 2mm Too shallow Floor of the cavity Must not be of the same depthprotection of the dental pulp Base Composite filling Class I 1. To remove carious dentine 2. Retention A, Extension for prevention B,Resistance-2mm depth 3. Retention Micromechanical – etching Dentinal adhesives - hybride layer Class II cavity Mistakes 1. Extension for prevention Tangent American rule Small extension Small resistance of the tooth Sulcus x ep.attachment Predilection for caries Injury of the epithelial attachment Retention Too wide isthmus Too narrow isthmus Too short dove tail preparation axial extension Sharp edges gingival wall – 90° Resistance-filling Resistance-tooth No undermined enamel No over extension Cusp protection x replacement Class II cavity Marginal ridge A. Mistakes during cavity preparation 1. Wrong indication for instruments  air turbine machine  micro motor  burs, discs 2. Insufficient pulp protection (heat during preparation) 3. Unfinished preparation  Micro motor  Hand instruments B. Insufficient dry field (rubber dam, rolls) C. Wrong choice, application of matrices Wedging, point of contact D. Wrong mixing (preparation) of filling materials Mistakes during cavity filling E. Occlusion, articulation F. Finishing, polishing