Arteries of the abdominal wall • aa. intercostal es ■ a. epigastrica spf. • a. circumflexa ilium spf. • a. epigastrica sup. • a. epigastrica inf. Inguinal herniae Blood supply of the kidney and segments íl i\ Vascular renal segment If References: Putz, R. et al.: Atlas of Human Anatomy Sobotta. Elsevier Books, (2008). Netter, F. H.: Interactive Atlas of Human Anatomy. Windows Version 2.0. (1999). Čihák R: Anatomie 2 (Splanchnologia). Avicenum, zdravotnické nakladatelství, Praha, (1988). Čihák, R.: Anatomie 3. Praha, Grada, (2004). Platzer, W. et al.: Atlas topografické anatomie. Grada Publishing, (1996). Grim, M. a kol.: Základy anatomie. 5. Anatomie krajin těla. Galén, (2002). Moore, K. L.: Clinical oriented anatomy. Third edition. Williams & Wilkins, A Waverly Company, (1992). Gilroy, A. M. et al.: Atlas of Anatomy. Thieme New York, Stuttgart. (2009). Sobotta, J.: Atlas of Human Anatomy Vol 1-2 Munich, Urban und Schwarzenberg, (1993)- Wiliams, P. & Warvick, R.: Gray's Anatomy, 37 ed, Churhill Livingstone, (1996). i,-