Preclinical dentistry II. 3 nInlays and onlays Indirect reconstructions inlays and onlays Inlay nRigid filling made out of oral cavity. Insertion nusing luting materiál [USEMAP] Inlays made of metal alloys Indications nLarge defects that is not possible to restore using amalgam or composite materials n nOut of aesthetic zone n nGolden alloys [USEMAP] Inlays made of metal alloys contraindications nHigh caries risk n nSmall and shallow cavities n nAesthetic zone [USEMAP] Metal inlay n nFabrication n ØDirect method – seldom, for large central cavities only ØIndirect method [USEMAP] Contempoprary trends n n nDemands on aesthetic solution are n increasing also in posterior area [USEMAP] 8 Non metallic restorations n nComposite n nCeramics nekovovainlay [USEMAP] Indications n n nLarge defects that are not possible to be restored using amalgam or composite materials n n [USEMAP] Inlay [USEMAP] Onlay [USEMAP] Overlay [USEMAP] Retention nAbility to face up to occlusal forces [USEMAP] Geometry of preparation n [USEMAP] Angle of divergency n n n nOptimum 6° – 20 ° [USEMAP] Area of retention n nArea of the contact of both surfaces (tooth n and restoration) n -Surface friction -Luting material [USEMAP] Importance of the luting material [USEMAP] Metallic inlays n n nZinc oxide phosphate cement [USEMAP] Preparation nStandard diamond – blue: nCavosurface margin n nFine diamond – red or special hard metal bur nFinishing of the preparation [USEMAP] [USEMAP] Overlay Schůdková korunka n Enamel must be beveled – only in outer half [USEMAP] Cavity for inlay II. class nDivergent walls in occlusal cavity as well as in proximal box n nExtention for prevention n nEnamel is beveled also in occlusal part of the cavity n n n [USEMAP] Impression technique elastomers n nDual viscosity technique n n One phase [USEMAP] [USEMAP] Registration of intermaxillary relationships n n nWax registration n mustek07 [USEMAP] Antagonal impression alginate medium [USEMAP] Fabrication n [USEMAP] [USEMAP] [USEMAP] [USEMAP] Preparation Restoration [USEMAP] Composite and ceramic inlays and onlays [USEMAP] 34 Preparation nCavity without any undercuts with smooth borderss. Divergency appr. 6° n n vzhledkavity [USEMAP] 35 Preparation nThickness of the material 1,5mm - 2 mm n sílamateriálu [USEMAP] 36 Preparation nCavosurface angle, smooth borders, slight bevel in proximal box only, not on occlusal surface preparzasady [USEMAP] 37 prepar1 prepar2 kavita dlatko [USEMAP] 38 n n nClosure of dentine tubules – adhesive treatment and flowable on the walls Before impression [USEMAP] Impression Elastomers n n nOne phase [USEMAP] [USEMAP] Registration of intermaxillary relationships n n nWax registration n mustek07 [USEMAP] Antagonal impression alginate medium [USEMAP] Registration of intermaxilary relations n n nWax [USEMAP] Fabrication – various procedures n 44 onlay inl4 IMG_1788 [USEMAP] Cementation of ceramic and composite inlays nAdhesive cementation n -Special composite materials with lower viscosity dual curing -Micromechanical retention [USEMAP] 46 Adhesive cementation nHard tissues – adhesive procedures: acid etching,bonding, priming) n nRestoration – sandblasting or special n etching, bonding. [USEMAP] 47 onlay1 IMG_2084 hjkovanamodelu hajkova.JPG [USEMAP]