Tooth morphology and pulpal access cavities Restorative dentistry Endodontics I. 8.3.2021 Basic terminology Basic terminology • Periodontium • Dentin tubules • Endodont – morphological and functional connection of pulp and dentin Root canal doesn’t run in straight line, usually its mesially curved. It can split in branches, not rounded diameter. Morphology of the root apex • Morphology of the root apex Preparation of access cavity • Opening of pulp chamber and removing its roof -> creating access cavity. Access cavity preparation • Removing of caries. • Preserving remaining hard dental tissues. • Remove roof of pulp chamber. • Removing of all content from pulp chamber. • Localization of entrances toroot canal system. • Straight-line access to root canal. Access opening – guidelines • X-ray intraoral • Illumination and magnification • Micromotor • Burs • Endo probe • Ultrasound tips Proper intraoral X-ray Illumination and magnification Preparation of access cavity • Mikromotor max. 40000 RPM. • Sharp and sterile burs. • Round diamond bur, dia trepan, round bur. • Batt bur – safe ended burs – non-active tip. – perfect for removing roof of pulp chamber Batt bur and dia trepan Localization of root canal orifices • Endodontic probe • Microopener • Ultrasound tips Ultrasound preparation • Precise preparation under control of sight. • Ideal for removal of pulp stones, calcifications, smoothening walls. Opening access - frontal teeth • In the middle of the palatal surface we will start preparation of opening access, size up to ½ of predicted size. • In ENAMEL we use diamond burs, angle 90° to the surface. • In DENTIN we use standart round bur, paralell with long axis of the tooth. • Penetration into pulp chambre – probe. • Extension of opening access to incizal edge. Failures during access cavity preparation Opening access - distal teeth • In ENAMEL we use diamond burs, angle 90° to the surface. • In DENTIN we use standart round bur, rotations max. 40 000 per minute. Perpendicular to oclusal surface. • Entrance to pulp chambre can be verified by using probe. Opening access is localized on line between vestibular and oral cusp. For lower premolars the opening access must respect lingual inclination of crown. For molars the correct starting location is on the central groove halfway between the mesial and distal boundaries. • Completly remove roof of pulp chamber. • Straight line access into root canal. Failures during access cavity preparation Localization of root canal orifices • Knowledge of morphology. • Diagnostic X-ray. • Magnification and illumination • Equipment Guidelines for localization orifices of root canals • Centrality: The floor of the pulp chamber is always located in the center of the tooth at the level of the CEJ. • Symmetry: Except for the maxillary molars, canal orifices are equidistant from a line drawn in a mesiodistal direction through the center of the pulp chamber floor. Except for the maxillary molars, canal orifices lie on a line perpendicular to a line drawn in a mesiodistal direction across the center of the pulp chamber floor. • Color change: The pulp chamber floor is always darker in color than the walls. • Orifice location: The orifices of the root canals are always located at the junction of the walls and the floor; the orifices of the root canals are always located at the angles in the floor-wall junction; and the orifices of the root canals are always located at the terminus of the roots’ developmental fusion lines. • More than 95% of the teeth these investigators examined conformed to these spatial relationships. Naked eye vs. microscope Maxillary central incisor • The access cavity has triangular outline. • 1 root – 1 root canal Maxillary central incisor Length of tooth 23,5mm Length of crown 10,5mm Length of root 13mm Width of crown 8,5mm Width of cervical area 7mm Maxillary lateral incisor • The access cavity is triangular and reproduces the shape of the endodontic space. • 1 root – 1 root canal In 53% cases we can find distal curvature in the apical third of the root. Maxillary lateral incisor Length of tooth 22mm Length of crown 9mm Length of root 13mm Width of crown 6,5mm Width of cervical area 5mm Maxillary canine • The access cavity of the pulp chamber has an oval shape, going from the cusp to the cingulum of the coronal cervical one-third. • 1 root – 1 root canal. Maxillary canine Length of tooth 27 mm Length of crown 10 mm Length of root 17 mm Width of crown 7,5 mm Width of cervical area 7mm Maxillary first premolar • Vestibular and palatal pulp horn. • The access preparation for the maxillary first premolar is oval or slot shaped. • P root – 1rc. • V root – 1rc 95 %, 2rc 5%. Maxillary first premolar Length of tooth 22,5 mm Length of crown 8,5 mm Length of root 14 mm Width of crown 7 mm Width of cervical area 5 mm Maxillary second premolar • Vestibular and palatal pulp horn. • The access preparation for the maxillary second premolar is oval or slot shaped. Maxillary second premolar Length of tooth 22,5 mm Length of crown 8,5 mm Length of root 14 mm Width of crown 7 mm Width of cervical area 5 mm Maxillary first molar • The maxillary first molar is the largest tooth in volume and one of the most complex in root and canal anatomy. • The access cavity has a rhomboid shape, with the corners corresponding to the four orifices. • P root – 1rc (55% B curved). • DB root – 1rc 96%, 2rc 4%. • MB root – 1rc 5-40%%, 2rc 95-60% MB2 • Localised on the line connectin MB a P root canal, under dentin shoulder. • Removing shoulder-> US StartX 2. Maxillary first molar Length of tooth 20/22mm Length of crown 7,5mm Length of root 12/13mm Width of crown 10mm Width of cervical area 8mm Second upper molar • When 4 canals are present, the access cavity has a rhomboid shape • If only 3 canals are present, the access cavity is a rounded triangle with the base to the buccal. • If only 2 canals are present, the access outline form is oval • P root – 1rc (37% B curved). • DB root – 1rc. • MB root – 1rc 57%, 2rc 23%. • MB and DB fused – 16%. Second upper molar Length of tooth 19/21mm Length of crown 7mm Length of root 11/12mm Width of crown 9mm Width of cervical area 7mm Mandibular central and lateral incisor • High difficulty – small proportions of tooth • The external outline form may be triangular or oval, extended to incizal edge. • 1 root – 1 root canal 75%, 2 root canals 25% Mandibular central incisor Length of tooth 22 mm Length of crown 9,5 mm Length of root 12,5 mm Width of crown 5 mm Width of cervical area 3,5 mm Mandibular lateral incisor Length of tooth 23,5 mm Length of crown 9,5 mm Length of root 14 mm Width of crown 5,5 mm Width of cervical area 4 mm Mandibular canine • The access cavity for the mandibular canine is oval or slot shaped. • 1 root – 1 rc in 94%, 2 rc in 6% Mandibular canine Length of tooth 23 mm Length of crown 10 mm Length of root 17 mm Width of crown 7,5 mm Width of cervical area 5,5 mm Mandibular first premolar • Two pulp horns. Lingual inclination of crown. • The access preparation is oval or slot shaped. • 1 root – 1rc 74%. Mandibular first premolar Length of tooth 24,5 mm Length of crown 8,5 mm Length of root 14 mm Width of crown 6 mm Width of cervical area 5 mm Mandibular second premolar • Two pulp horns. Lingual inclination of crown. • The access preparation is oval or slot shaped. • 1 root – 1rc 97%. Mandibular second premolar Length of tooth 24,5 mm Length of crown 8,5 mm Length of root 14 mm Width of crown 7 mm Width of cervical area 5 mm Mandibular first molar • It is often extensively restored, and it is subjected to heavy occlusal stress. Consequently, the pulp chamber frequently has receded or is calcified. • The access cavity is typically trapezoid or rhomboid, regardless of the number of canals present. • M root – 1rc 12%, 2rc 87%, 3rc 1% • D root – 1rc 70%, 2rc 30%. Mandibular first molar Length of tooth 21,5mm Length of crown 7,5mm Length of root 14mm Width of crown 11mm Width of cervical area 9mm Mandibular second molar • The access cavity is typically trapezoid or rhomboid. • M root – 1kk 27%, 2kk 73%. • D root – 1kk 92%, 2kk 8%. Mandibular second molar Length of tooth 20mm Length of crown 7mm Length of root 13mm Width of crown 10mm Width of cervical area 8mm Literature sources • Cohen Pathways of the Pulp - 10th edition • Cohen Pathways of the Pulp - 11th edition • Laser in endodontics