Exercise therapy osteoartrosis Compensated: less pain, no swelling, limited distance to walk Decompensated: pain in rest, swelling, synovialitis, effusion limited ROM, contractures - Osteoartrosis skenovat0012 skenovat0013 Effusion in the knee joint Exercise for condition Resistance exercise - rest, handling Muscle balance - Isometric exercise ROM - Exercise with support Sensomotor exercise - verticalisation, walking aids Physical therapy: magnetoterapy warm, etc. - Physical therapy: analgetic items Compensated Decompensated Physiotherapy in osteoarthrosis Physioterapy– phases Acute : cryotherapy, analgetics, positioning, crutches Subacute: active exercise, NSA local, limited weightbearing Chronic: warm, physical therapy, resistance exercise Physiotherapy after operations Preop.: breathing , start to walk on crutches, , training daily activities Postop. : in ITU- breathing, vessels exercise, handling. In hospital : mobilisation, walking with cruthes, ROM Late phase: balneotherapy, regime measurements, recommended exercise skenovat0046 skenovat0036 skenovat0026 skenovat0027 skenovat0037 skenovat0038 skenovat0039 skenovat0040 skenovat0041 Verticalisation Activites of daily living after THA Walking aids Reliable shoes Rucksack Sitting on elevated chairs, WC Meassurement againts slipping Condition exercise Peripheral osteoarthrosis skenovat0043 skenovat0044 skenovat0045 skenovat0048 skenovat0050 Warm- parafin skenovat0051 skenovat0052 Physical therapy skenovat0053 Laser therapy C:\Users\PC\Pictures\hilterapie 1.jpg C:\Users\PC\Pictures\Hilterapie 2.jpg Hiltherapy Summary Complex physiotherapy and regime meassurement play a great rolein osteoarthrotis Stages of osteothrosis ( comp, decomp.) are important in physioterapy Complex physiotherapy and regime meassurement play a great role in osteoarthrosis Stages of osteothrosis ( comp, decomp.) are important in physioterapy