Orthodontic treatment n n n n MUDr. Alena Bryšová, Ph.D. [USEMAP] Orthodontic treatment MALOCCLUSION is a manifestation of genetic and environmental interaction on the development of the orofacial region [USEMAP] GOALS OF TREATMENT: -Ideal functional occlusion -Ideal soft tissue proportions and adaptation -Ideal jaw, skeletal and dental relationship [USEMAP] Ideal occlusion ncorrect relationship of molars ncorrect overjet and overbite ncorrect angulation,inclination of teeth nno rotated teeth nno spacing nflat plane of occlusion n postaveni zubu [USEMAP] Objectives of orthodontic treatment nAesthetics nTreatment of impacted teeth nPrevention of dental injuries nBefore prosthetic treatment nDecay prevention nPrevention and treatment of chewing malfunction and jaw joint disorders n n [USEMAP] Methods of orthodontic treatment nOrthodontics movement of teeth nOrthopedic movement – effects of growth nMyofunctional therapy nSerial extraction, controlled extraction nOrtho – prosthetic treatment nOrtho – surgical treatment [USEMAP] Orthodontic treatment n1. Orthodontic treatment by infants n - clefts n - syndromes and defects that complicate nutrition and breathing n nWe use - individual removable plates n n [USEMAP] Orthodontic treatment n2. Deciduous teeth n nWe treat - bite defects n inverted bite n cross bite n - bad habits nWe use – removable appliances n n C:\Users\User\Desktop\DSC_6576.JPG [USEMAP] Orthodontic treatment n3. 6-9 years [ 1. phase of mixed dentition] n nThe best time for treatment : n - cross bite n - inverted bite n - impacted incisors n - diastema more than 3 mm n - big primary crowding n nWe use : removable appliances n small fixed appliances n face mask for inverted bite by class III [USEMAP] Face mask [USEMAP] Orthodontic treatment n 4. 9-12 year [second phase of mixed dentition] n -Large forming ability of the tissues -We can use and influence the growth -Growth mandible from the joints n nWe treat: - previous untreated anomalies n - crowding n - Angle class II – div. 1 and 2 n - overjet more than 5 mm n - deep bite n - movements teeth after the early loss of teeth and anodontia n - Controlled tooth eruption n - Suspected retention of canines, premolars n nThe best time for functional appliances n - removable appliances - - Small fixed appliances - - Headgear appliance - n n n [USEMAP] headgear n [USEMAP] Orthodontic treatment n5. Permanent teeth n nWe treat: -All anomalies, previous untreated anomalies, -Angle class III -Crowding -Open bite, deep bite -Impacted tooth -Skeletal anomalies - nAdult therapy – periodontics problems, preprosthetic therapy n - problems with TMJ n - bruxism n nWe use : fixed appliances n extraction n surgical treatment by big skeletal anomalies - - n [USEMAP] Therapy of ortodontical anomalies nConservativ northodontical appliances : n removable n fixed nSurgical nextraction of teeth nsurgical expositions of crowns of retined tooth nsurgical movements of maxila, mandible [USEMAP] Othodontic treatment nRemovable appliances: 1.Active 2.Passive 3.Functional n [USEMAP] nActive removable appliances n n-Treatment of anomalous position of teeth [inclination, rotation of incisors] n-Treatment the dental arch shape n -Individual resin plates -Active elements : springs, screws, wire bows [USEMAP] Removable active appliances P1250006 P1250008 P1250009 P1250007 [USEMAP] Removable appliances - active n C:\Users\User\Desktop\DSC_6585.JPG [USEMAP] Functional appliances nmodifiyng extent and direction of orofacial growth nexploit muscular activity and soft tissue stretch to stimulate dental and bone changes noperates at the time of maximum growth of orofacial region = 9-12 years old children nWe need construction bite nType of functional appliances : n Bionator, Klampt, Maxilator – class II and open bite n Fränkel appliance – class III [USEMAP] Removable functional appliances P1250001 P1250005 P1250004 P1250003 [USEMAP] Functional appliances-Maxilator n C:\Users\User\Desktop\DSC_6572.JPG C:\Users\User\Desktop\DSC_6573.JPG [USEMAP] Functional appliances - Klampt n C:\Users\User\Desktop\DSC_6578.JPG [USEMAP] Functional appliances - Bionator n C:\Users\User\Desktop\DSC_6582.JPG C:\Users\User\Desktop\DSC_6583.JPG [USEMAP] Removable appliances-passive n C:\Users\User\Desktop\DSC_6580.JPG [USEMAP] Thank You four Your attention Questions – email – alena.brysova@fnusa.cz Consultation – Orthodontic department - St. Anne's Hospital, building D2b – Thursday 1-2 p.m. [USEMAP]