Metabolism of sacharides, lipids and proteins. Energy metabolism. Introduction At steady state, the energy input must correspond to the energy output ̶ Energy expenditure = external work + energy reserves + heat ̶ Intermediate: various chemical, mechanical and thermal reactions ̶ Saccharides, lipids, proteins ̶ Conversion of proteins and sugars into fats - efficient energy storage ̶ Conversion of proteins into sugars - the need for fast energy ̶ BUT: there is no significant conversion of fats into sugars Nutrient pools and metabolism Metabolism of saccharides ̶ Energy source ̶ Functions of saccharides: ̶ Part of glycoproteins and glycolipids ̶ Inevitable for nucleic acids and coenzyme synthesis ̶ Part of extracellular matter ̶ Saccharides: ̶ Monosaccharides ̶ Oligosaccharides ̶ Polysaccharides ̶ Digestion and absorption ̶ Saliva (salivary amylase) ̶ Pancreatic juice (a-amylase) ̶ Epithelium of duodenum and jejunum (isomaltase, maltase, saccharase, lactase) Metabolism of saccharides ̶ The key substrate is glucose ̶ Postprandial plasma glucose level: 3.5 – 6.5 mmol/l ̶ Glycemia. Hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia ̶ Glycolysis, gluconeogenesis ̶ Glycogenolysis, glycogenesis Metabolism of saccharides ̶ Morning glucose intake - 70% consumed by peripheral tissues (muscles), 30% - splanchnic organs (liver) Metabolic disorders - saccharides ̶ Diabetes mellitus ̶ McArdle syndrom (glycogenesis from deficiency of myophosphorylase accumulation of glycogen in muscles: muscle stiffness, rigor during exercise, lower tolerance of load) ̶ Galactosemia(inherited deficiency of phosphogalactosauridyltransferase; disorders of growths and development) Metabolism of lipids ̶ Main and most profitable form of energy store ̶ Lipid functions: ̶ Part of biological membranes - fospholipids ̶ Energy storage ̶ Protective cover for organisms ̶ Precursors of some important substances ̶ Vitamin solvents (A, D, E, K) ̶ Lipids: ̶ Triglycerides ̶ Sterols ̶ Phospholipids ̶ Digestion and absorption ̶ Bile acids salts (emulsification) ̶ Pancreatic lipase, cholesterol-estherase, phospholipase a2, enteric lipase(deestherification) Metabolism of lipids Metabolic disorders - lipids ̶ Hyperlipidemia ̶ Hyperlipoproteinemia ̶ Infrequent disorders of lipid metabolis Metabolism of proteins ̶ Total proteins in body: 10 kg ̶ Protein minimum: 0,5 g / kg of body mass ̶ Protein optimum: 0,7 g / kg of body mass ̶ Increased supply (growth, convalescence, pregnancy, lactation): 1,5 – 2,0 ̶ Aminoacides ̶ Essential (not synthesised) ̶ Non-essential (from glucose metabolism – citrate cycle) ̶ Potřeba esenciálních AMK: 0,5 – 1,5 g / den Metabolism of proteins ̶ Digestion and absorption ̶ Stomach (pepsin) ̶ Duodenum (trypsin, chymotrypsin, carboxypeptidase) ̶ Jejunum (membrane peptidases) ̶ Functions of proteines: ̶ Structural (collagen, elastin, …) ̶ Motoric (actin, myosin, …) ̶ Informational (protein hormones) ̶ Protective (immunoglobulins, complement, antigens, …) ̶ Transport (albumin) Metabolic disorders – proteins ̶ Proteinemia = plasmatic level of proteins. ̶ Dysproteinemia = change in representation of particular proteins (fractions shift) – nephrotic syndrome, cirrhosis, inflammatory reactions ̶ Paraproteinemia = presence of pathological imunoglobulines (with no antibodies specificity) – monoclonal immunopathy ̶ Defect proteinemia = some components of plasma proteins are missing or lowered – syndromes of immunodeficiency, polyclonal hypergamaglobulinemia Energy storage Fat tissue Metabolism = summary of all chemical (and physical) processes included in: ̶ Production of energy from internal and external sources ̶ Synthesis and degradation of structural and functional tissue components ̶ Excretion of waste products and toxins from body Metabolic rate ̶ Physical work (oxygen debt compensation) ̶ Specific-dynamic effect of food (assimilation of nutrients in the body) ̶ External temperature ̶ Height, weight and body surface ̶ Gender ̶ Age ̶ Emotions ̶ Body temperature ̶ Thyroid hormone level (T4, T3) ̶ Adrenaline and norepinephrine levels Bazal metabolic rate (BMR) ̶ Energy for maintaining all vital functions ̶ Thermoneutral environment ̶ 12 - 14 hours after a meal ̶ 24 hours without exhausting physical work ̶ Elimination of all negative physical and mental factors Direct calorimetry = measuring the energy released by burning food outside the body (oxidation of compounds in a calorimeter ) ̶ Calorimetry: ̶ adiabatic = heating of the calorimeter content ̶ isothermal = generated heat is dissipated Direct calorimetry Noooooooooooooo!!!! Direct calorimetry BMR. Calculation Energy expenditure ENERGY EQUIVALENT (EE): ̶ the amount of energy released when consuming 1 liter of O2 ̶ The thermal oxygen coefficient of individual nutrients differs, so the EE also differs ̶ EE saccharides 21.1 kJ = 5.05 kcal ̶ EE proteines 18.0 kJ = 4.31 kcal ̶ EE lipides 19.0 kJ = 4.55 kcal ̶ In a mixed diet (60% carbohydrates, 30% fat, 10% protein): ̶ EE = 20.1 kJ = 4.81 kcal Indirect calorimetry ̶ The amount of consumed O2 ̶ Influence of diet composition - energy equivalent = universal constant for calculation of energy expenditure under the assumption of mixed diet intake ̶ Open system ̶ Close system Indirect calorimetry Barret, K.E., Boitano, S., Barman, S.M., Brooks, H.L. Ganong´s Review of Medical Physiology. 23rd Ed. McGraw-Hill Companies 2010 Respiratory quotient ̶ Saccharides (glu) ̶ C6H12O6 + 6O2 = 6CO2 + 6H20 ̶ RQ = 6/6 = 1.00 ̶ Lipides ̶ 2 C51H96O6 + 145 O2 = 102 CO2 + 98 H2O ̶ RQ = 102/145 = 0.703 (0.70) RQ = VCO2 : VO2 Respiratory quotient Substrate or metabolic process RQ saccharides/glycogen 1 lipids 0.7 proteins 0.9 glucogenesis 0.4 lipolysis 0.7 lipogenesis 2.75 ̶ Hyperventilation RQ decreasis ̶ Workload RQ increases ̶ Acidosis RQ increases ̶ Alkalosis RQ decriases Thank you for your attention