Lecture 2 : NGS libraries and basic data quality control Modern Genomic Technologies (LF:DSMGT01 ) Vojta Bystry vojtech.bystry@ceitec.muni.cz De-multiplexing 2 •Bcl2fastq tool ‒Needs sample sheet with indexes ‒Number of barcode mismatches •Check undetermined NGS data analysis 3 3 Raw data .fastq Genome/Transcriptome Reference Mapping .bam Interaction analysis CHIP-seq Expression analysis RNAseq Variant analysis WES de-multiplexing > Not known reference QC QC Experiment design Not ”classic” reference Metagenomics Reference assembly Immunogenetic VDJ-genes CRISPR sgRNA Methylation Bisulfide-seq … Primary data – fastq file 4 Fastq format - quality 5 •Fastq - q stands for quality – coded phred score • • Quality Error probability 5 31% 10 10% 20 1% 30 0.1% •Very good for early problem detection •Reasonable for trimming and read filtering •RNA seq - above phred score 5 • CFFFFEFFGCEEGECFGGGGAFF87@E:++6C<++3:,8,33,,:,,,:,,:,,, Fastq – quality control 6 •Fastqc - tool • • A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated FastQC Report 7 Timeline Description automatically generated Table Description automatically generated NGS data analysis 8 8 Raw data .fastq Genome/Transcriptome Reference Mapping .bam Interaction analysis CHIP-seq Expression analysis RNAseq Variant analysis WES de-multiplexing > Not known reference QC QC Experiment design Not ”classic” reference Metagenomics Reference assembly Immunogenetic VDJ-genes CRISPR sgRNA Methylation Bisulfide-seq … 9 www.ceitec.eu CEITEC @CEITEC_Brno Vojta Bystry vojtech.bystry@ceitec.muni.cz Thank you for your attention! >