1. Basic principles of preparation are: 2. Expain following terms: Extention for prevention Retention Resistance 3. Classification of dental caries acc. to its history 4. Classification of dental caries acc. to Black: 5. Which walls do we recognize in the cavity class II,? 6. Describe the structure of enamel and dentin (histology) 7. Temporary fillnig materials are: 8. Composition of - Amalgam - Composite filling materials - Glassionomers 9. When and why do we make a base? Which materiál? 10. Principle of setting of - Amalgam - Glassionomers - Composits 11. Principle of connection of connection with hard dental tissues - Amalgam - Glassionomers - Composits 12. Draw the class V. cavities for all materials 13. What is matrix? 14. For which cavities do we use a matrix retainer? 15. Describe the purpose of the wedge 16. What is matrix and in which cases do we use it? 17. Classification of composite materiál acc. to mode of curing 18. Which factors are necessary for beginning of dental caries? 19. What is biofilm? 20. Explain origin od dental caries