Scoliosis Exercise therapy The goal -to attempt to influence progression of the curve -to facilitace effectiveness of bracing - Exercise therapy is highly individual Juvenile kyphosis In acute stage- to limit physical activities NSAID, analgetics Exercise to activate muscle balance Spine mobilisation in midthoracic region Erect posture-thoracic spine extension To improve the loss of rotational components Activation of scapular adductors Spinal exercise Activation of muscles Synergy of ventral and dorsal trunk muscles Correct pelvic alignment Diaphragmatic breathing Exercise in traction Mobilisation techniques Klapp´s crawling method (creeping) Schroth method (Catharina Schroth) -Scoliosis is three dimensional deformity -Pelvic, rib cage, shoulder blocks -Derotation Vojta´s method Lifestyle modifications Orthotic treatment The aim: -to improve scoliotic curvature -to prevent further progression Low effectiveness 23 hours per day Adherence to treatment is low (65%) Parent´s participation Surgery 45° with progression Above 50° in all Anterior, posterior, combined approach