Topics for Trauma surgery exam – physiotherapy 2nd year of study 1. Wounds – types, principles of treatment 2. Fractures – types, principles of treatment 3. Infection in surgery, prevention, prophylaxis, treatment 4. Panaritium, phlegmon, abscess 5. Plaster of Paris – principles of treatment 6. Osteosynthesis – principles and types 7. Injury to peripheral nerves – types, diagnostic, treatment 8. Injury to central nervous system – diagnostic, therapy 9. Intracerebral bleeding 10. Injury to spine – principles, diagnostic, therapy 11. Injury to thoracic wall 12. Injury to heart and great vessels 13. Lung injury 14. Abdominal wall injury 15. Injury to gastrointestinal tract 16. Injury to parenchymatous organ of abdominal cavity, hemoperitoneum 17. Injury to urotract 18. Pelvic injury 19. Hip joint injury 20. Femur injury 21. Knee injury 22. Shank injury 23. Talocrural joint injury 24. Shoulder, AC joint and clavicula injury 25. Humerus injury 26. Elbow and forearm injury 27. Wrist and hand injury 28. Trauma care system and its organization 29. Polytrauma and damage control surgery 30. Traumatic and hemorrhagic shock 31. Myorenal syndrome 32. Compartment syndrome